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Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by pa2htown, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    So what is Colloidal Silver and how do you use it?
  2. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

  3. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Thanks, YB. And y'all say this stuff works, huh? I wonder if it works on scrapes and stuff.
  4. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    advina, u dnt like my attitude because i pointed out the fact in my post i said, "ive dun reseacrch", then you post sumpn about me not readn about it..u set urself up for that one..lol but honestly i really dnt gv a shit if u like me r my attitude..fo real!!! i only gv "attitude", if thats wut u wanna call it, to people who come at me sideways..so come at me str8 n u dnt hav to worry about any attitude...thanx for the props tho n i understand ur point..
  5. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    chucho,,theyll b 12wks monday...my i.v.'s havent got here yet so iv been doing the pedialite thing...seems to b workn...
  6. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    shakaz, its made for humans but it works on dogs as well..on the bottle i got it says for sore throats,sinus problems,burns,rashes,scrapes , n abrasions..so i wld hv to say yes...but b careful..u can do more harm than gd by gvnm too much...i found sumpn online where it said to gv 1cc per 15-20lbs..thats wat i been doing for my dogs..they also say u can put a few capfulls n their water dish..also gvm one without n let them drink at their leisure if theyre not really sic
  7. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    shakaz, u hav to put it directly on the abrasion for it to work..
  8. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Okay, good to know for future reference ya know.
  9. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    yea..thats the kinda info i was lkn for when i startd thread...theres always sumbody out there that can teach u sumpn...
  10. Boy-boy 416

    Boy-boy 416 Big Dog

    shit i can dig it i sure did i just ordered two bottles of dat shit out of curiosoty u think its safe for pregnant or nursing bitches
  11. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

    lol..i dnt kno about that bro...ima try to find sum info about it.. u can killm by over doing it..in humans u can turn blue/gray from too much silver..there is a machine u can get so that u can make it urself..i thnk ima get it because it seems like those 8ozs are going pretty quick...ima shoot u the the links that i hav for info..chk the likn that yardboy posted..check out ling that yardboy posted..read about thestuff called "total zeolite"..its on the right side of the page..look like sumpn gd to hav!!!
  12. Boy-boy 416

    Boy-boy 416 Big Dog

    good lookin man i appreciate it i went there and ordered it but diddnt pay attention to the right side tho good shit
  13. There is one guy who like 90% of his body is blue, but the thing is he was making his own colloidal and was using it for both a rub and ingesting it. But yeah, he looks pretty crazy...kinda like a real life smurf.
  14. pa2htown

    pa2htown Pup

  15. colloidal silver is awesome stuff. ive used it for just about everything.rashes-strep throat on myself, kids and dogs. its a very effective old timer remedy that doctors stopped using when they started prescribing all the antibiotics. most of us over the age of 25 got it wiped in our eyes when we were born. the kind i use wont make you turn blue matter how much you drink.its called ionic silver works and i buy it at a natural food co op. not to long ago my kid got ringworm(not from the dogs a couple of her friends at school had it too) . i took her to the doc and got her antibiotics just in case but the colloidal silver took care of it all on its own.i never heard you could over do it tho ill have to check into that. ive never had a problem with it.

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