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Sad way to be! Half a ped but full Bulldogs

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by SLICK WILLIE, Jun 30, 2005.



    Only for gamers that ant caught up in paperwork! This breeding has a blend of blood that only a few will understand and why I made the breeding. The fact that both the dogs do not have a real ADBA ped will turn some away so don't let the door smack you in the ass when you leave this post. I have seen what I needed to see from both sides and parents too. I can say that Opposs is insane and Annie to. If you have questions about why the dogs dont have the paperwork I'll be glad to tell you what happened the day they came to my yard. Let me just say that I walked on a mans yard where dogs were starving on the chains and know food around except a cup full. I took some dogs to help this shithead out and in return he gave me a pup that was to have papers but he never gave them to me. His ass should be beat and all his dog taken away but he'll get his one day! Just email or send a post back and the story will be told from start to finish!
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2005
  2. KnottyBoyNC

    KnottyBoyNC Big Dog

    i had the same thing happen to me and similar things happen three times to me. I traded one of my rottweiler pups to this guy for an inbred snooty male named "Crackhead" but he didnt give me the papers b/c the rottweiler died. Then I recieved a snooty/eli male not from the chinaman line but the guy went to jail bout 2 yrs ago and i havent heard from him since. Then i did a breeding with this guy and only two pups lived. I did not recieve the papers b/c i did not give him a pup. So i can't register the pups until he signs the paper. But i just did a snooty/redboy 50/50 breeding and hopefully i will be in luck....
  3. CB

    CB CH Dog

    when are the pups due.
  4. jawbones

    jawbones Top Dog

    I aint judgin ya. Same scenario with the best dog on my yard.


    Knottyboy! you just a hop skip and a jump from me man! I'm off hwy 17 around Jacksonville NC.
  6. nappydawg

    nappydawg Top Dog

    hey if the parents show what your after go for it
    i'd like to hear the story and maybe info on the pups just pm me
  7. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    Yeah I had some guys steal like 4 certificates and 5 dogs from me...1 was for my 4XW winner Bambam and I have been debating on whether to breed him or not since I even lost my AOL account where his online ped was... since I never used it...it really sucked...I wanted to kill someone,..I told myself well you know how he is bred and you definitely know he is game so find a good Nigerino bitch like Ed Faron said but I was thinking how I would feel breeding with no papers ...so I dont know what to do... I just keep thinking about how he is bred and what he might produce and he is a CH+1...
  8. CB

    CB CH Dog

    you in the marines or somethin.


    yea! been with the green machine for 8yr.
  10. CB

    CB CH Dog

    thats cool i know a couple people there.
  11. Papers have never made the dog. Never will. If producing good game dogs was as easy as reading a recipe, they'd be a dime a dozen. Believe me, you're not the only one with this type of situation. The day may soon come when your dog is better off without papers. Go with what works and good luck.

    RIVES PITS Top Dog

    seems sad but true
  13. devinben3

    devinben3 CH Dog

    Sad to say, but true. Papers don't make a dog..look at gr ch 35.
  14. SFK

    SFK Top Dog

    But what did 35 produce? Background may not have an effect on an individuals career, but it definately aids in building a family.
  15. Stealing other people's dog is one of the worst crimes in our world. Loosing your certificates sucks too. Luckily, your reputation more than makes up for it. Hey, if you don't want those "certificateless" dogs send them my way. I respect your devotion and breeding. Call me gullible.

    If you have seen what the parents can do then you are better than others that only remember what the great, great parents did. No worries mate.
  16. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    hand write your own papers. its better that way.
  17. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    LOL you aint the first one to say that...and to say it makes it obvious whats important...the dog in question...you need no paper to look at them ...no paper to love them...no paper to feed them...and the papers dont give permission to do as you will...the dog does... and I seen plenty with really "pretty" papers that deserved no future to breed or be preserved.

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