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WatchDog Magazine

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by justa304, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. justa304

    justa304 Pup

    new APBT mag coming soon. tell me what u all think of the layout. FYI - this is not a bully mag. this mag will be an informative tool and a vehicle for a positive rep for our dogs. we will discuss health issues, safety, show/pull stats, peds, BSL info, and much much more.

    This is not the final design but i thought i'd share the direction we're going in.


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  2. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    Do you have subscriptions? Is it seasonal? I never saw a pitbull mag let me know how i can get it!
  3. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    This SUCKS just what we need a mag for BYB. welping your first litter? way to go help over popularization of more dogs. what make you a authority of APBT ?
  4. RedNozeChamp

    RedNozeChamp Big Dog

    No doubt i wont read that part, but im sure it covers competition and shows and maybe it has somethin like Kennel of the month, male of the month etc
  5. teras

    teras Big Dog


    plz give some more info
  6. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    I think it sounds pretty cool. And some people need to get off their high horses.
  7. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    HB if that is for me we can take it to the pit. I think you like to start trouble on this site you never have any goog input. ONLLY A FOOL WOULD CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 10, 2009
  8. teras

    teras Big Dog

    surely the 'welping your first litter' is not the best thing to do... i'm just hoping the rest could be good read
  9. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    hells bells, nobody is on a high horse, its just another way for the public to find a dog that they dont need. seperate your head from your ass.
  10. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    Or maybe they might read something and educate themselves on the breed!
  11. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    First of all, I don't care for the name of the magazine. Apbts that are true to breed do not make good watch dogs. So that is a urban myth right on the front cover. All of my apbts will help you tote the tv out to your car if you promise them a ride.
    I don't really think articles on whelping pups will make that big of a difference. Those byb dummys seem to do really well without any help. I counted ads in our local IWanta paper for pit bull puppies (complete with the infamous Gatormouf dogsz) at 33 seperate ads. Not just pups but grown dogs too. All the way from $100 and up.
    What are the proceeds from the magazine going to? Now if they did regular expose' type stuff of hsus and peta and all of their cronies, and all the people with other breeds of dogs that are affected by these wingnuts too then I might check it out.
  12. lunadogge

    lunadogge Pup

    I don't judge a book by its cover, so how about posting some sample articles so we can actually see what this magazine will be composed of. How is this any different then ATOMIC dog for the bully crowd.
  13. JBlazeRx7

    JBlazeRx7 Top Dog

    If this is gonna hit the stands it shouldn't! these dogs are NOT for everyone and all it's gonna do is help the BYB. It should be only for the circle if you do go forward with it. Reference from a dogman only! Just my opinion and an idea!:cool:
  14. justa304

    justa304 Pup

    i thank you all for your opinions, it was all very constructive. This will not b a BULLY magazine. it WILL cover things like kennel/male/female (etc) of the month/quarter, it will be issued quarterly to start. Certain articles will cover products that i use or that i think will help with our dogs. my goal is to only improve the breed, on any given day u can read something NEGATIVE about our breed..., why not give something positive a chance. it won't b perfect i assure you but your opinions and support matter.

    WHELPING your first litter i knew would stir up some chatter. I own a dog grooming and training shop. do u know how many people have come in and had the nerve to ask me if i knew of any female dogs that their dogs could mate with. I ask y, and they say cuz he seems like he's horny! all of them so called pit owners. i wont say APBT cuz they only know it as a PIT. wow. after taking the next 30 mins and explaining the process of selection, heat, pregnancy, labor, mastitis, puppy care for 6 to 8wks, shots, the papers, worms, the smell, the COST..., all this (and more) before you've sold 1 frkn pup, this serves as a great deterrent. Education is the key to stop overpopulating our breed.

    the name WatchDog duz not mean its about watchdogs, but it cannot be named PIT BULL or APBT or any title that would describe this mag as being about PITBULLS. sad but true. you can name anything POODLE and it wud be ok, this is y we are special (not short-bus special) because it makes us have to stick together to help what we love.

    O and before i 4get, Ben because u just joined this site in feb you didnt see when i posted a year ago about this mag and how i was looking for writers, kennels, weight pullers, etc. to join the team and/or have a chance to submit something about whatever as long as it will help the reader. it could be about your favorite bloodline and why, the history behind it w/photo's to support. doesn't matter, im open. PM me if ur interested and whoever else that has ideas or wants to help.

    thank u all.
  15. ultimatek9

    ultimatek9 Top Dog

    It's okay, the article is actually "whelping your first liter". I am guessing a liter of cola.
    Also, the breed is the American Pit Bull Terrier, not American Pit Bull Terrior.
    Okay, I really don't have anything helpful to add. But if you are going to put out a mag about the APBT, at least don't make us look ignorant.;)
  16. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    I agree justa304, please use "spellcheck" ;)
  17. IMPACT631

    IMPACT631 Top Dog

    ULTIMATEK9....... Well Said!
  18. prpitdawg

    prpitdawg Top Dog

    this is just my personal opinion so you can take it or leave it. i don't think info about whelping apbt litters should be in any $10 magazine. i agree with the above posts, if you're serious about helping this breed do articles about the ignorance of hsus and peta. write articles about how they are defrauding people out of their charity money. you could write articles about the basic care of a dog, but i wouldn't do that until you put out plenty of magazines explaining what it actually takes for a person to be ready and deserving of owning this breed. then i'd suggest that you put in information about all the supplies needed to even bring a pup home. plus articles about buying from a respectable breeder, and a big fat caution in about every other sentence about how this breed isn't for everyone. people don't need more information about how to care for and breed their byb's. instead of making care issues the forefront of your magazine, wouldn't it be better to make issues involving the breed cover material? wouldn't that help the breed more than giving a bunch of unqualified people info that they shouldn't have? that's just my opinion. just think about it though everyone sees everything put out there when it comes to this breed, anything could fuel the fire.
  19. JBlazeRx7

    JBlazeRx7 Top Dog

    Think outside the box man!

    Cover articles like how the Hsus,Peta & the Humane Society are trying to destroy our breed of choice! Instead of calling it Watchdog mag how about "THE TRUTH" first article What the HSUS doesn't tell you what happenes when they really get ahold of our dog's and how they kill puppies, PUPPIES because their vicious! How the thought's from real ABPT ppl who know the breed feel on what they did that was wrong in the first place.The housing of these dog's WITH other animals putting them in a situation they KNOW FOR SURE that failure is out for that dog.

    Instead of teaching the ones that don't know about how to whelp a puppy, cause I'm pretty sure they can find that all over the internet how about covering stories on BLITZ the dog Hero who saved the woman from being abducted! Cause really man in my opinion you wanna help the breed with this mag stop adding to the
    fire and start putting it out with FACTS! Of now and today's dog's that are making a difference. Do articles on the dog's show's that are happening all over the US and the world. The way it sounds so far your just putting a loaded gun in a child's hands WHAT DO YOU THINK WILL HAPPEN? See where I'm coming from?

    I'm sure if you ask certain ppl all over even in here they'd give you a, let's say an interview with them of some sort to get the inside scoop on the stories that nobody hears out on the streets. Right outside ours doors day in and day out. What I'm trying to say is I'm sure that you'll get alot of support from the ppl in here if it was a more out to the box mag that doesn't cover the same itsh that all the other mag's out a your local PetSmart has!:cool:
  20. brat pack

    brat pack Top Dog

    You also never said where the monies made off the magazine are going to go. I like The Truth as a name for the mag. And if you wanted to appeal to a wider group, I just thought of this, how about American Hero. You could also mix in stories about our servicemen and women. Apbts are in a way heros everyday because they have to die for the stupidity of others. The ignorance of bad owners, and the ignorant hsus and peta. Innocent 2 week old puppies. It sickens me.

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