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Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by mrsmickey351, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

  2. well here's what i've been told. first of all there are 2 kinds of demodex. localized and generalized. localilzed is anything and including 4 seperate spots of hair loss. anything more than that is generalized. if it is generalized then breeding should NOT be done. if it is localized, the approach to take to breeding is to NOT treat it and see if the dog recovers on their own from it. if it does, then the dog's immune system is developed properly and IS a candidate for breeding.


    check out that site it explains it well.
  3. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    In my opinion, anything over 2 spots is generalized. And anytime those spots appear on the body it is generalized.

    Of course there is a lot of controversy over this, but research has proven that generalized demodex (caused by an immune defieciency) is a 100% hereditary condition. I understand that there are a small handful of cases that are not, but until new research has proven that it is not hereditary, I won't do it.

    I guess in my position I've seen the worst of the worst of it. I've personally euthanized over 10 pups/dog with demodex that just wouldn't clear up regardless to the raw diet & all kinds of supplements. And all of these were altered as well.

    I've also seen the case where a dog has a spot or two & will topical treatment it clears up never to resurface again. But unfortunately, those cases are a true rarity where I'm at. I usually deal with those whose dog took 6-7 weeks to clear up only to have the animal come back in looking like complete shit due to being pregnant (any kind of stress can cause a flare up) & then I've dealt with the pups off those dogs who started loosing fur at around 10 weeks of age.
  4. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    Good advice Mia, as always. The dog next door to me had it on the ears only. I told her I thought it was the mange, but she kept saying it was skin allergy because the dog was white. I finally talked her into treating for mange, and it went away and never returned.
  5. mrsmickey351

    mrsmickey351 Guest

    It is not generalized. He only has 1 little spot on the top of his head. We are putting Goodwinol ointment on him. It is clearing up already. The vet thinks he will grow out of it as his immune system strengthens. He said he is fixin to go through puberty and that he probably won't get it again. None of his ancesters or siblings have it. I believe that he just has a weak immune system. I am trying to figure out what I can do to boost his immune system.
  6. Suki

    Suki Guest

    If it continues to remain only one spot, I will go out on a limb here and say that I feel it will probably clear, as his immune system gets stronger. I have treated dogs with both generalized and local, and most (not all, most) of the localized cases resolved themselves. Generalized is another entirely different story, and imo, is really heartbreaking to witness, and dogs that have this condition should NEVER be bred, due to the fact, as mentioned this is most likely a hereditery condition, and can passed onto the pups, as well.

    Just keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't spread. Make sure he eats GOOD food, gets sufficient exercise and rest and is not subjected to any unnecessary stress, which I've "heard" can help add to this condition.
    Good luck and keep us posted.:)
  7. Mrsmickey, for which pup of yours has the little spot of mange? I'm taking a guess here that it may be your Freak Day pup as he is heavily bred on Barracuda and from a breeding that tight, it isn't uncommon to run into problems. I know from RNTK that he said that even kinks in the tail come along as well from breeding Freak into Barracuda females.

    I have heavily bred Mayday pups; statistically 75% Mayday at that, from double bred Mayday parents that are littermate brother and sister. I believe my pups had the same issue on their head from immune system deficiency. I added supplements that were recommended by Texasbulldogs and tried a Solid Gold cream as well. Patience is key here as you will see improvement with a stronger immune system. I saw the older siblings at my pups' breeder's place and they looked fine being about a year old. My pups are 7 months now and do not show signs of it. However, there seems to be a thinner layer of hair around the face when compared to the top of their head and body, but that doesn't bother me one bit. It is a flaw, if one is to consider, from the heavy inbreeding.

    Here are the supplements I was recommended to give my pups:

    Start sprinkling (teaspoon) some sesame seed oil on their food daily. It a great oil for immune function and skin repair.

    The following supplements are for the immune system and should be given daily. If you find a product that combines these antioxidants in one capsule, use it:
    Zinc : 50mg (chelated type)
    Selenium : 200mcg (There is a product called Selene E from Twinlabs. It contains
    the right amount of selenium and Vitamin E)
    Vitamin E : 400 IU twice daily
    Cod liver oil capsules: 3 gel caps twice daily
    One gel cap daily: 25,000 IU of Marine carotene (it is available in health food
    stores—another Twinlabs product.
    Vitamin C with bioflavonoids : start at 500mg and work up to 3,000mg by increasing in
    increments of 500mg weekly. If your dog develops a loose stool, back off by 500mg
    and maintain the level.
    Nutritional yeast : one tablespoon daily
    Lecithin granules : one teaspoon daily
    Milk thistle: follow directions on bottle for an adult human.
    One-half teaspoon of bee pollen (optional but great nutrients)
    Hokamix 30, a vitamin/mineral/herbal supplement: follow directions on container

    The following herbs are to boost her immune system and figh
    t bacterial infections. If and whenever possible try purchase organic herbs that are "Standardized."

    Olive Leaf Extract : Follow directions on bottle.
    Astragulus : Follow directions on bottle.
    Cat's Claw: Follow directions on bottle.
    Kyolic garlic: Follow directions on bottle.
    Pau d'Arco: 4 capsules twice daily.
    Grapefruit Seed Extract Capsules or tablets: 225mg daily.
    Flax seed oil (organic) gel caps: one twice daily.
    Plant based digestive enzymes available at health food stores. Give two
    capsules per meal.

    Add a few tablespoons of plain yogurt to each meal or give acidophilus supplements. It is very important to maintain good intestinal bacteria when fighting parasites.

    Sulphur 6X: one tablet in am and one in pm: use for 10 days

    Hope this helps; and if you have any other questions, feel free to ask :) .
  8. SAM_I_AM

    SAM_I_AM Big Dog

    What if the Sire has had the red mange. but it has only appered once in its life wile dealing with some separation issues due to being left at a friends house for a couple of weeks and it didnt pop up until the day before he was to return home. The dog was brought to the vet and given some medication and has not had a relapse since. what is the probabilty that if bred his pups would have this problem?
  9. thorbred

    thorbred Pup

    my dog got it twice the frist time it was little spot around the eyes an ears second time it was her whole face a legs the vet recommend fix in her an since din it has it pop up she also said it was from a weak imunesyetm that was heradtry dot think i spelled it right. but since she been fix she been cool i think her hormone play apart in it

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