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Strippers pups

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by SouthALknls, Jul 26, 2005.

  1. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    I am sure yall all some my post about strippers pups..she ended having 10, and then late this afternoon, 1 more female popped out..something is wrong with this one. Stripper pushed it away, so I am bottle feeding it and have it on a heating pad. I am gonna post a pick and if anyone knows what this is let me know. The pup is acting fine, it just has this thing on its head.

    Attached Files:

  2. CB

    CB CH Dog

    Wow dude i never seen nothing like that hope she makes it out ok.
  3. twiztidpitz

    twiztidpitz Top Dog

    I would take it to the vet ASAP. I've never seen anything like that either. I hope the pup gets through it ok! Good Luck!
  4. nappydawg

    nappydawg Top Dog

    i have never seen nothing like that does she seem normal otherwise and if you find out please post thats weird looking
  5. the_flamingo

    the_flamingo Top Dog

    Looks like a tumor or something... Let us know when you find out what it is.
  6. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    Its weird cause its like she has no flesh there and you can see it moving there. She is acting fine other than that. sleeping, and eating. Stripper had the other pups over night last night and into the morning. This one didn't come out till 7:00 tonight.
  7. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    It looks like a "soft spot" where the skull cap has not covered over. Unfortunately, dogs with this condition (if they don't pass on immediately) suffer from brain damage & will usually die within a few days to weeks. HOWEVER, I am NOT making a diagnosis, just a suggestion. I would see your vet asap with the pup. Good luck!
  8. searkkennels

    searkkennels Big Dog

    i say cull it, no need on trying to save it
  9. whiteyransom

    whiteyransom Top Dog

    so is that just raw flesh on top? i've never heard or seen nothing like that before
  10. rocksteady

    rocksteady I'll drink to that..

    Thats what it looks like to me, too... it happends..
  11. NORTH

    NORTH Top Dog

    I cant tell to clearly from the pick but, Was the pup born like this? were you around when the pup was born? A buddy of mine had a pup that looked similar it turned out the mother was picking away at it until it was raw like that. no other pups just the one.
  12. chainsoff

    chainsoff Big Dog

    Best bet would be to cull it, why make it suffer a slow death, or brain damage if it does make it.
  13. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    It was born like that, shes a real good mother to all the pups, except this one and the runt. The runt ended up dying yesterday. This one just came out about 10 hours after she was done having the others.
  14. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    agreed....... If mamma dont wont it, its not right. Dig a hole and give it back to mother nature, before it suffers anymore. No use keeping it strong when it will mos likely be deformed or brain damaged.
    Im not tryin to discourage you, by all means if you feel you can save please do, jus want to save you some heartache. Focuss on the 10 that are healthy. Lord knows it will be a miracle if you ween all of those.

    oops, srry chains- didnt realize you had posted the same thing....

    "Best bet would be to cull it, why make it suffer a slow death, or brain damage if it does make it"
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2005
  15. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    If mom pushes the pup away,it means she THINKS it is failing.If a pup gets too chilled,mom will push it away as well.It definately is a first for me.Get a vets opinion.If its just the skin,it might be a matter of preventing infection.If it goes deeper though,it might be advisable to put it down.
    Good Luck

    RIVES PITS Top Dog

    At Least Get It Checked Out So You Can Know What It Is In Case It Ever Happens Again Congrats On The Pups Though. You Got Your Hands Full!
  17. MR PITS

    MR PITS Big Dog

    Take the pup to the vet. They should be at best help. Good Luck.
  18. SouthALknls

    SouthALknls Big Dog

    Heres a new pic of her taken this morning. She is eating, and using the bathroom, and as active as the rest of the pups. her head looks a whole lot better than what it did look like.

    Attached Files:

  19. fyremyst

    fyremyst Big Dog

    have you taken her to the vet to find out for sure whats going on with her?
  20. devinben3

    devinben3 CH Dog

    She is looking better. I would take her to the vet. It could just be raw due to pushing up against something and she may be fine after a little TLC.

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