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New member here!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Gudaroc, Jul 5, 2011.

  1. Gudaroc

    Gudaroc Pup

    Hey everyone! As the title says above I am new to the forum. It seems like its full of awesome info and I look forward to learning a lot and maybe sharing some info too.

    I thought I would post some pics of my baby girl Juno. She will be 6 months July 11th. I don't know much about her ped because she is a rescue. She is an awesome puppy and my 2 year old som leves her very much. I have already trained her the basic commands sit, stay, down and come. We are currently working on more advaced commands now.

    I was nervous about posting her on here because of her coat color and was worried some other members might give some flak about it. Just so everyone knows, I am sharing my love the the breed here and not starting a debate on wether the color of my dog makes her a hippo or not LOL.

    Enjoy! :) Please feel free to comment! :)

  2. chucho

    chucho Big Dog

    Welcome to GD. Cute kid and nice looking pup.
  3. jacko

    jacko CH Dog

    welcome aboard
  4. synno2004

    synno2004 Top Dog

    Welcome aboard!!!
  5. Ninety-Nine

    Ninety-Nine Big Dog

    That's no hippo it's a beautiful looking dog, could be an Amstaff?
  6. bgblok68

    bgblok68 CH Dog

    Welcome to g-d.c
  7. mccoypitbulls

    mccoypitbulls Underdog

    Love the pics, Welcome to the site.
  8. LittleBoy

    LittleBoy Big Dog

    Welcome! Not a hippo to me.
  9. pittfallin

    pittfallin Top Dog

    You already have brownie points in my book with that texas sign in the first pic...lol
  10. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    Welcome to the board! Beautiful pup. I'd say she's definitely more AmStaff than bully. she's built really nice. keep her lean and i'm sure she'll be a nice dog for you!
  11. john denver

    john denver Big Dog

    Welcome to the board:)
  12. Gudaroc

    Gudaroc Pup

    Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Here are some more earlier pics of Juno.

  13. bauer

    bauer Top Dog

    welcome to the forum nice looking hound...
  14. Gudaroc

    Gudaroc Pup

    Got her in the water for the first time this week. She freaking loves it.

  15. bionic

    bionic Big Dog

    Nice looking little pup! Don't worry what people might say about her. Just love her and look after her and she'll be a great companion for you and your family.
  16. c-murda

    c-murda Big Dog

    Beautiful puppy. Doesn't look the least bit hippo to me. Looks like you're doin a great job with her as well.
  17. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    good looking hound you got,love pics.
  18. Gudaroc

    Gudaroc Pup

    Thanks for the great support yall. She and I work as much as we can. She is coming into her first heat so im fixing to have to crate her for a while. I have an in tact male Rat Terrier that is lookin to get some LOL! Im getting her spayed WED so we dont continue to have this problem.

    @outrightmike thanks Mike! Photography is what I do. Fun to me.

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