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What age should I take him off puppy food?

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by Pitbullmenace, May 23, 2006.

  1. mondo

    mondo Pup

    B did you just say you do all your own care because you know better then Veternarians? yeah I guess college is just for social purposes... and yes i was originaly a Petsmart trainer but since I have started my own business. I worked at Petsmart for 2 and a half years I quite because I was tried of trying to deal with the managment (if some1 couldnt afford training I voluntered my services, and they didnt like that). what kind of data do you have about these desieses? do you have some clinical data? If you do I would like to see, I dont claim to know everything, however I do know a fair amount. I am sorry this is a little off topic. but when B posts his Info it should bring this back.
  2. Well I will no longer be a part of these forums, simply because I can not be part of any forums that promote at home veterinary care. I do not care how long a person has been doing this. Whether it be dog care or breeding, that does not give any one person the skill needed to care for their animals in a clinical way. And to say that vets are morons, that is just stupid. If they were, they would not be around.

    So goodbye to you all. I am sorry, I just can't stay. It is beyond me. I thought this was a good site but to see such awful advise makes me sick.

    MD Reptiles
  3. mondo

    mondo Pup

    good by every1 its been short but It appears you have all the knowlege you need in B. marty suki MD it was nice meeting you guys im with MD this will more then likely be my final post good luck and follow sukis advice there is some good info there.

    take care, Mondo
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  4. B

    B CH Dog

    I didn't promote anything. I simply stated that I do my own care and I do a very good job of it. Vets are smarter than the average owner so they do serve some purpose for certain owners. I fail to see how I'm giving "awful" advice because I've done some research on diseases and fail to see how a puppy food benefits a dog. Did you look into anything I said or is this just a hissy fit because we disagree? I thought there might be some intelligent conversation or debate about this topic but it seems that you are all done. Stick your tail between your legs and jump... :rolleyes: cya later!


    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  5. B

    B CH Dog

    ;) Cya later!


  6. Marty

    Marty Guest

    (Some will come and some will go), don't worry about it B, I do my own when I can also ;)
  7. B

    B CH Dog

    For the record, I never said ANYONE should do their own care. I take care of anything except major issues and surgery. Vets have their place but it isn't every little scrape, cut, or minor issue. These are bulldogs we own, not teacup poodles and you should be prepared if they have minor incidents. Bulldogs have a knack for getting into stuff and as you gain more experience you gain more knowledge and begin to take care of common small issues that by no means require a vet visit. One last time, I do not recommend that the average owner does all of their own vetrinary care. I do however thing that every owner should be capable of basic first aid, vaccinations, and emergency procedures to stabilize your dog in case you need to take it to a vet. I live over a half hour plus away from the only vet I would trust to care for my animals. I just wanted to clear this up.

    Kind Regards,

    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2006
  8. people with diabeties dont go to the doctor to get their finger pricked or get insulin shots they do the first time but then they do it on their own, so if someone doesnt like people taking care of their dogs, then maybe they shoulnt be here! Im with you all the way B im sure they worm their dogs... they dont need a vet to do it for them, if you catch my drift...
  9. OH... sorry and as far as the puppy food question I feed my pup adult food with her pup food every time she eats but I need to research more B got me thinking...?
  10. Suki

    Suki Guest

    and I would like to set something straight as well.

    IF, and this is a mighty big IF, you DO find a great QUALITY food that meets ALL of your pup's nutritional requirements, and this HAS, and can ONLY be done by researching a puppy's essential nutritional and health requirements, and then purchasing a food accordingly, then, by all means purchase it.



    The "average Joe" and I will generalize here, doesn't "dig deep enough" to find what those actual requirements are, and relies on pet food manufacturers to decipher that for them, via, puppy, adult, and senior foods, and they steer the common consumer towards what they view is the "best food for each stage of your dog's life", then, hence, my first post, which I based on on your every day pet food manufacturers. MOST food out there would NOT be considered adequate enough to feed throughout a dog's life time. Manufacturers KNOW this! Manufacturers, generally, do NOT have your pet's best interest on their minds when they produce food. Do a Google, and see what's really IN pets food. Disgusting! It's ALL about profit...
    So, yeah, we all get sucked into the puppy food, then switch, perhaps according to the the amounts I previously mentioned, because we think we've discovered a better food.
    But, again, IF you've foound that top grade initially, then good for you.
    Bottom line:
    Just be sure the needs of your pup have been met.
  11. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Dang. Pretty weak nerves here. If I left every forum because I disagreed with somebody, I might as well stay off the net.

    <<<<< Gives own vaccines, treats minor wounds, scales teeth, etc etc etc. LOL!
  12. I also do a lot of "vet" care at home (vaccinations, exam, etc) or in my horses' case, in-barn. The dogs go in for rabies shots or to diagnose something I can't figure out. The horses have a vet come out once a year for West Nile vaccs and to get their teeth done. (Have you ever tried getting a horse to open his mouth willingly for you...lol.)

    Hmmm...I guess that makes me a bad owner. :rolleyes:
  13. Suki

    Suki Guest

    Like wise. After working along side vets for years, yes, I do what I can at home, as well. ...term it how yah will...
  14. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    A LOT of vets don't know crap about dog nutrition. And, as pointed out earlier, they have an agenda in a lot of cases. Science diet is CRAP food, yet vets will push it. From my experence go with either raw or a top quality kibble ( I like Timberwolf, but not as much as raw). And I don't mean to dis all vets by any means. I really like the vet I use, knows his stuff, dosen't think he knows everything, and isn't out to grab ever cent he can lay his hands on. But even he says a lot of vets don't know best what to feed a dog.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 26, 2006
  15. Red_Chrome

    Red_Chrome Big Dog

    I also do all my little vet care at home. I.E- Shots(except Rabies), minor wounds,proper stretching before exercising, I actually have Red in a Soft cast right now to help her ACL heal better. I did it myself after confering with my vet. He said if I feel comfortable by all means do it. Also I pull stitches, scale teeth etc. No Biggie to me. Saves me money and I still use my vet when absolutely necessary like when Hobie tried to eat my kitten. That cat is spendy now, whew. 125 dollar cat. Uggghhhhhh. His name killer though and he's my gaurd "dog"
  16. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    I feed an all stages of life food. Canidae and I love it and have heard great things about it.
  17. maryellen1

    maryellen1 Guest

    95% of vets know nothing about nutrition, they only push the science diet and stuff as they get paid to..

    every puppy that comes into my house is put on whatever adult dog food my crew is eating.. i havent fed puppy food to a foster in over 2years..

    i think its to each his own, some people feed puppy food some dont.. i prefer not to..as adult food is more nutritious.

    i too do some simple vet care on my crew, for cuts and simple stuff, i treat at home.. for serious stuff the vet.. it all depends on what happened. a bee sting is a benadryl.. a cut pad, i clean it , wrap it, and watch it.. a puncture, depending on where it is, i handle at home.. the good thing is my vet loves that i do some stuff myself, and is always askingme to work in his office..
    Last edited by a moderator: May 27, 2006
  18. Aceman

    Aceman Big Dog

    Agreed,, I,ve heard , been told and read some things a didn,t like to hear or be told, and maybe even didn,t agree with but I,m still here. If we all thought alike and agreed on everything imagine what a boring world we would live in!!! LOL.. Take Care.
  19. Attila

    Attila Guest

    I have a B.S. in Biochemistry and Psycology and I have learned new things on this site. I work with two vets doing research and labwork. I don't see where an educated person can't do his own pet care. Scheduled shots, worming, flea and tick control, general health care. Yes there are times that you need to take a pet to the vet. But I know many people that take their kids to the Doctor for a runny nose every time, or a cold. It will pass blow your nose and go on. Viruses generaly pass with out extra care you body can't fight off. Parvo, deep lung infections, cancer, broken legs etc. the average person can't handle. Puppy Food is the thread any way. So in general it is breed specific. Large dogs need to grow slow so that their bones, joints and tendons grow evenly and the weight does not over load the dog. Small dogs require much more energy to maintain their health. A Pit Bull is mid sized. Protien content/ fat content is what you are going for plus the nutritional quality of the feed. The diabetic also doesn't go to the doctor to give himself a shot of Insulin when need be either. Doctors and Vets do get to make allot of people who are over dependant of them. There are many things you can do for the helth of your dog. Lab testing the regular joe can't but Worming, Cleaning, vitamines, shots and that sort any one can do. I feed my Pit bulls 26 % protein and less on the fat. I feed them twice a day and none are under weight or over. The vet checks on levels are great. I work my dogs and they are very active so the house dog may require less protien and fat than mine to stay at a good level.


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