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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by ohpitbulls, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    Today is opening day for a few teams . Any baseball fans out there ?

  2. MCS

    MCS CH Dog

    Yes, sir! Hope the Phils put a hurting on those Nats and looking for the O's to stomp them Rays too. Keeping an eye on them while I am here at work.....Don't tell the boss man.:cool:
  3. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    I've just been getting more into baseball the past couple of years. I watched the Braves pre-season game the other day. Gettin myself ready! Hope I can actually make it to go see a couple Braves games this year.
  4. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    redsox fan. good game last night.
  5. CaesarIsis

    CaesarIsis Top Dog

    HUGE Brave's fan.I think this is gonna be a good year for us, still have the same great pitching and it looks like they're gonna have some more punch hitting this year which is exactly what we've needed for a while. I'm excited to see how our new guy Heyward is gonna do. Game comes on in a little over an hour i think :D

    And its Bobby Cox' last year as manager so everyone's gotta go out and show support for him!
  6. MCS

    MCS CH Dog

    Anybody that beats those Yanks is alright in my book.:D I think the braves will give the phils a run for their money, and wouldn't mind seeing Chipper and Bobby Cox get one last ring. I just hope the O's sweep the yanks(or atleast win the season series), and make .500 and the BoSox can sweep up on the O's if it helps them keep the yanks outa the east title. ;)


    braves all day!!! Seems that mcacin and chipper are starting the year off right!!!actually hitting the ball!!....and anybody vs them damn yankees!!!
  8. ohpitbulls

    ohpitbulls CH Dog

    CHIPER is my fav active player he is from my hometown Cincinnati.
    I'm a big REDS fan . Reds are expected to win their div over STL CHI MILL an PITT this year .
  9. pitbullkid86

    pitbullkid86 Big Dog

    RedSox Nation!!!!
  10. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    That Braves game was awesome! Im excited about Heyward, too. And I LUV McCann, he's may fav. ;) I'm really hoping for a good season this year for these guys.
  11. Bigu1

    Bigu1 Pup

    White Sox baby! Did you guys watch Buerhle's awesome play? We got one hell of a starting rotation, and our bullpen aint too shabby either:):).
  12. ElJay

    ElJay CH Dog

    I am getting a little frustrated with the Braves. 8 games lost in a row now! (or is it 9? hell, i've lost count :mad:) my boys need to tighten up and get this cloud off of em!
  13. MCS

    MCS CH Dog

    Well one thing is for sure, if your a braves fan, you gotta atleast be happy with heyward and Hanson, medlen is looking good too. It is just that those other two three out fielders that need to figure things out, sorta would have liked to see them keep francour in that outfield.....And remember it could always be worse, you could be an O's fan. We had high hopes for this year and .500 looks like it is outta reach already LOL.
  14. CaesarIsis

    CaesarIsis Top Dog

    one thing alot of people seem to be overlooking about the struggle the braves are having right now, other than the obvious of not hitting the damn ball, is the amount of errors and just plain bad choices made defensively...its getting reallllly frustrating watching them lately lol. i personally think we need to get glaus the F*** out of Atl and just put Hinske in, i like what i've seen from him in atlanta wayyy more than Glaus.

    and ohio...isn't chip from florida lol?

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