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Dog fighting is illegal my thoughts on the reason

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by grave digger, Jan 6, 2010.

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  1. zohan

    zohan Pup

    good thing it wont last, funny how nature does things
  2. E-Dog

    E-Dog Pup

    Animal activist and these so called animal lovers are some FUNNY FOLK, pretty soon it will be illegal to just own a dog.
    Maybe we should let them FREE ROAM =) like those cage free chickens.
  3. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    It IS all about MONEY and POWER. The money is there resources and the power is there influence. Its all about CONTROL.

    Maybe your continent is different? LMAO

    Its so funny how some of yawl think its what the people want or don't want LMAO.

    Anyone that thinks that has already been brainwashed by there influences LMAO.

    This specific breed of dog is NOT for everyone but everyone should have the right to own them. As everyone should have the right to do with them as they please regardless of other people's opinions.

    Majority of people in America want free Insurance like Canada but that's never gonna happen LMAO. Majority of the people are against Gay marriage yet it is legal in some states why??? LMAO

    LMAO@people that talk about money are trying to justify there own feelings on it??? , that is so frickin ridiculous LMAO. Guess who are the one's using there FEELINGS and influences to change there own opinion's into LAW??? LMAO.

    Spoken like a true hypocrite trying to act like you are neutral , how you going to call a spade a spade when you stand on no ground? LMAO.

    Its the same as when UFC first came out with no weight classes , just two men beating the fuck out of each other, majority of the general public at first did not want that happening, but because of Money and Power UFC pushed through all that legal bullshit opinions of the majority and it is what it is today a huge world wide powerful corporation.
  4. swiftersweeper

    swiftersweeper Big Dog

    i still dont think its about money man.
  5. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    judging by your post your mastery of language isnt so great... but if you go back and read my post again (nice and slowly) you will see exactly where i stand on it.

    just because i choose not to get into an argument that would be akin to banging my head against a wall, doesnt mean i stand no ground.

    if you want to believe its all about money and power then you're entitled to your opinion.
  6. swiftersweeper

    swiftersweeper Big Dog

    look at how long it took cock fighting to get banned from the USA LOL. it was because the association of a chicken came 2nd to that of a dog.

    if you say these dogs are banned from fighting because of money its not the case and if it was the case it would be a slim percentage from the real reason. use the cockers as an example. the cockers were it is legal arent doing it because they make hell of money off it, they do it for the love of the sport and bettering there lines. if you think there is major money in cockfighting were it is legal youd be wrong. the real money aint in fighitng them. its in breeding them now and peddling them off lol. thats another story though lol
  7. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    My dad roped calf and competed in the sport for a long time he loved it I never saw it as cruel or wrong they had a lot of fun and won ton's of buckles and trophies that was something he and his partner did for many years and I can tell you he loved it but it's also dangerous he got his nose broken a few times lol. I also don't think dog sporting is cruel if it's done properly. It would be cruel if the dogs they were using were not genetically bred to do what the APBT can do. But the fact is the dogs like to fight they are not forced to fight and if the people fighting them give a shit about the dogs they are taken care of before and after which to me is a lot different that what the media depicts the amateur street fighters forcing dogs who obviously are cur dogs to fight lol and who knows what type of dogs they are using most of them look like mixed breeds. But Naus is right humans view dogs as man's best friend so god forbid you let them destroy each other or fight with one another. But you have people who think Rodeo sporting is cruel too so there will always be those psycho animal rights lovers out there fighting to keep gods creatures out of the sporting arenas.
  8. RRL

    RRL Top Dog

    I agree about the money thing too.I will admit if it was about money and you had huge cards on PPV with commentary and theme music that would be awesome.Sorry but that's how I feel,and I would watch it.
  9. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    I look at it like this I don't know per say how much money it costs to compete in dog sporting but what I do know is for the ones who are competing where it's legal it's not cheap to prepare a dog for a match then take in aftercare and recovery and then to travel with them all over the world. Then you add breeding and raising litters or buying CH's/ Gr Ch's if you want to compete in the big leagues you have to spend money to make money and then you have to take into account that there is no guarantee your dog will win so be prepared to loose money. If you are really in it for the love of the sport than you are most likely spending thousands of dollars just to compete so I wouldn't say it's all about money not when you look at how much money you spend on everything else just to compete with your dog.
  10. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Does anyone know how much money it costs to feed a yard of 50 dogs and I don't mean shitty ass dog food ? I had a friend disclose just his feed bill to me yearly and I was like hell no lol ...
  11. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua


    Ah shit , hold up Im still laughing LMAO.

    Your quote>"I know exactly what it is and i choose not to get involved in it."

    A neutral person has no ground, which means he has NO INVOLVMENT once you give your opinion you become involved because you will have to choose one side or the other.

    If you don't take a stand for something you will fall for anything. LOL

    Yes we are all entitled to our own opinion, if you want to believe that money and power has nothing to do with it then that's your given right. The problems arise when our RIGHTS are being taken away from us.
  12. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Sadie I would not know because I do NOT have any dogs LMAO.

    But let me just guesstimate here, a 40lbs dog can eat 40lbs or more of dog kibble per month so if you times that by 50, that would be 50 bags of 40lbs kibble a month a person would go through if he had that many dogs.

    50Xlets say 30 bucks each bag is ??? 1500.00 a month on just dog food alone, thats like paying for a 2-4 bedroom house mortgage or rent every month LMAO.

    Thats 18K a year alone on dog food and thats just the tip of the ice berg in terms of all other costs pertaining to the total expense of the dogs LOL
  13. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    I agree with everything you said . about ranch inn. could not say it better sadieblues. I came up on a horse ranch in south carolina myself. BUT IF I WANT TO LOOK AT A DOG I'M GOING TO LOOK AT DOG. LIKE IT OR NOT
  14. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    BmSBT there comes a point and time you have to look at why you own the dogs you own or why you chose the breed you did if you don't agree with what they are used for. I am by no means saying go fight your dogs but if you can't stomach watching them fight than you will have a hard time accepting them when they tear up another animal right before your very eyes. My dogs make the best couch dogs lol but that killing instinct is in them I have seen it and they have no sense when it comes to going after prey wether it be a cat, a duck, or another dog . There is a certain genetic component that you will have to deal with wether you fight your dogs or not and if it turns you off to see two dogs rip each other to shreds I just wonder how it would effect you seeing your own dog kill another dog or another animal in your house because it's bound to happen at some point.
  15. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Yep that's about right then add in supplements and you are really looking at a bill oh and better hope your wife loves you enough to see that money go to the dogs because well ummm there goes her vacation LMAO!!!
  16. david63

    david63 CH Dog

    The dog comment is not directed to you sadieblues.
  17. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Oh I know LOL :)
  18. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog

    i choose them because they make great pets and i admire them for what they are more than any other breed. i live in a country where while it is still legal to keep them, they must be on lead at all times. my girl has zero dog or human aggression but is a demon around cats and other small furries. so i take appropriate steps. if she got loose and got at a cat then thats just something that happens, it might not be pretty but im under no illusions that it wouldnt happen.

    believe me im no bleeding heart, i know what our breeds are capable of and ive seen it first hand. im not going to stay away from a breed because of their capabilities. ive never had one incident in all my years around them but if it happens, it happens. in the mean time i choose not to intentionally put her in those situations.
  19. BmSBT

    BmSBT Big Dog


    no i dont actually have to choose any sides. i dont agree with it but it has no bearing on my life. i do my thing and dont get involved. if someone wants to roll their dogs then thats there business. i dont have to cheer them on and i dont have to hunt them down for it either. im happy with my own opinions on it and im happy having no involvment in it.
  20. sadieblues

    sadieblues CH Dog

    Yeah but a big part of what makes them such great family dogs is the history attached to them with the sport. But it's almost scary to watch them turn from a gentle butterfly with the kids to a killing machine in the blink of an eye when they become fixated on prey or another dog and everything else around them becomes blank it's like they black out and become a completely different dog that most people would not be very accepting of. Not something you would see in an average household pet that only the owner can understand if he or she is fully behind the reason these dogs were bred to do what they do. The fact that these dogs are genetically hardwired for the sport makes them far from your average pet. Not downing you for your beliefs or your opinions I just know that these dogs can be a very big liability to the average pet owner especially if you are not fully aware and accepting of their genetic makeup.
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