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Responsible Peddling?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by BoiBoi, Feb 21, 2007.

  1. cheekymunkee

    cheekymunkee Top Dog

    Exactly. And that is what I am screaming. And running around after the fact trying to clean your hard drive or delete your account and hollering COP is not going to do you one bit of good. If they are looking at you, they will have what they need before they even make their first post. Common sense people. ;) Don't post stupid crap on the internet unless you are prepared for it to come back & bite you on the ass.
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

  3. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Phebes: you own a APBT, a pet APBT. You have to understand that some of the people here own APBT's, but not as pets. They are working dogs. They are game dogs. Now I may not agree with culling, but I can certainly understand it from their perspective. Also, you can't treat a dog, any dog with human status. It's not how it's supposed to be.

    IMO, you have a person like yourself, with the pet, and another person with the game/working dog. Same breed of dog but with two entirely different ways of doing things. Each 'way' is not wrong, just different.
    DryCreek and Rockstar like this.
  4. Chef-Kergin

    Chef-Kergin Guest

    *twiddles fingers still waiting on a response*

    oh, and from personal experience, the only way to save your hard drive from being read is to microwave it. i stuck mine in the microwave for personal reasons once before, and the proper autorities couldn't read anything off of it.

    now, that was in a newer microwave, for about 2 mins. melted all the layers of the HD together (it was easy access to pull the IDE calbes out and pop it out of place because I used to keep the cover off of the tower when i lived in AZ due to heat). there is no physical way to recover data then...food for thought: now i only have external HDs, just two 200 gig ones, one for media, and one for unix/win xp, not that i'll ned to cook another one, but incase they get upset about my song collection (19000 and growing :D )

    but yeah, you should always assume big brother is watching :)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  5. DryCreek

    DryCreek CH Dog

    Good post Michele, rep points for ya ....

    It's unfortunate that not all people can see things that way. I understand the pet side of things and respect people for taking on and caring for their pets. They certainly do enrich your life. I just wish all people could be as understanding about the working dogs. It's not as though they take joy or pleasure from the culling practice, it's heartbreaking to most. But if we are to keep the population down and keep the breed to standard, it must be done.

    Why is it that if I can understand and respect the side of pet owners, they can't try to do the same for us. It's frustrating having people trying to demand that you follow their views as right when you don't agree. It may be right for them and all the power to them for deciding to follow their hearts on this, but please don't insist that I live by and follow their beliefs. Is it not the same as trying to force people to follow their political or religious beliefs?

    Live and let live, if we were all the same, life would be so dull.
  6. Michele

    Michele Guest

    I agree with you. I may not agree with something, but I will respect it.
  7. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Good post Dry Creek.

    The problem comes in b/c there is a "right" & a "wrong." Working breeders think they are "right" for culling inferior specimens while pet owners think working breeders are "wrong" to do so.

    What pet owners fail to understand though is that culling is what created their wonderful human-surrogate pets. If there would have been no culling process somewhere down the line, the dogs would have been too diseased or dangerous to be the wonderful pets they are today. And if culling does not continue, diseased &/or dangerous dogs will be the fate of the future.

    It's already happening. Spaniels w/ rage syndrome. GSDs w/ cripping hip dysplasia. Sheepdogs w/ eye defects. Labs w/ vicious tempraments. I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

    So IMO culling does have a place in the breeding of dogs. Sure, some of the softer hearted ppl might not like it, but such is the way of the world.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  8. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Most people don't own and/or breed animals anywhere near the quality of TG. If the animal is WORTH breeding, and the breeder is responsible in placing pups, then he is NOT a peddler. Having a large kennel does NOT make you a peddler, HOW you run it, will determine that factor. Anyone who spends any time on here should be able to tell what to look for in a breeder.
  9. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    off the subject but if it makes anyone feel better my husband is a sheriff deputy he comes on here and reads posts all the time things i show him and he really doesnt give a shit.The sad reality is that there is not enough concern among law enforcement and other authority figures.They dont care about helping the breed,all they want is to destroy the innocent animals who are victims of the ignorant.I am pretty sure that unless they are going to get some huge hero applause for saving the innocent towns -folk from the horrible moster dogs,they really dont care what we are doing with our dogs.
  10. Marty

    Marty Guest

    This is the best advise I've seen on this site!

    Rep to you brother, as far as law enforcement being on theses sites, sure they are and thier welcome to learn just as everybody else, I'm working on a Announcement about some things going on here lately so watch for it.
  11. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    I just re-read this entire post and all i can say is THANK YOU,SUKI! your long post was wonderfull and so truthfull everyone with a dog should read it it so refreshing to know that there are other people out there with sense in their heads.I dont know how to give rep points but definitley much respect to you for that.
  12. chloesredboy

    chloesredboy CH Dog

    hey i never said i would have use for them!lLOL.Im just saying that if they must do these stupid things then dogs such as labs/poodles make more sense than a shih-tzu and poodle mix.I do see your point in saying there is no reason to breed these dogs as they are not for anything but pets so whats the point of breedin together two retrievers only for pet purposes?not good for either breed but sadly as long as there are idiots out there willing to pay 2k for "rare" dogs the ruining of perfectly good dog breeds is going to continue.Off the subject but someone was advertising "shih -poo's"in the local paper for 15 hundred each.I even called them to ask why they would call them that an they really thought it was cute.I think i still have the add around here somewhere ill try to find it and see if i can scan it on here it makes me roll every time i think about it.
  13. Scotsman

    Scotsman Top Dog

    What about the people on this site peddling CKC garbage? There are a few, infact some have answered to this thread.
  14. Suki

    Suki Guest

    wow, ...:o thankyou

    you're very welcome! :)
  15. game_test

    game_test Top Dog

    i think it is time to start pointing a few of them out.
  16. Michele

    Michele Guest

    Suki always posts awesome stuff

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