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Here for learning and help.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Hudson, Aug 15, 2012.

  1. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    What's up everyone my name is jay IM currently serving in the military bt my love is for this breeze IM here to learn how to maintain a good kennel. I just recently purchased.a few dogs my first with papers IM excited to see how this goes. If you have ideas on what I can do to be a good breeder plz help me.
  2. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    Sorry I ment breed not breeze
  3. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    while i respect you and thank you for your service, i gotta say if you dont know what you need to be doing, leave the breeding to the folks who do. my advice...just enjoy your dogs and worry about taking care of them....puppies suck lol
  4. zohan

    zohan Pup

    jump in a more seasoned dogmans pocket. throw what you think you know when they say things that are prooven rther than hearsay. i would wait until youre a civilian again to get multiple dogs, specially this breed as its not a good idea to have others watch your dog if they arent used to the breed
  5. zohan

    zohan Pup

    well my first few sentences are gone but thats good advice from lee, again especially because youre military and moving constantly
  6. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    study geneitcs and animal husbandry start there. go to some dog shows in your area and get in where you fit in. the dogs are only as good as the man behind them. you wont get ritch off these dogs or make a living off pup sales no matter what your told.
  7. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    Second those opinions greatly. Leave the breeding to the breeders. Enjoy your dogs, let them be pups for as long as possible. And thank you for serving our great nation.
  8. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    I thank you all for the feed back IM currently getting out of the military do to an injury in Afghanistan all I have now is my pups I no alot about the breed bt I always wanted to start my own kennel. I took in all the great information I thank you all.
  9. SacRedboyOwner

    SacRedboyOwner Top Dog

    Welcome to the Forum! Have fun with the big journey you are about to step into. What line are your dogs?
  10. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    Mostly watchdog
  11. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    cull everyone one of them cur ass muts. then give yourself a kick in the ass for wasting that money. after that take the advice BB just gave you & then you may get a bulldog & guys like us wont run ya off for being a fool & thinking you got something.
  12. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    So basically I got some BS in? my dog has blind billy in the ped 5 times when I seen that I thought I had something I thank you for the advice what'sa good blood line to run with since I got some BS.
  13. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    this is gamedog fourm and i figger youd think you got some bulldogs? like i told you learn about geneolgy. yes you got some bullshit as far as these dogs go. i cant tell ya what a good line to run fella.
  14. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    BB doesnt beat around the bush LOL...but if bulldogs were what you wanted, and you got "mostly watchdog" it doesnt sound like you got what you were looking for. stick around, do some homework, meet some people and you'll have a better shot next time around
  15. SacRedboyOwner

    SacRedboyOwner Top Dog

    GET RID OF THOSE DOGS AND GET YOU SOME REAL BULLDOGS!!! sorry but for real, why waste your time and money. do some reading and then figure out what line you want to start your yard with.
  16. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

    Both my male and female have floyd boudreaux blind billy way back in the line I herd he has good game dogs so basically they breed other dogs into the line. IM listening to all of you I thank you for the info keep it coming plz I need this knowledge.
  17. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    your dogg aint got no blind billy blood today plain and simple. genolgy dont work like that fella. way back aint where the goos stuff is its up front and what the guys started with waaaayyyy back in the ped is far removed from what you feed now and what thyem dogs will produce. no amount of knowladge will change what you feed now. if you want to call thoes dogs blind billy dogs you will get laughed from one side of town to the other. a good breeder of bulldogs would cull that shit and start over.
  18. Hudson

    Hudson Pup

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