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ADBA show question

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by jdbpitbull, Jun 17, 2007.

  1. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    After investing in some brightly-colored, wide 1.5" collars for my girl for ADBA stuff, I learned that it is actually more beneficial to have a narrower collar that blends into the dog's coat. They say that a wider collar will distort the dog's neck and make it appear short. And I'm guessing that the bright colors draws attention away from the dog?

    Next time I show my dog in ADBA, I'm going with this gear. Kinda hard to see from the pics, but its a 1" leather collar with deerskin inside, and a 4' leather leash.


    Although I'd love to show up in my UKC gear just once and give some folks a heart attack. ROTF!


    Just kidding, of course. :)
  2. Aurora

    Aurora Pup

    No there are no dress codes or anything and it is a relaxed environment but you'll get alot more respect wearing similar attire to the judge . He took the effort to dress a certain way showing honor and respect to the dogmen of old . Remember all the old pics you see of the handlers wearing suits ? I saw Irish Jerry judge in a suit and tie . If two dogs are even in the judges eye you can bet he'll give the blue ribbon to the handler dressed with class over the guy in flip flops and a wife beater .
  3. thepitpalace

    thepitpalace Big Dog

    Does anyone have a web address were I can get info on either one of these shows? Thanks

    Never mind, found it...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 18, 2007
  4. jdbpitbull

    jdbpitbull Big Dog

    does anyone know any cheap motels in texarkana that except pets!?
  5. go to the adba website. click on show calender. then find the show in the month it is and click on it. below the calender info will appear on that show. there is usually at least 3 phone numbers to members of the hosting club and you can call them. they will almost always have a list of places to stay.
  6. jdbpitbull

    jdbpitbull Big Dog

    okkie dokie! 'preciate ya! i sure will do !

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