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To All The Gun Control Boneheads

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by deepsouth, Jan 4, 2012.

  1. deepsouth

    deepsouth Big Dog

  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Good for her!

  3. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    she gets my vote !!
    don"t know about the bible though....
  4. bamboo33

    bamboo33 Big Dog

    That's awesome
  5. KBK

    KBK Big Dog

    100% the right move, good work
  6. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Just goes to show how important firearms can be.Where would this woman and her kid be without one? She was on the phone for 21 minutes,plenty of time to be killed.It just shows you better be ready to protect yourself because really all the police can do is come out and clean up the mess.
  7. nala2010

    nala2010 Pup

    Agreed 100%
  8. goodblood

    goodblood Pup

    As my grandfather would say" i'd rather have my pistol and not need it , than to need it and not have it".
  9. SacRedboyOwner

    SacRedboyOwner Top Dog

    Great story!! An proves why you can't rely on the police so you have to have a gun.
  10. JamesT

    JamesT Top Dog

    She should have waited until the other guy came into the house and plugged both of them.
  11. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    I kno right james? Good for her

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