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steriods makes champions

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by Bxpits, Jul 1, 2009.

  1. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    Yes you're increasing the muscles(any workout out does!), but that's why you have to get alot of protein in youre system, take rest and the muscles come back stronger and harder or even bigger(depends on diet) and then do the training part over again. The resting period makes it able for the muscle to grow. That is a muscle thing not an a.a.s.-thing.
  2. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Ah, so steroids are only beneficial for ill people but are terrible for healthy adults. Gotcha...:cool:
  3. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I have abosuletly no idea what you are trying to say. By the way I was a certified professional trainer for 5 years during my College career and I never heard that a high protein diet with a workout regimen makes your heart grow.
  4. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I take it that you never touched a weight in your life or maybe you read muscle fitness a little too much. If you know about the subject contribute with something intelligent, you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. I am not even going to answer your half assed question, I actually think I lost brain cells reading your question. I think my 15 yr old niece can formulate a better arguement than you on this subject:D Oh boy, this is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard since talking to newbies at the gym in College hahahah
  5. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    Can't see where i wrote heart :cool:
  6. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    The point of my response was based on the negative effects of steroids increasing the muscular density of the HEART because steroids affect all muscles in the body not just the pretty ones. I guess you need to read things couple of times to get the point.
  7. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    Maybe it's because my main language is Dutch i do have to read a couple of time. Maybe you should put your ''emotions'' away when posting because i often read posts of you where your feelings and emotions are more visible then facts. But that aside, if you are a certified trainer you oughta know that what i say is fact that when you work out your muscles shrink and by protein and rest your muscle will restrengthen again. And the higher the calorie-diet the bigger.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2009
  8. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Foot, meet mouth:cool:
  9. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    hahaha a personal trainer thinks he knows all about de roids huh? lol...just because you took a 6 month course to get a trainer cert doesnt mean you know shit, especially about steroids.

    i just got done with a cycle of deca 3 months ago. did a cpl cycles before that. i love steroids. they work very well for the athlete. athletes such as myself do not take the amounts bodybuilders do, the side effects do not apply.

    PS you should think before you speak because yes it is time for you to put your foot in your mouth, nice WW11
  10. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I am tree hugger and anything with hurting dogs sets off come on man lol, however I did not know you had a problem with the reading my bad You type very well so I could not tell. I have the most respect for Dutchmen, like Allistar Overeem and Gilvert Yvel come to mind:) Your muscles do not shrink what actually happens is that you rip the muscle fibers when you work out and once protein synthesis takes place the fibers rebuild thicker to respond to the load of work you are putting the muscle too. If you train for speed and explosiveness such has higher quicker reps with faster contractions then you get leaner muscles with more fast twitch fiber. If you lift heavier weight with less repetitions you get thicker muscle fiber build up. In no way is the heart getting an increaze in physical muscular density, perhaps better resistance and cardiac stength but there wouldn't be any unusual size increment. Also, steroids have the side effect of increasing your cholesterolas well.
  11. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    If you liked the feelings of your balls shrinking =) then I see why you would love them! you sound so intelligent ! you love steroids? I guess you can't get the gains you need without cheating lol this is getting better and better, let's see who gave you the steroids your barber or one of your boys? haha
  12. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Heavy weights incorporate more fast twitch fibers than higher reps. You are actually contracting your muscles harder and faster under a heavier load than you are with higher reps and low weight, regardless of how "fast" you think you may be moving the weight.

    I mean no offense, but you really need to go through a refresher course if you are gonna make statements on this. I live, breathe, and eat weight lifting. I've been studying the effects of steroids on the human body for the past 6 years or so.
  13. WWII

    WWII Banned

    ...and I will also correct every wrong thing you say.

    You can't feel your balls shrinking....

    Keep 'em coming!
  14. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I knew you could not possibly come up with anything constructive or half way intelligent to make an arguement for your dumb ass remark and you proven me right:D please attach more clips or pictures I want to have a good laugh while I work a half day at work.


  15. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    Who has more fast twich fibers a sprinter or a powerlifter? Actually if you are lifting for body building you contract slower so you place more emphasis on the muscle that you are targeting because you are trying to isolate the muscle group, hence the word BODYBUILDING. Mr. Fitness expert steroid lover if you had a son or a daughter would you let them shoot up with steroids?
  16. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    I don't have reading problems btw. But i don't talk the med talk. I talk the way that others without alot of knowledge about subjects can figure out also without me being a smartypants. And how they shrink is not important they shrink period and protein resolves them(normal people talk). And Ivel and Overeem are both big users of steroids. Just look at the first matches of them both and look at them now. The're both originally from Surinam btw. I think with a normal dosage steroids can have the effect someone desires. Like someone said earlier it's not for the novice.
  17. WWII

    WWII Banned

    Actually, that is what YOU said. Not me. I was just repeating it. Take a look at your own post below:

    In essence, what you are saying is, "Steroids are bad for you unless you are already unhealthy (genetic deficiency, life threatening injury, or severe burn). Last I checked, these conditions fall under "unhealthy" or "being ill".

    So, I say again: "Ah, so steroids are only beneficial for ill people but are terrible for healthy adults."
  18. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    You feel if they have a shrunk because when you shower, if you do or I hope you do, you'd feel something missing down there lol
  19. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    AListar claims he got this big by eating horse meat lol
  20. Bertus

    Bertus Pup

    In this previous post i was speaking about muscleshrinking. Some friends of mine who have used steroids stated that their balls grew during a course. Don't believe everything they say on oprah davidfitness:cool:

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