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Need Ideas to stabalize barrel dog houses

Discussion in 'Products & Equipment' started by Buck E. Owens, Mar 8, 2009.

  1. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    Thank You! Is it like a water carrier or like the containers wishshield washer fluid comes in before you put it in a hand jug containers:confused:.

    What are the dimentions?
  2. Inter-tel

    Inter-tel Big Dog

    winshield washer with a flattop. maybe 3x3x4L give or take.

    edit- if you have ever seen the square blue plastic containers used for nest boxes theyre like that but big.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 4, 2009
  3. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    does anyone ever have problems with snakes or wasps getting in the houses/building nest? Im guessing if your dog is normally in the area and chained up to it, it prob. isnt a problem?:confused:
  4. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    No but if the dog house is empty for more than a day you will get spiders, I blow them out with an air compressor and double check them before tieing the dog there.

    I keep benadyl (sp?) around for the bee stings now , just incase. igf your in the USA or Western Canada you might get poisoness snakes not sure tho? only Garder Snakes(non-poisoness), here around my place and Black Adders(are poisoness) but tend to stay near the water ways only, ponds, lakes,swamps
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 11, 2009
  5. Rocko

    Rocko Big Dog

    Oh yea where Im at we have mostly black ratsnakes adn they take off at the slightest movement, but we do have some wicked spiders. I wanted to do houses up for the dogs but they wont be in there very much so I was just wondering....going to check them out before I let them in them I quess....thanks..
  6. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    They have an all natural powder for spiders but you put it 3 ft ROUND THE Chain Spot AND NO BUG WILL CROSS IT! I will find the brand and post it! i put it 3ft away from there chain spot one thin line the hole perimeter. we have lots of bugs up here. and spider bites are nasty!

    as for rattle snakes never seen one personally, but ask RallyRacer maybe, i think he has seen the bites up close?:confused:
  7. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    we have nasty spider snakes lizards and even deadly plants down here gotta love the deadsert:mad:
  8. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    In Arizona are there not huge Tarantulas there, they run around like squirrels in Canada:D that would be enough to make me move!! any spider bigger than my fist can " Kick Rock and beat It";)
  9. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    yeah but those don't bite like everything else around here. it's cool though when they cross the road and you hit them and hear um pop lol:D
  10. Buck E. Owens

    Buck E. Owens Banned

    Forget that! couldn't do it!, I don't think on my bed or in my house weather they bite or not lol:eek:
  11. I used a metal barrel once and the humane society came to my house and said it wasn't proper shelter for my dogs so i got rid of them...
  12. i even had bedding in them!!!!:mad:
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Buck don't you live way up north? I can't imagine those being very usefull in the winter months as far as keeping a dog warm......I never used them before so this is just an observation but they just don't like they would keep a dog warm in the winter...
  14. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    Here is how we do ours.

    Click to enlarge.

    These are what Morgan and Hawken have.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    This is what Notch has.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    I do like some of those other set-ups though. Next one I make, I might have to try those.

    My dogs stay really warm in the winter, AGK, but we don't have as harsh a winter as up North.
  15. CaesarIsis

    CaesarIsis Top Dog

    what do you use as bedding inside the barrels? are they cedar shavings?

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