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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by David L, Jun 9, 2011.

  1. BBT

    BBT Big Dog

    Your not saying much. fact is the Akita is no longer the mentally stable agile medium sized dog that it was. I know the akita has its followers like you and that's a beautiful thing but to compare to a APBT is just nonsense. If that Akita impressed you then many breeds and mutts would surprise you.

    It is people like you that once you spend a little time with a APBT you are amazed and when you get yours the dog impresses you every day in every way.
  2. blackcloud

    blackcloud Big Dog

    You had better lay off the pipe!
    Fairy tale? I've got witnesses and pictures, the match between Maximus and cookie beast was well known, in a different time I'd invite you to bring one of your shit eaters over to prove your point.
    At my age fairy tales don't fly! You obviously don't know jack shit about bulldogs or the history of wanna be's like yourself trying to prove that their big furry curs are superior to a bulldog. I'm sure there are retards out there still trying to out do a bulldog in the box, not going to happen 'then or now! Please let us all know next time you find one of those bad ass Akitas, this way everybody can have a good laugh!
  3. Yep, good point.
  4. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    What the hell.An Akita is kicking the shit out of all those bad ass dogs.You proved your point.You are a fool.This is a game dog site about Pitbulls why and the hell even come on here and talk that shit is stupid. A gamebred Pitbull about 50 to 55 lbs will tear your prize winning Akita up in 5 minutes.Why not stay on an Akitas forum so u guys can brag about your fantacy bad ass dogs.Nobody on here is buying it.I have wasted enough space on here and my time.
  5. damon

    damon Banned

    Who the fuck are you again? If you don't like the topic don't comment on it! I don't give a rats arse if you believe me or not, it's the truth! I've never said an Akita is a top fighting dog but they are dangerous animals to other dogs, fact! Now fuck off and play with your fat petbulls!
  6. damon

    damon Banned

    Where have I stated Akitas are superior to bulldogs you dumbass! Witnesses and pictures hey? Bullshit I say :)
  7. damon

    damon Banned

    Ive owned bulldogs and been around them for years as we use bull crosses for hunting so I do know what they are like. Every Akita I've had as been 100% mentally stable, fact. Put it this way if you had seen the power of the dog you'd be impressed! I don't know if he was a one off or what because our current dog is nothing like him
  8. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    I must of struck a nerve dipshit.Nobody on here believes your BS. Yeah I will go play with my fat petbulls. You need to go smoke a joint and relax buddy. Maybe things will be clearer to you in the end.
  9. blackcloud

    blackcloud Big Dog

    Nobody's interested in your bullshit storys! If you've owned bulldogs it's only in your imagination, I've been into bulldogs long before your mother made the mistake of not aborting you. It was common practice in Brooklyn back in the 60's and 70's to take money from chumps like you. Back then very few people knew what a bulldogs was in that area, if they had a big hound they assumed that it could easily beat any smaller dog, thus for the bulldog savvy it was easy to lure the unassuming residents to wager for their big fur ball and then take their money. Enough with responding to your stupidity, your proving that you don't have a clue about bulldogs or akitas, now go get on that Akita board and school everyone with your great knowledge about the breed and your firsthand experience with those killers. Now don't let the door hit you in the ass!
  10. damon

    damon Banned

    Show me the proof you gay wannabe, go read the fairy tales of Stratton you fuking mug! By the looks of your avatar you've never seen a real bulldog let alone own one, looks like a fat barrel staff! I bet you made thousands on the streets of brooklyn matching your fat useless dogs against other breeds haha dream on son you idiot!
  11. damon

    damon Banned

    What's so hard to believe you moron? I don't need to smoke weed to know your an idiot ;)
  12. goodblood

    goodblood Pup

    Neighbor had one years back. Huge dog every bit of 100 lbs, its was a crazy man biting fool. Got loose one night while i was walking my little 26lbs pup. I wish i had some amazing story of triumph ...but it was all bad for my little young dog. Lol. Glad it didnt ruin him. He still turned out to be all bullldog.
  13. redrumdog

    redrumdog Top Dog

    I'm an idiot you are the one posting stupid ass comments and talking all kinds of trash.You have never seen a real game Bulldog you wouldnt even know one if u saw one because nobody would be dumb enough to have your stupid ass around to find out .One thing for sure an Akita wouldn't check a Bulldogs gameness.Thats all I have to say to your dumbass
  14. damon

    damon Banned

    The ones I've seen must have been fake, I suppose all of your shit dogs have all been dead game. Other dogs can and do defeat pitbulls, fact! Now run along and go bum all your deadgame dogs :)
  15. blackcloud

    blackcloud Big Dog

    What's the matter Sissy Mary? Did I strike a nerve? The fat Barrel Amstaff in my avatar is Ch. Vel, you've dreamed about owning a dog this good all your life but you wouldn't have a clue what to do with her! I have 2 house dogs now that are better than anything you ever even petted!
    As I suggested to you earlier go on an Akita board and tell everyone your storys of triumph with your overstuffed fur ball, everyone who reads your immature tripe realizes that your just a wanna be and don't have any knowledge about any subject you brought up. You don't have any pictures to go with your profile, is that because you've never owned a dog? Are you from a/c? sure sounds like your baiting in that direction, please post a picture of one dogs even if it's only that Killer Akita of yours, if you can't show us any dogs then it's fair to say you have an something to hide or that your just full of shit! Anyone who wishes can come over to my place and see a couple of well bred house dogs, will you do the same? I'm not a dogman and never claimed to be! but I've owned the breed 56 years and have seen some fine hounds over the years. Now do us all a favor and 'GO AWAY!!

    P.S. Yes in that picture in my avatar she is overweight--prednisone has a way of doing that, she was 13 years old and dying from bone cancer.
    For a piece of shit like you to say anything derogatory about a fine animal like Vel is just wrong!!! With all sincerity F#$K OFF!
  16. damon

    damon Banned

    The only champions you have owned are champion tripe eaters! Don't get so uptight when other breeds are mentioned, is it a lie that dogs of other breeds throw dogs that can be capable fighters? If you don't believe it, it shows what a dumbass you really are! Akitas are not out and out fighting dogs and they lack gameness but some are dangerous to other dogs especially to show ponies like yours!
  17. fonzie

    fonzie Top Dog

    they are use for fighting as well

  18. Don't fool with Black Cloud. He knows his shit and was even a regular at the Colby's back in the day. He has forgot more about the breed then you will ever know.

    As far as his take on Akita's, I sure as hell would believe what he says over someone that has had 2.

    Lastly, isn't this a forum entitled Game-Dog? Last time I checked the only breed that has that distinction is the American Pit Bull Terrier.
  19. damon

    damon Banned

    Zzzzz colby bla bla bla, like I said if he is telling the truth which I very much doubt he's an idiot amatuer for matching against cur Akitas, and how in the hell would a man who's never owned an Akita know more about the breed than someone who's been around them nearly 20 years?
  20. I don't give a rat's ass about an Akita. I own the greatest breed of dog there is. And, that will ever be. As far as the Akita, every one knows that they are pain feelers. They tuck tail and run when things get hot. I don't have experience with them but I do with the Mountain Airedale, the Doberman and the German Sheppard. From my experiences, when they tangle with the pit, the end is usually near.

    As far as the old timer, he is legit. No bs.

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