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Help, dog swallowed forigen object

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Big Game, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    One of my males has swallowed a forigen object (exactly what I dont know)Anyone have any sugestions on what I can do to help him puke up or pass whatever it was that he ate. I am keeping a close eye on him and if he gets worse he will be going to the vet. Last time he swallowed something it cost me 5oo dollars. Anything I can try in the meantime?
  2. coco0889

    coco0889 Big Dog

    Hydrogen peroxide. It will make them puke.
  3. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Thank you, Anyone have any other sugestions>
  4. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Will any oils or laxitives help??
  5. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    That's the only one I know of. It's fast and easy. Depending on the size of the dog. You should probably start with a tablespoon and repeat every five mintes or so untill he pukes. I'm not a vet, but that is what my vet told me. Worked on my dog that swallowed some Zoloft.
  6. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    To the vet! Esepcially since you aren't sure of what it is. Not everything needs to be vomited back up.
  7. dunlap

    dunlap Big Dog

    You said he swallowed "something"....but dont know what it is? Did you see him swallow it, or just think that he may have? And if you are for sure that he swallowed "something", where were y'all when it happened?
  8. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Exactly. If its something sharp it can end up ripping up his throat and stomach.

    If you KNEW what it was, besides HP, you can use a tablespoon or 2 of salt on the back of the tounge.
  9. Suki

    Suki Guest

    i also would recommend a vet visit.
    as mentioned some things should NOT come back up. (any caustic substance comes to mind~as they can definitly do more harm on their way back up)~like kill their insides...:eek: ...literally...
    bleach, battery acid, nail polish remver, and drain cleaners are some.
    you can get an xray taken of the foreign object to potentially find out specifically what you're dealing with and take it from there~can it be passed out, or does it need to be removed.
    and since this is his second time swallowing something, perhaps remove some of the 'hazzards' from his area.~kinda like a kid~gutta always be picking something up!;)
    good luck, and curious to hear the out come...
  10. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Disclaimer: I'm no vet, but here's remedy I've heard if your dog has swallowed something sharp and potentially damaging to the intestinal tracht. Cotton balls dipped in cream. Supposedly they envelop the item and allow it to pass more safely through and out. BUT! I've also heard that the cotton balls can cause their own problems, so it'd be up to you to weigh the risks.
  11. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Bread. If you believe your dog has swallowed something sharp such as pieces of glass, ornaments, etc., feed him bread asap.
  12. Aurora

    Aurora Pup

    Hey Big Game , how's he doing ? I lost your # when i changed phones . Hit my e-mail *** Um emails are against the rules *** Marty , hope all is well .
  13. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    tablespoon of salt...VET.
  14. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Just to update everyone, I lost one hell of of a prospect. Texas Pete aka ''Goodie"" was a damn fine friend and showed every sign he was going to be one hell of a bulldog. R.I.P buddy you will be missed. I have an exelent vet that did all she could to save him. He took in a sock and some plastic shaveings from a 20 oz pop bottle. The shavings preforated his intestines and caused internal bleeding and infection. He stabalized with some h2o and antibiotics enuff to go into surgery to remove the blockage. There was too mutch internal damage already done. The vet said he only had about a 1 % chance of recovering from the surgery and that she recomend we lay him to rest, I told her to do what she thought was best. My whole family is mourning the loss. He truely was an amazing yong dog.
  15. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    Damn, I'm so sorry to hear.
  16. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    big game i'm sorry to here of your loss

    one thing i learned years ago was to keep there runs clean from anything that didn't need to be there for as just as your situation
    i lost a damn fine dog because of it years ago,,,,i look back and still blame myself,,,,

  17. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Thank you for the condolences Rockstar. Damn dog thought he was a goat. Would try to eat every and any-damn-thing. My mentor and my vet both said a dog that shows this behavior has a deathwish. Knowing this about him I always cleaned up the house before I would let him out of his kennel to roam the house. With a 2year old and two other bulldogs in the house, It is next to imposible to keep everything away from him all the time. He is missed greatly. Big Game
  18. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    It is hard not to blame youreself. My mentor told me not to beat my self up and question my handling abilities, that he did'nt,and wenever I was ready for another bulldog I had my pick of anything he had access to. That made me feel alot better. Thanks Scott.
  19. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog


    thats one thing you have to take in stride when owning dogs,,,

    they come and they go,,, some will be great,,, some will boardrline sucidal ,,,lol,,,, but the biggest things is to remember,,,how great they all are for as they are all different in they're own way,,,,

    its hard to take a loss like yours but is part of life,,,,
  20. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Sorry for your loss. :(

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