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would like to start a raw diet journal

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by popper, Feb 2, 2010.

  1. popper

    popper CH Dog

    lol i was thinkin the same exact thing...
  2. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    ok but kibble as we already know is made by us humans so it can't be 100% natural, all I had asked is, will a dog loose benefits from consuming non organic meat and poultry bought from super markets. Do you really think meat and kibble are all the same from every place or company? so obviously I refer back to my previous question. I am not worried I am just asking from a given thought if I were worried I wouldn't feed it to my dog at all.
  3. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    "Walmart" doesn't mean lesser quality meat. I think you're worrying too much and probably paying way too much to fed "organic" to your dog.
  4. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    well first of all sorry to say it but yes it does, walmart is a "supply and demand" business that has ruined the business industry for most other businesses from everything I have learned and by being a "supply and demand" business they need double the amount if not more of their products so that only means raising animals at a faster rate to keep the supply for everyday costumers. Maybe you guys should watch a documentary called FOOD INC, it will definitely have you think twice of what you are going to eat tonight but most importantly give you the detailed factors towards the animals raised for us to eat in this country.

    If you think health is to expensive for your dog well then that's not my problem, of course exaggerated prices are out there but from a general sense it is worth the extra mile. Otherwise I wouldn't have been told all these "feed raw" suggestions would I?

    Once again ALL I had asked is IF you do NOT feed ORGANIC meat and poultry to your dog, does it become LESS valuable to it's true NUTRITION? Does that sound worried?;)
  5. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    So because the animals are being raised faster and bigger this makes the meat less quality? Its 2010, there are better ways to do things now. Walmart is a large chain and they are under an even larger magnify glass, if they were selling poor quality meat it would be changed quickly.
    Sure they are ruining many small businesses by offering many of the same products/services for equal or lesser price in one central location. What this has todo with meat quality I have no idea.

    It is all "HUMAN GRADE" what are you going on about "If you think health is to expensive for your dog well then that's not my problem" There is no solid evidence that supports organic food being more nutritional. If you want to feed "organic" to your dog, go for it, its your checkbook. IMO its a waste of money and unnecessary, just because its more expensive doesn't make it better.

    By even asking a question like that, yes it does sound like you are worrying too much. Its all human grade meat from a very safe source. Using organic is just for your peace of mind.

    There is a lot of information out there discussing the myths of organic food.
  6. popper

    popper CH Dog

    since yuo seem to know so much of food processing i think you just ansred your own question. go feed your animal organic if you feel the need to.lol will a dog loose nutrients if it doesnt eat organic... helli dont eveneat organic much less my dog... so likes somethig your bully friend will say
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010
  7. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    I'll leave you with this buddy.

  8. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    you people get so riled up and begin the smart mouthing as soon as someone is not in the same circle of questions or answers.

    I don't recall bashing anyone in specific over what exactly I am talking about here, to begin with the first comment I had written, but get your kicks when they're needed! I'll have to keep getting use to the jumping criticizers and alpha dogs. :cool::rolleyes:
  9. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    I'm sorry if you felt like you're being attacked. I don't see anyone here doing that... No one called you names, it just seems like your mind was already made up about the organic before you even asked the question.

    I watched most of the video before falling asleep. (I think I fell out around the little boy and e coli part) Didn't see anything saying that organic food would be more nutritious...
  10. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    If you don't see any harm with how chickens are being raised up to that point, then it's obvious as to why you think organic is just bs. That's not even half way through if I can recall correctly and definitely not to the regards of organic compared to your factory hormonal injected fed corn eating cows, chickens and pigs. You have farmers who speak out the truth and your still not willing to learn, I can only offer so much guidance. I think it's the other way around, you want to eat non organic and believe your eating the best source just to give yourself a piece of mind.
  11. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Where did I say anything about chicken welfare? I said I did not see anything stating that organic food was more nutritional. Yes I saw the living conditions and the farmers saying how the chickens' bones couldn't support the massive weight. I also saw higher yields in chicken in less time and cheaper.

    It sounds like you have a problem with the process that the "non-organic" foods go through so you choose not to support it. If this is the case, fine. But don't make it out to be something else.

    Thanks for the guidance though.
  12. lunadogge

    lunadogge Pup

    How did you come up with this diet? Is the spinach cooked or raw? The diet is fine as a supplement to kibble, but I would not reccomend this for Raw alone.

    It is not hard to find a place in So. Cal at all. If you do a little research you would realize you are probably in one of the best locations for raw feeding resources.
    Also do a little research, the diet does not just consist of meat. Meat additions are fine a treats but only feeding protien will lead to a unbalanced Calcium to phosphorous rate that is likely to lead to metabolic bone disease.

    Most raw feeders in california get it from supermarkets and co-ops.
    Here are some resources.
    http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/rawfeeding/ -- Great resource of information

    The two co-ops above are in nor Cal. and have the type of meat you would prefer to feed.

    http://www.socalbarf.com/SoCalBARF/Welcome.html -- For So. Cal

    http://www.crestonvalleymeats.com/store/ -- bi-monthly deliveries throughout California.

    I know of quite a few dogs that have been weaned onto raw and never fed kibble in their life. There is no age for when you can start.
  13. popper

    popper CH Dog

    the chicken that i buy from wal mart is horomone free... steroid free .... and has no preservatives... Naustrom if you dont mind youcould post up what you feed daily.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010
  14. today it was
    1 half beef liver slice in a bowl with salmon oil and apple cider vinegar..2 Tsp
    and then half of a 5.8 pound chicken cut vertically down the center:dogdrink:
  15. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Most of my chicken comes from Perdue.

  16. popper

    popper CH Dog

    i notice they seel ox tail at wal mart in the organ section..... Naustrom would that be any good in the diet?
    i went to wal mart lastnight and they turkey legs on sale..... 3 big ass tukey legs in a pack for $1.64. i bought 4 packs
    tonight was
    turkey leg
    chicken liver
    spinach and carrots
    half can of tuna with little plain yogurt
  17. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    Well my family is west indian and eat ox tail soup and stew. Not sure how healthy it actually is though. Wouldn't feed it as the primary RMB but I'm sure it could be added occasionally in the meal.
  18. yoel

    yoel Big Dog

    Ok OK! I've posted about raw as much as the next person. How much am I fucking up these past two weeks feeding only a pound of raw liver?. And since I am getting 40 pounds of chicken necks tomorrow (shoulda been today) and I will buy as much chicken gizzards and heart as I can (FOUND EM DIRT CHEAP) how do I incorporate that in the feed. All together???? And is it just meat that one should feed or is the other stuff really necessary???
  19. JoeyNzoey

    JoeyNzoey Top Dog

    If you didn't watch the entire documentary then you'll still be UN answered, but believe what ever helps you sleep at night and whatever keeps the government safe and sound as well :rolleyes:
  20. popper

    popper CH Dog

    lmao... .....

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