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Are people or pit bulls to blame for attacks?

Discussion in 'Pit Bull News' started by Marty, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Riptora

    Riptora CH Dog

    Exactly, that's not a huge percent at all. I thought it was silly that it was the first line of the article. I agree that most of the dogs in that 200 probably are NOT pit bulls.

    I also think it's silly to have numbers like this, and not take into consideration the percentage of breeds owned by Americans. What I mean is, "pit bulls" are by no means uncommon, they make up a huge percentage of our dogs, so don't GSD's, rotties, etc. So as a breed, the percentage is low. I mean, maybe if Mexican Hairless Dogs were as popular as this breed, they would be in the 200's!
  2. Nigerino.com/

    Nigerino.com/ CH Dog

    Thanks for the links, that will help a lot. For some reason people seem to take what they read in the papers or on the web and run with it, with out knowing first hand how it really is!
  3. Jake01

    Jake01 Big Dog

    Kids are a parents fault if they are bad, and if a dog is bad it is the owners fault.

    I like that statement.
  4. Osorino

    Osorino Pup

    It is the crazy ass owners fault. Just like with children when they get in trouble the parents are to blame. People need to step up and take responsibility. Stop blaming the breed and target the owners....Maybe there should be a aptitude test before you can own a dog. It would keep a lot of MORONS from owning dogs of any kind.:dogkiss:
  5. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    Everyone here is saying that the APBT is not to blame and it is all the fault of the handler! and I think your are right! But I think that breeders and kennels should take some responsibility (not for breed a game dog) But for selling a dog to a moron with out offering training or tacking the time to insure that the new owner is set up for a dog of such a high caliber! I think I may be taking this a little off subject So I will start a new thread! I would like to see where it would go!
  6. 6sN7s

    6sN7s Top Dog

    u cant seriously think about this question
  7. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    yea your right what am i thinking! wanting to take the time to place a dog in the proper home with a handler that can control them properly! Yep must have been off my rocker thinking that puting grate dogs in to the hands of qualifide people is a good business decision!
  8. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    what are you feeding?
  9. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Even a Moron can buy a Gun, like the saying Guns dont kill people, its people that kill people.
  10. MinorThreat

    MinorThreat CH Dog

    simple: Its people thinking its cruel to chain their dogs or kennel them, you do this and your dogs are in the same spot when you come home as you left them, no problems. You cant do this, dont own the breed, period
  11. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    Are there not standers one has to meat to get a gun! set by the state! The state is not willing to do that for ownership of a dog! To band is there solution! ether we are more responsible or they try to kill off the breed!
  12. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    This is my point! And So they should not be sold a dog ...
  13. Lee D

    Lee D CH Dog

    are you trying to make a point here?
  14. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    So.............what are you feeding?
  15. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    exceeds with whatever the kids can sneak to them
  16. Saiyagin

    Saiyagin Chihuahua

    Although there might be certain standards to obtaining a Firearm permit, there are NO standards for being a Moron LMAO.
  17. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    I feed Exceeds with a multi and calcium supplement
  18. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    True you got me there! and no Lee D no point really just testing ideals! this is the best place to an option! everyone has one! lol
  19. T.B.K

    T.B.K Pup

    True you got me there! we need to get some regulations on morons. lol and no Lee D no point really just testing ideals! This is the best place to get an option! Everyone has one! lol Its good to get a view other then your own sometimes!
  20. PIt4life

    PIt4life Banned

    When they ask what you feed they mean what bloodlines ;)

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