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HAs anyof yalls dogs got a hold...

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by popper, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    My boy Tank got one. We were in the yard and I see, what I THOUGHT was a big cat running across the top of the fence. Tank jumps up and grabs it, so I YELL for him to leave it, and he oddly THROWS it across the yard! :confused: lol I snagged Tank up and get him in the house, grab a garbage bag and a flash light thinking I'm going to dispose of a dead cat. I walk over, shine the flash light and all I see is glowing eyes and it's DEFINTILEY NOT a cat! lol I paused for a minute, wondering if it was actually dead, or just playing possum. I thought better of trying to jam it in the bag just in case and went in the house. By the morning it was gone, so I guess I made the right choice! I can't imagine what would have happened if I tried to stuff it in a bag! LMAO!
  2. gh32

    gh32 CH Dog

    Probaly a good thing you didn't pick him up,he probably wouldn't of bit you(I've only been bit by one once)but nearly every one I ever picked up has crapped on me,they must have the dirtiest tail ever,LOL
  3. Zoe

    Zoe CH Dog

    Gross! I never even thought of that! Now THAT would have been an interesting end to the story! lol
  4. AGame

    AGame CH Dog

    well i guess one good thing about being bit by one is it cant carry rabies because it metabolism is to slow but the bad thing about it would be it has more teeth than any other mammal in the world and those teeth are sharp as hell most painful bite i ever got was from a 4 1/2 foot camen 2nd but not by much was an 8 foot reticulate python
  5. popper

    popper CH Dog

    yea man after my female got a hold of her , the thing shit on itself... DISGUSTING... them teeth were razor sharp
  6. grave digger

    grave digger Top Dog

  7. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    GH is right, in Iowa coons get pretty good sized, and can force a young dog to get serious real quick. ive seen a sow climb down outta a tree to defend the youngins and thats an animal that ll tear up a young dog real fast. if you wanna get real serious, go find a badger and let your dog loose on one of those mean SOBs, then you can see if your dog will stand in there and scrap with a critter thats a little more capable than a possum;)
  8. Naustroms

    Naustroms CH Dog

    A badger will ruin a young dog in a hurry.
  9. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    yes they will. i waited until Riot was 2 before i let him get ahold of one. i got some land south of here a few miles, and it seems to have 10 of em per acre:eek: LOL
  10. popper

    popper CH Dog

    how did he handle em?
  11. My dog never got an opossum but he loves chasing down and killing groundhogs. The 1st time he got one he got a young one and caught it by the shoulder blades and shook it so hard it split in two and the body went flying. He looked as surprised as I was!
  12. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    chomp chomp, shake shake...no more badger
  13. luge

    luge Big Dog

    Yea badgers are mean mofo's when cornered. Its crazy the way they used to do badger baiting centuries ago theres a good read on the net about it. Iv seen a video of some crazy eastern europeans doing it with a mock badger set made of mesh, and then they release the hounds into the tunnels. Theres quite a crowd too, wierd stuff search it and you'll find it.
  14. Kristin

    Kristin Big Dog

    My boy took out a Possum once with no problem. I was really surprised when he killed a skunk though. My dog didn't have a scratch on him. This skunk was huge and so were it's claws and teeth.
  15. tboy

    tboy Pup

    Posums are fairly easy to kill they are very fragile compared to coons
  16. My lil mutt has gotten 2 small possums - and I was a bit surprised that it was all chomp chomp chomp - no shake and she shakes the shit out of her toys.... Raccoons have been around lately and she wants them bad!


    Are they all considered vermin...over ur side of the pond,,,???
  18. Currdog

    Currdog Pup

    Yea a possum ain't nutin. They just sull up an that's it but a coon is a good starter. Dnt put too young a pup on one cuz a coon will dish it out for sure! No problem for a dog but dnt wana get pup burnt to young. I have never mess with a badger but sounds like a hell of a match. We hog hunt here an coons are plentiful an a common starter for me for all my dogs bay dogs included. Nothing like watching a good pit hit a hog and shut it down. Just like anything else some r better than others some smarter than others an some just don't make the cut. But possums just dnt have any fight to em
  19. kdog123

    kdog123 Pup

    I have let my dogs kill a few possums in the yard. One actully bit back but it didn't matter. I don't think the dog even knew the possum bit her.
  20. Kelticwarrior

    Kelticwarrior Top Dog

    Just wtch out for rabies if you gonna let your dog hunt critters.

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