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He Bit!! And I never thought he would

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Malachi lives with my boyfriend and I however, my boyfriend has an internship this summer any is only around on the weekends. Lately Malachi has become quite the mamas boy he follows me around non-stop, waits for me when I am outside or getting out of the car, sleeps with me a few nights but not all nights, and has become extremely affectionate. Today he jumped in the back seat to go on a car ride with me and my boyfriend reached in the back seat to get him out of the car Malachi immediately showed his teeth and my boyfriend hesitated and then went to grab his mouth to hold it shut and tell him "no bite" and Malachi bit him.
    Malachi has never really showed signs of agression to people or animals. He gets along great with cats and even small dogs. Every once in a while he will see someone he is not sure about and growls and the hair on his back stands up but thats about it. Any idea what I should do? Is this going to be a problem? Is this my fault? How would you respond if this happened to you?
  2. JuckingFerk

    JuckingFerk Big Dog

    I would turn the dog in to fertalizer. Any dog of mine that ever lays teeth on a person will die of lead poisoning with a quickness. A human agressive dog is not good for anything but making flowers grow better.

    Ferk out
  3. short1

    short1 Big Dog

    man Im with ya on that. the dog needs to take a dirt nap
    and if you should allow it to live I would not ever allow it to sleep with you stop treating it like its a person because it not. Its a damn dog for god sakes
    I can tell you that the dog has decieded that its in charge and as hard as this sounds it your fault
  4. WWII

    WWII Banned

    .22's are fairly inexpensive....
  5. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Assuming its the spoiled rotten dog in your sig line, as well as all your gallery pictures? You've created the problem, by allowing the dog to be your equal. His position was threatened, he thought he could dominate your boyfriend, and "won".

    What I, and others are going to recommend, is most likely not what you are going to do with your pet however. Since I assume this is the case, look for a competent dog-behavior specialist tomarrow morning, and immediately institute a strict NILIF (Nothing In Life Is Free) program. Off the furnitue, no more dressing up and treating like a baby, no sleeping in bed with you, no table scraps, etc etc. You are the pack leader, and members of the pack are trying to show their dominance. You need to reinforce the fact that you, and all other humans, are higher in the pecking order then Malachi. Unless you do that, expect the dog to challenge until corrected.
    1 person likes this.
  6. To show the Teeth is very unusually for a Bulldog (APBT). The dog is maybe a hybrid or? 1.) How old he is 2.) how long you have him 3.) As well he knew your friend? 5.) your friend has behaved like a complete idiot. The foreign dog shows his teeth and he takes the snout? How stupid is this please? Your dog has problems with foreign ones. Atypical for Bulldogs (APBTs), however, typically for most dogs. If you want to keep him castrate him and visit a dog school.
  7. lockjaw

    lockjaw CH Dog

    im going to have to disagree with you on this one..a lot of apbt show teeth...but never in agression..i have a dog that smiles on command and when he sneaks in the house he comes in smiling ..ice breaker..we laugh and he does not get in trouble....what you have there is a cur if he shows teeth and growls..and will grow to be a big human biting cur..so get rid of it or dont complain after..
  8. You mean the Bulldog-Smily...lol...yes thats typical Bulldog. But not if he shows that way aggression. Thats a cur sign. :)
  9. Pirbul

    Pirbul CH Dog

    I would suggest take professional advice before doing anything retarded (shot/abandon), specially when by the very little you said it seems this bit was caused because you didnt let your dog know his place on family, A PET.

    14rock said the rest, i just find a shame when people tells you to exterminate your pet because he bit when its a HUMAN problem on this case.
    Rockstar likes this.
  10. Breogan

    Breogan Big Dog

    In my opinion there is never an excuse for a bulldog to show this kind of aggression and all of us need to stop making excuses for these dogs. There is no room for a dog like that to represent the breed. That's where headlines come from. As hard as this would be, my dog would be put down. I love the breed more than I love my dogs.
  11. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    1. Malachi is 1 1/2 years old. 2. My boyfreind and I got him together when he was 7 weeks old and we have had him ever since 3. And by boyfriend is not an idiot I am for spoiling him when my boyfriend is gone and I know that now. I am not killing my dog yet although I know that is what everyone says to do. I am going to take RESPONSIBILITY for doing this and try to get back to making him work for everything and showing him again that we are dominent, etc. In addition, to taking him to a behavior specialist and go from there. Killing him is just not something that I can do right now.
  12. koening

    koening Top Dog

    i don't know what else to say then STOP SPOILLING YOUR DOGS !!!!!!! and star soccialing them if they are home pets or else this is bound to happen !!!!!

    Let the dog stay with your boyfriend a couple of days, and star obedinece with him, best advice, also , don't sleep in the same bed with your dog, don't let him on the furniture, give him to eat after yopu have finished, or after he earns it .
  13. NC

    NC CH Dog

    I wouldn't come out and shoot my dog just for snapping.. but thats me. I spoil my dogs, I love my dogs... they come in the house, they have freedom to sit on furniture, sleep in the bed with us.. (one at a time of course) we rotate whose in the house and who is on the chains.

    I've told this story before... but here it is again.. most probably don't agree with it. Boomer was about 8 months old.. (we got him at 8 weeks) and I was cooking beef ribs, well I gave him a raw one and he was chewing it.. when I walked by he growled at me. So I aid .. ok let's get this over with. I slid my foot closer and he growled harder... then he snapped at my foot. Well I beat that dog like a grown man.. then I grabbed him by his collar and dragged him to my chair and forced him to lay on his back and I sat that bone on my leg. Well once I let go of him he just laid there for a minute.. then he reached up for the bone and I smacked his nose and told him no. After a few more times he just laid there... well I give him the bone back. And I told my wife.. go get my pistol. I told her I am going to reach down there and tke this bone.. and if he bites me I'm going to kill him.. Well I reached down and took the bone and he rolled over on is back and showed his belly. Boomer is going on 3 years old now and I've never had to touch that dog since then and he's never made an aggressive move toward me or my wife since then.

    You should have just had a come to jesus meting with the dog and put him in his place. There's nothing wrong with spoiling a dog so long as they no who is in charge. My dogs are allowed all over the furniture, in our laps, on the bed, even the occasional table scrap... but they also know what .. Down, No, stop, a let it go are as well. They especially know what is means if I jump up out of my chair cussing means.. and they find somewhere to go with a quickness.
  14. Michele

    Michele Guest

    NILIF.....right away
  15. Aurora

    Aurora Pup

    You ask how would you respond ........ here goes , the dog has been raised with the both of you and he obviously is challenging your boyfriend . No way in hell the dog lives another day around my place if that happened . That dog WILL bite again . You can make excuses for it , assume responsibility , feel guilty for it all day long . Nothing you feel or accept is going to matter when that dog fully matures, sinks teeth and starts shaking that hand out . This breed is in trouble nationally because they are not held to the correct standard . Man biters for ANY reason should be dealt with immediately . When a family member is bit out of fear or dominance it's a slam dunk . Take your emotion out of the equation .

    I HAD a show CH , family raised , socialized the whole 9 . She became a fear biter/jealous dominance issue type . She snapped at my son when he pulled her tail , she was trying to get my affection when she snapped at him . Luckily she didn't grab him . So yes i have dealt with your situation , IMMEDIATELY
  16. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Your dog knew who your boyfriend is ....dont make excuses for that dog and dont beat your self up. The dog bit your boyfriend chances are good the dog would bite someone like me given the chance.

    Had the dog bit a child,yours or anyone's would you feel the same?

    Edit: What you need to consider is that the dog was a potentialy a liability. Now the dog is a liability.

    Edit: I pulled this from a site that I came across by the by ....I'm not pluging this, this is a written example of what I am trying to convey to you.

    <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=500 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Personal Injury

    </TD></TR><TR><TD align=right colSpan=2><!-- Print Article <ahref="mailto:?subject=Legal Information&body=Read this interesting article at LegalMatch's Law Library: http://www.legalmatch.com/lawlibrary/"> Email Article</a>
    /img_common/spacer.gif --></TD></TR><TR><TD>Personal injuries happen in a variety of situations, but some basic principles apply.

    Basic Elements of Most Personal Injury Matters:
    • Prove that the person was careless or negligent
    • The negligence caused the accident
    • And the accident caused the injuries
    • Statute of limitations - the time limit when you must bring a claim.
    What is Your Personal Injury Case Worth?

    How much your personal injury case is worth depends on a number of factors, including:
    • Severity of the injuries
    • Amount of medical bills
    • Pain and suffering
    • How the injuries have affected your ability to work
    • How the injuries have affected your lifestyle
    • Your age
    • Your future medical prognosis
    • Any pre-existing injuries
    How to Help Your Personal Injury Claim
    • Document the facts of your injury
    • Collect physical evidence and take photos
    • Keep all your medical records and receipts
    • Locate witnesses
    Common Types of Personal Injury Matters
    • Automobile accidents - rear enders, fender benders, failure to yield, drunk drivers, car crashes, etc.
    • Product liability - defective or dangerous products that cause injuries
    • Slip and Falls / Premises Liability - injury occurring on the property of another person or business
    • Medical Malpractice - patient injured by a health care provider.
    • Construction Accidents - injured on a construction site either as an employee or worker.
    • Dog Bites / Animal Attacks - attacked by an animal with a vicious propensity.
    Personal Injury Time Limits
    Like many cases there are time restraints put on when you must file your personal injury matter in Court. These time limits are called "statute of limitations" and each state has different ones. Consult with a local attorney if you are unsure of the statute of limitations in your area.

    Do You Need An Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer?
    If you or a loved one have been injured, you should speak to an attorney immediately to learn more about preserving your rights and remedies. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 7, 2007
  17. koening

    koening Top Dog

    prison guard i could not have gave a better sugestion then that, but if a said it, maybee all up in here would have pointed me out as being cruel. or something. i'm just wondering if many people who buy an apbt know what to expect of him, and how to control a dog like that.
  18. I never sayd your boyfriend is an idiot. I would never say such a thing because I do not know your friend. Was your boyfriend all the time together with that dog? I think there is a reason for that behaviour...and I dont know why but I think it was your fault..and maybe your boyfriends.
  19. jr Pit Guy

    jr Pit Guy Big Dog

    LMAO!!!!!! I just read this and it's like looking through the mirror. My dog Duke challenged me once. That's it. Of course he also still thinks he owns the bed, d@mn hog.
  20. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    lol ,,, you think so,,,
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