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I Got A New Rare Color!!!

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by jadedpitgirl, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Ha,Ha!:p Just kidding, but I did get my daughter a very nice blue puppy (notice I didn't say APBT). My daughter plans on showing her in conformation and OB. But who am I fooling, we only got her for her rare color so we can breed more rare pups:rolleyes:.

    Here's a pic of her at 5 weeks. Her name is Jada's Fergalicious aka Fergie
  2. ericschevy

    ericschevy Big Dog

    Good Deal!!! ;)
  3. LegendsMami

    LegendsMami Top Dog

    She's a pretty pup!
  4. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    She is cute. Good luck with her.

    Is she already with you @ only 5 weeks old?

    Why do you say pup and not APBT pup? Is she from a BYB?
  5. The Watcher

    The Watcher Till The Wheels Fall Off.

    if she is not apbt, what are you going to show her as?? I dont hate on the blues. I cant stand ppl that know nothing about their dogs.
    surely your not embarased about your purchase... but if not going to call her apbt pls tell me why you would show her as one?
    ps- @ 5 wks, prolly hasnt had shots yet. better take her off the ground and get her in a clean place.
  6. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    First of all, she is only pictured at 5 weeks. She is now 8 weeks old. That was the only pic I had of her to show. She was still with the previous owners. Second, I didn't call her an APBT as a joke. You know, most of the members here say it's not an APBT until it's proven;). Ha, Ha, I was trying to be funny!!! I guess it completely went over ya'll's heads:D Either way, I would call her an Am Staff and that is what we would show her as. They do still hold shows for Am Staffs, right?:rolleyes:

    ETA: Also, I know all about her (another reason I didn't say APBT). Her father is a blue dog with a lot of Am Staff in the 3rd and 4th gens. But his mother goes back to Gr Ch Boogie Man (you should like that Watcher, LOL). Second, the mother of the pup is a blue brindle girl that goes back to a Jeep granddaughter several times in the 3rd and 4th gens; but I still wouldn't consider her an APBT because she wasn't "proven". Either way, we got us a pretty little girl that will hopefully refine my daughter's handling skills and help her to come out of her shell more, which is what handling has done for her so far.....
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2007
  7. I'm glad that the pup has been beneficial to your daughter, and what a cute pup it is too!
  8. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

    Mind posting a ped? Or pictures of the parents at least?

    I don't have a problem with blue dogs or Am Staffs but I don't really like that both parents are blue... It makes me think the breeder you bought from is breeding for color.

    Congrats though! I hope the pup helps your daughter out in handling.
  9. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    Congratts on the new pup. I hope youre daughter takes to showing dogs. I will do the same with my daughter, but she is only 11 months so I may be getting ahed of myself:)
  10. Patch O' Pits

    Patch O' Pits CH Dog

    Sorry if you were offended... I just asked a question because of how you posted. I hope your daughter enjoys her
  11. jdbpitbull

    jdbpitbull Big Dog

    I think she is beautiful and she will do good for your daughter. i know they helped me through things when me parents got a divorce when i was little if it wasnt for the dogs i probably would have closed up in a shell but anyways shes enoughAPBT to me shes a cutie!
  12. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Actually, I misposted. I meant to say her father is "blue-bred; her father was white/black pied and the mother was blue brindle. Here is the ped for the mom. I'm waiting for the dad's.....

  13. MIKA

    MIKA Big Dog

    Very beautiful pup. You sound like a WONDERFUL parent about bringing your daughter out of her shell. The world needs more people like you with our breed, we wouldnt have all the homeless and mistreated dogs in the world. You should be very proud of yourself in my opinion!!
  14. CrazyK9

    CrazyK9 Top Dog

  15. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Thank you Mika. My daughter loves showing. The last show was an AADR show, and even our 5 mth old pup seemed to be just a bit much for her to handle. I know this is stereotypical, but the blue dogs seem to be more laid back and kind of like "whatever". You know what I mean? Since the pup is ADBA registered, she will be shown mostly in fun shows until she is a year old, maybe some point shows, but I think she will be too large when older to be shown succesfully in ADBA. So, we'll try to register her with UKC at a year. These are plans of my daughter's. She has decided what to do with this dog, I am just here to supervise. She has a good head on her shoulders and is rather intelligent when it comes to dogs. She is pictured in my gallery training our other dogs to 'stack' and getting them used to being handled. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have any one to enjoy my hobby with. This is our one common factor and we do enjoy it, no matter the color of the dogs;)

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