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He Bit!! And I never thought he would

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. Michele

    Michele Guest

    lol...yea I think so........can't hurt..it's just another option..that's all....
  2. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Michele I agree with you 100% when we were making Malachi work for everything and still loving him too he was not acting like a fool. Now that he is just around me and I have gotten away from making him work for things in his life I am seeing the problem. Many people on the forum have said the same things as well NILIF. So back to that we go and we will see what happens. Thanks for everyones advice, opinions, and feedback.
  3. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    My suggestion is to cull the cur and don't get another APBT.Some people just don't have the heart to raise bulldogs.

    I know this will piss some people off but its the truth.Anyone that keeps an human aggressive APBT is a liability to the breed...Get a cat.

  4. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    I think this is the worst advice...but I got a good laugh.
  5. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    ok i don't see where the confusion is here your dog bit a person so it should die plain and simple.even though it was your fault by you treating it like a person it still has no place amongst society.it bit once it now knows it can bite and it will do it again and no amount of NILF or any other hippe crap is going to stop it you have a screwball on your hands there even if it was created by your own doing.shoot the dog,get a dog later off of reliable stock at a proper age and treat it like a dog.if your not going to do whats right on your own power thats fine because later down the road you will be forced to do it by the law,you will face huge fines and lawsuits and have to live the rest of your life knowing your helping BSL get even more momentum.so the choice is yours and it is a very simple 2 road deal you have facing you cull the cur and do the right thing.or leave it alone and do all the nilf and what not and have it bite again 5 years down the road and add fuel to a allready raging fire.choice is yours and you will have to live with it for the rest of your life so i hope you make the right one.
  6. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    i think the dog could be corrected under a STERN HAND,, but it needs to be closely supervised and let know what place he fits in,,

    i don't necessarly think he can't be corrected but but a dog has to know WHO THE BOSS IS at all times,,

  7. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    maybe there is a slight possiabilty it might be corrected but lets face it she dresses the dog in clothes,it sleeps in her bed,she calls it her little boy and her baby referring to it like a person and she treats it just like a human child.i don't think she has the knowledge,experince or the heart to be able to correct hell thats why we are here in the first place and it is not very often you can.it is better to cull a man biter i would never give a dog that showed teeth and snapped and made contact a second chance thats a crazy cur.
  8. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    on my side of this,,, first time i'd wooped his @ss good,,

    he wouldn't have questioned me again,,

    just like my kids,, they come of age,, if they come home all
    pluck up,, they know theres conciqences,,repercusions,,

    fear can be a good thing if need be,,just as it can be a bad thing

    i remember back in the day i got all messed up and come home and the next morning i was in the bathroom clearing my eyes,,DAD walked up to the door and said next time you come home like i'm gonna beat the hell out you,,,


    HELL NO,, i knew better
  9. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    I agree with you totally ol timer,, a pet owner probroly can't correct it,,, but if she tries that dog needs to be strickly supervised to avoid any issue outside the home,,
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2007
  10. Danno

    Danno Pup

    I put my last dog down for human aggression, not an easy decision, but it beats the hell out of the liability of owning a human aggressive dog. No matter how many excuses you make, or who you lay the blame on, the fact is you have a human aggressive dog, and that shouldn't be tolerated under any circumstance.

    My last dog never bit anybody, she did growl at my wife and my kids, and that was as much indication as I needed to tell the truth, not an easy decision, but something that had to happen.
  11. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    lol I was afraid to say that as well. I have had a come to jesus meeting with one of my dogs. BUT he did not snap at me, he growled and refused to move but did not show teeth or snap. Had he snapped he would have been dead. But he only growled and refused to move so he got a major butt beating and I have not had 1 problem with him since, and that was 3 1/2 years ago. But as far as your dog, He snapped at someone he knows, you yourself said he barks and growls with raised hair at strangers so I have no doubt in my mind he would bite since he tried to bite a family member. That dog either needs a huge come to jesus moment next time he acts stupid like that or he needs a bullet.
  12. Michele

    Michele Guest

    i agree with this......

    just don't compare your dog to a human child. the dog is a dog......
  13. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    but raised in a atmosphere like a child it is much like a child,,,reguardless ,,

    i do think there are options other to killin the dog,,,;)
  14. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Rock said what i was thinking...

    So i will add a few things. If you think that you can buck up and honestly put in the 100% commitment/time/money into "re-habing" your dog, then it might be worth a shot. BUT BUT BUT, you absolutely have to set a limit, and keep it. Meaning, if you do the training, you change your ways, etc - and the dog is still acting the same, you then have to do the responsible thing and have the dog PTS.

    Also, if this is something you are going to try, you have to be extremely cautious with your dog. This means the dog is around NO ONE but you. The dog isn't off leash in public, the dog is put away when people are over, etc.

    IMO once a biter, they are always a threat and can never be trusted again.
  15. Dog

    Dog Pup

    I love when people ask for advice but don't like what they hear. Why ask if you are going to do what you want anyway. Cull the animal and get a poodle to dress up. At least when it bites it won't be another "pitbull" mauling a child headline.
  16. simms

    simms CH Dog

    No this is the best advice for you take. But the majority of us already know that you wont. Your not taking responsibility for this you are trying to put a band aid on it.....like so many other ppl do.

    How's your boyfriend doing with all this, is he injured?
  17. simms

    simms CH Dog

    The dog is not solid!
  18. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    You are correct I am not taking the advice to kill my dog. However I am taking the advice to stop treating him like a baby, to make him respect and know who is boss, and to work for what he gets. And he has been trained and listens very well like I said previously since my boyfriend has been gone during the week I have let him have too much freedom, etc. I do appreciate everyones advice and opinions it is good to see the different perspectives on the issue. I have pretty tough skin so I don't take ignorent comments personal I realize who they are coming from and I understand that everyone has different ways of doing things and handling things.

    My boyfriend is not injured Malachi did not bite down really there is just one puncture from a tooth. But to me one puncture or bite down I am concerned because he even did this. But I believe I can and I will do the right thing to get him back in line and if I do not see an end to it then I would not hesitate to have him put down. Anyways, the nice thing is I can read all of your advice but thank you JESUS the decission is mine. Like it or not and I know what the consequences are so save that part.
  19. clutch billups

    clutch billups Big Dog

    "but i believe i can and i will do the right thing to get him back in line and if i do not see an end to it then i would not hesitate to have him put down."

    its just too bad he has to bite SOMEONE ELSE before you do what you readily admit is the RIGHT THING TO DO .... i just hope the next time he bites its not some little kid... or hell i hope its not anyone thats gunna whine about it... cause if they do ill see it all over cnn... trust me on that one....
  20. Aurora

    Aurora Pup

    "I have pretty tough skin so I don't take ignorent comments personal"

    Those weren't ignorAnt comments , they were valuable words of wisdom offered by men of experience . The Ol' Timer hit the nail squarely as usual . Take your emotion out of the equation and do the right thing . The biggest problem the breed faces is the pet owners not willing to do what's necessary .
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