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Myspace.com Dog-Fighting Video Leads to Breaux Bridge Arrest

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by Marty, Oct 8, 2007.

  1. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Lafayette,LA -- The shocking video posted on Myspace.com has lead to three arrests in Breaux Bridge. A dog fight caught on tape is at the center of the investigation.

    St. Martin Parish authorities say an anonymous tip from someone out of state who viewed the Myspace video started the investigation. The video shows a group of kids trying to make the dogs fight by throwing the animals into each other.

    Police have now charged two of the young people for dog-fighting. Investigators say the young people in the video ranged from seven years old to ten years old.

    Police identified the location of the video as a home on Williams Street. The owner of the property now faces charges for violating the Breaux Bridge city ordinance concerning dangerous or vicious animals.

    The ordinance includes regulations on things like confining the animals along with leash laws. It also includes rules on insurance. The animal owner is required to have at least a $100,000 policy for each of the animals. The maximum penalty under the ordinance is a $500 fine or six months in jail.


  2. Marty

    Marty Guest

    See what the media has done?

    Click the link to see the video :(
  3. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    Thats really sad :(
  4. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    What has happened to parent supervision and good ole a** whoppings?
  5. heelinok

    heelinok Pup

    I can't for the life of me understand why those pups would need to be euthanized. THat was some of the worst, most irresponsible, agenda driven "journalism" i've seen in quite some time.
  6. twiztidpitz

    twiztidpitz Top Dog

    That just makes you think....where did they learn this?? They must have seen or know some one who fights dogs, with a little more investigation they may find some more going on. Cause you know, kids do as they have seen others do, I have 2 my self and they copy just about everything I do.

    But yeah why would they need to euthinize the pups? Gee, people these days....
  7. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    I can't watch vids like that anymore but I can imagine. It's awful these days all the ideas kids get from what the media publicizes.
  8. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    Well if that doesn't get it across in folks minds why you are so strict about talking about things like that on here then i don't know what will.
  9. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I dont beleive this to entirely the media's fault. Those kids were allowed acsess to those dogs. The fault lays with the parental influnce and enviorment.

    As harsh as this sounds.... because of the neglengence involved, those kids caused the death of thier pets.The parents now have chilldren in the system....what a way to short change thier kids.
  10. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Yeah, well ppl dont think that it can happen to them.
  11. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    i know it and thats a downfall of a lot of folks and more importantly a lot of innocent folks.
  12. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    What the hell is this, dog fighting jr? Kids and puppies.. horrible.I'd like to beat their asses myself!
  13. ROSE

    ROSE Banned

    Take the pups adopt them out,FINE the irresponsible parents.don't ruin these kids future.the parents will take care of the kids because it is costing them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2007
  14. simms

    simms CH Dog

    It's not those kids faults. Unfortunatly they are products of thier enviorment.
  15. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    Don't ruin thier future? Please, kids today get away with everything and thats a huge problem with kids today. These kids need to have some form of discipline and if that comes from the law then so be it. kids need to know that thier actions can exceed any kind of punishment they would get from thier parents and by getting trouble with the law now might just accually save thier future.
  16. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Right on ColbyDogs!!! I think you are right 110%. You should see the little ruffians I work with. No discpline whatsoever & parents don't care. Someone needs to take up the slack & IMO that needs to be the justice system b/c whenever the schools do it, the kids are liable to shoot you for it. :(
  17. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Sadly, that's not uncommon here in Louisiana. I've been asked numerous times by children under the age of 12 if I fight my dogs. Then they go on to tell me about what so-and-so in their family does.

    Do I agree the dogs should be put down? No. But the truth is that there are not enough homes for "pit bulls" as it is and honestly I don't trust most shelters or rescue groups enough to place the dogs in appropriate homes.

    As for the kids, someone needs to deal with them since it's obvious the parents will not. I hate to see them in that situation, but if left alone and told "it's your parents' fault, not your's, son" then those children will grow up to do God knows what and place blame on everyone else and everywhere other than where it belongs. They did something extremely stupid and they broke the law. Now they must pay the price. And I'm all for it.

    As for the parents, I think they should be charged as well. Honestly, why the hell are people having kids if they don't feel like being a parent? I seriously want to slap the stupid out of some people these days.

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