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steriods makes champions

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Bxpits, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. TheVictor22

    TheVictor22 CH Dog

    Sometimes you feel like a nut and sometimes you don't...... lol

  2. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Sprinters are going to be faster, but I'm talking about the load being moved. Heavy weights USE more red fibers which is FAST TWITCH. Powerlifters incorporate more FAST TWITCH fibers than slow. Sprinters use MORE FAST TWITCH FIBERS than long distance runners. Bodybuilders tend to incorporate a balance between the two, but often hit more fast twitch because those are the ones that have the ability to grow the most.

    And if I had a son or daughter, I would let them come to their own conclusion.

  3. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    UHm... I am going to leave this one alone because it is like talking to a wall. I will give you some homework use google and research why doctors or hospitals prescribe steroids to patients with severe wounds, burns or infants that have growth defficiencies. :D
  4. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I am enjoying the ignorance coming out of your mind and I am also enjoying the pics, keep them up. Can I have a youtube clip this time please.
  5. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Protein won't help with your balls coming back to size. That is hormonal. They shrink because they stop producing once synthetic testosterone is put into your system. They start back up, hopefully, once your hormone levels stabilize. Using a post cycle treatment will help get them working faster again.

    Well, you said shrinking which indicates a "present tense" of the word. I thought you meant you could feel them as they are shrinking. But yes, you can tell they have shrank. But, they come back to normal after the cycle. Or, you could even use HCG during a cycle to prevent it from happening in the first place.
  6. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    then leave it smartass, don't need google i read big people books
  7. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    "Protein won't help with your balls coming back to size. That is hormonal. They shrink because they stop producing once synthetic testosterone is put into your system. They start back up, hopefully, once your hormone levels stabilize. Using a post cycle treatment will help get them working faster again."

    Now your are making some sense son!
  8. WWII

    WWII Banned

    It's becoming a burden to keep correcting you. Seriously, you have failed.

    I think I know why you gave up the personal trainer route....
  9. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I thought google would be easier for you sir =) since you seem to keep arguing the medical use of steroids as opossed to some looser with low self steem that needs to get bigger to feel happy with him self or that needs artificial enhancers to achieve better atheleticism.
  10. Boze

    Boze Top Dog

    lets get one thing straight. many o the greats have used steroids that includes a lot of the men we respect and honor in the game. and like the knoledgeable people on the board have said it is not gona make a dog more game. just like it ant gonna make some fagot ass pussy any tougher . i no plent of kids in high school that used roids wheni was there and most of them were not good fighter with heart with or with out. also like it was said if used properly and not in excess there will not be any damage this is a fact not some bullshit i made up there are studies that prove this. also like was said most steroids were made for animals. i really do not care what anyone says they may make you faster and stronger and have better recovery but they will not give you more heart, believe me i no plenty of muscle bound freak that cant even take a damn punch
  11. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    Those are in the 8-12 rep range You build strength and edurance but it is not the same a true 1 max rep or 80% max rep or 1-5 rep range that you would use for POWERLIFTING. I gave up on the personal trainer route because I got a college degree and I have a job because of it.:)
  12. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I'd rather be fat and flabby and be able to move like Fedor:)
  13. WWII

    WWII Banned

    All I was saying is that no matter how fast you feel like you are moving the weight, fast twitch fibers aren't going to be incorporated unless they are under a heavy load. At this point, even though the weight will be going up slowly, your muscles are actually trying to explode the weight up at a faster pace. This is why powerlifters can move heavy weight and why sprinters are so fast. They can move their respective load "faster".
  14. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    PM if you want so we can continue this because I am not sure what you wmean by heavy load and we hijacked this thread.
  15. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Heavy weight mainly. But this also means sprinting since it's an anaerobic activity.

    Heavy load = high intensity. Since fast twitch fibers contract "instantly", when you don't use a weight relative to incorporate them, they are pretty much by-passed and you call on your slow twitch (white) fibers. Powerlifters can move heavy weight because of fast twitch fibers. Sprinters are fast because of the same thing.

    -wiki (I hate using it as a source, but only needed this part to make my point.)

    I've done a great deal of research on steroids and tailoring workouts to fit someone that has a great deal more fast twitch than slow twitch. Simply because I have more fast twitch than not. I can move heavy weight, grow reasonably well, and (when training), am quite fast. 4.35 - 40yd @ my best. Now, ask me what my mile time is and you're better off timing it with a sun dial.
  16. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    that's sick fast, when I was a sophmore in HS I ran the mile at 5:43 but I never trained on my running form because I had a dumb ass coach that did not believe in weight lifting or any specialty training so my sprinting speed sucked ass.
  17. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    wtf? anyway, testicular atrophy is a potential adverse side effect that can happen. i could still bust a nut and get it up so who caes, nothing a little clomid didnt take care of.

    fyi, i used this last cycle to combat muscle atrophy i experienced from an injury i recieved fighting MMA. a nerve was pinched in my c-7 and nothing would get the muscle to grow back.

    keep on speculating you tree hugging douchebag.....
  18. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I speculated that because you sounded like a douchebag when you spoke about steroid usage, kind of like a dumb techno guido or club fags using roids to look cool at the club. You know what? I think you were using that smart ass statement as bait so you can have a comeback with your MMA crap. If you read what I said you would see that I stated that they are very useful in injury recovery, completely contrary to doing it for looks or performance.
  19. MOOT44

    MOOT44 Top Dog

    WWII: VERY impressive video of yourself.

    DAVID: I think WWII is going to be able to outsmart/knowledge your about the use and effects of steroids He's like the walking steroid encyclopedia.

    Keep the posts coming, I love reading this $hit.

  20. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    "You know what? I think you were using that smart ass statement as bait so you can have a comeback with your MMA crap."

    again, speculation.

    you are obviously a young kid with big opinions. have a grerat day. go hug a tree....

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