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Cur or not...........

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by dog-man, Mar 6, 2007.

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  1. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Hello everyone, i have a 1yr & 8month, male (intact) pitbull, 6yr old female neo mastiff and a 3mnth 1/2 female puppy. I am by far no dog expert, but by the looks of it , my neo is the alpha bitch of the yard, for now atleast, I let my dogs play with each in the yard with my supervision only, i know pitbulls can be very playfull, but when they rough play , even the puppy gets the best of my pitbull, he will run, then my puppy hauls a** after him, once he lets her catch up with him, the puppy will grab a ear or other sensitive area and make my pitbull actually yelp/squeel, he ofcouse defends himself in a playing way and never hurts her (a good thing), but the puppy even growls and runs after my pitbull when they are playing. I noticed the puppy likes to play like that mostly with the pitbull, becasue she can get away with it, she also plays with my neo , but since she is older and alpha dog, she knows her limitations, sometimes when they are rough playing , even the neo will jump in and tag team my poor lil pitbully lol. He will be 2yrs of age in June, could i have a cur at hand.

    Ps, my pitbull is not game , but game bred.
  2. dublin526

    dublin526 Pup

    There have been stories of some famous dog's that didnt turn on until after the age of two and even some greats who could tolerate puppies. Im just wondering how you know that your dog is not game? If he was raised in a house with a dominate dog than he has probably learned his place, not that he cant still turn on.
  3. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Rough-housing in the yard will not tell you wether you have a cur or not. He could just be playing with the pup, knowing that she is younger and doesn't know any better. He could also know that the Neo is the Alpha-Bitch and isn't ready to challenge her for the role. Dogs are complex creatures (even APBTs) they aren't just KILL, KILL, KILL all the time. They know when to let things go and they know when to get it started. Besides, you said yourself, your dog isn't "game" just game-bred. You already know this, and most think if he isn't game he is a cur. Just be happy with your family pet. If he were to try and prove his gameness, you just might not like what you see....
  4. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    There is absolutely no well to tell, based on what you've said, and what is legal to do.
  5. koening

    koening Top Dog

    i don't think your dog is a cur, because in most cases grown up dogs usualy tolerate puppies. also, your dog is a male, so i don't think he is feeling treathend by your female. i also wan't to ask you something. how does he acts in a male's company ? my dog will be 5 years old in may, and he always tolerates puppies, but he acts rather nervous with males and females grown ups.
  6. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    "Nervous"? How so.... ?
  7. ChiaPit

    ChiaPit Top Dog

    Well you are lucky your dogs have found their places in the pack and interreact well...it could change and I wouldn't slack in the supervision but I say enjoy it, and don't worry, be happy!


    Yes be happy that they don't get into it because if they do you will have a big mess on your hands.....
  9. Be careful and keep the ladies apart for the most part, Neo's can put up a better fight then you'd think.
  10. koening

    koening Top Dog

    by nervous i ment agressive.
  11. I honestly think you dont even know what game means....and that means you dont know what a cur is. Let your dogs be dogs and take care for them.
  12. All the neos I saw are poore show-criple. They couldnt fight a coon sucesfull.
  13. jadedpitgirl

    jadedpitgirl Top Dog

    Koening-dog aggression and the desire to fight in the [] are two different things. Just because your dog gets aggressive with other males, does not mean he ISN'T a cur;) There have been plenty of past pit dogs who kicked ass and totally proved they were game, however, they weren't jerking the end of thier chain to "kill" all other dogs. They knew their job and did it when needed. Otherwise, they were just laid back dogs who could be around other dogs without trying to fight as long as not challenged....
  14. simms

    simms CH Dog

    To the OP,

    I think you need to contact the BREEDER you got that dog from.....pose your questions there. Esp since the the dog is "gamebred", kick back a little responsibilty to that breeder that placed/sold you that dog!

    If thier worth a shit,they will beable to answer your questions.
  15. Yep american's have literally fucked up 99% of everything we get our hands on. Back in the late 80's there was a few good dogs being produced in Italy, greece and in south east asia. I'm not saying Apbt quality and I'm certainly not suggesting he's going to have two dead bulldogs on his hands just I wouldn't exspect that dog to roll over with out putting up a fight.
  16. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    QuarterBullSpitz: Right now i dont see any harm between my females as the puppy is only 3 1/2 months old, and she already knows her boundries with the adult female neo, you are right about the neos, she isnt alpha bi**ch of the yard for nothing.

    realonebulldog:Did you notice i did not say my dog is game,but game bred, there is a difference you know.
    Game - Courageous, dexterous, obstinate, spontaneous; bravery and heroism from a noble and self sacrificing devotion; a contest lasting until a result is obtained

    Cur - Any dog which curs out, or any breed of dog except a game pit dog; an inferior dog

    simms: The breeder of whom i got my dog is quite the character but he does have good dog in his yard, according to him all his dogs game. The main reason for my post , is i wanted to know if its normal for in almost adult game bred pitbull to let a puppy hurt it, and make it yelp/cry when playing and not biting back, i wanted to hear mostly from people that have game bred or uhmm.............. game dogs lol.

    Thanks for everyones opinions and advice on this subject, I dont really care if he is cur or game, just thought it was odd behaviour at that age in a game bred pitbull. Now when i walk my dog and he sees male dogs he gets excited and wants to get close to them, once he is in good distance i could tell he more than anything want to play, but if the other dog shows dominance or anytype of aggression, he makes deep eyecontact with the other dog and starts wagging its tail, at that moment i direct him away from the dog in a flash, or it could be on like donkey kong.

    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 7, 2007
  17. Did anyone ask what your intentions are with the dog in the first place? Plus he's just a pup, you cant really base much on this behavior at this time, he's just a baby and he is living peacefully with his family pack, would you preffer to have to be on guard 24/7? Just because he plays well with his family dogs dosnt mean he man up when the time is right adn you could be using his self control to your advantage if you train him right.
  18. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    Dont pay this fool no mind, that pup he's talkin about is a result of him breeding his unproven, no papers, apbt to his female neo a while ago when the apbt was a lot younger than it is now. This dude is a joke and don't know the first thing about dogs yet he decided lets breed some mutts and see what happens, effin @$$hole
  19. Holy crap....a pit bull and a neo? Oh what a disgrace to our breed. If he was gonna try and play god he coulda at least matched two dogs with the same mental mindstate....oh lord wha a mess
  20. dog-man

    dog-man Big Dog

    Boiboi, the only dog this topic is about is my pitubll, not my female puppy or female neo mastiff, got it good. You say my pitbull doesnt have papers, you got some big cojones to make a statement like that my friend, do you even know my dogs , have you been to my yard, yea i didnt think so. Ok boiboi, i do admit , my pitbull is not proven, but he is game bred , by the way since you are so stuck on having proven dogs, are your dogs proven my friend, and what exactly did you do to prove em lol, i would like to know , really lol. Please every one lets stay on the subject here. THanks.

    My dogs ped

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