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Check my red nose pitbull do some amazing training!!

Discussion in 'Photography, Artwork & Videos' started by kirabo, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    I just made a video of my red nose pitbull doing some training. I would like to hear if the training is good or if I missed something. If you see something I missed feel free to share your opinion..

    Check it out: [video=youtube;NQ0FH_m3IPk]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0FH_m3IPk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0FH_m3IPk[/video]
  2. Swiper

    Swiper Pup

    I'm on an iPhone
    I can't see anything that moves and makes sound or that I can click.
  3. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    I dont know what the problem is then because I see it on my computer screen
  4. Forever-So REAL

    Forever-So REAL Quintuple Grand Champion

    Can't see nothing
  5. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    What did I do wrong I posted it from youtube. CHeck this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0FH_m3IPk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0FH_m3IPk[/video]
  6. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    The video seems to be invisible to everybody except for me.
    You can check this link to youtube to watch the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ0FH_m3IPk"]
  7. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    i saw it. i personally would try to keep the dogs feet closer to the ground in the first half of the vid. he has only got to land funny and you can imagine the outcome. he sure looks as though he enjoys himself .do you get many miles of roadwork in with him ?
  8. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    Yes my brother and I are very active with him we take long walks even running with him..
  9. BTOIP

    BTOIP Pup

    Are you sure your dog is a APBT ? If I remember correctly Sweden is full of rednosed muts that are clamied to be purebreed. At least when I was over there a few years ago..
  10. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    Yes, his parents are from poland. So he's surely a pure breed
  11. determination

    determination Big Dog

    Good lookin dog and cool video is that dog part mountain goat? lol that dog can run them rocks
  12. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

    Real nice video your dog looks super fit...
  13. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    Thanx, I'm working on another video that will come soon I hope.
  14. kirabo

    kirabo Pup


    Thx. I think he got some of that gens ^^
  15. as somebody say in this post "try to keep the dogs feet closer to the ground" this is very good advise. bulldogs don't have to jump down from a hight like that, climbing up is very good for his muscles, build the top part of animal, buth jumping down from hight like that my end some spine or legs injuries, keep him fit and healthy try to do more conditioning exercises insted of body build put him on hi protein diet (feed him proper) enjoy the long live of animal and his pleasure to have fun. PM me or put his polish parens pedigrees or post it if you like.
  16. Herodog1

    Herodog1 Top Dog

    exactly what i was thinking,

    be careful with him falling from high up, as for the rest of the video it looks great and the dog looks like he has loads of drive, channel it in the right way.
  17. kirabo

    kirabo Pup

    I will think about that when I keep training him. Thanx for your advice i'll keep it on my mind.

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