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Home of the Geachiman blood.

Discussion in 'Breeder Discussion' started by AGK, Jan 19, 2019.

  1. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    beautiful set up you have there.. look pro
    AGK likes this.
  2. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator


    I'd rather have my chain set ups but laws are laws, especially when you know they are watching you closely. I got no choice but to comply.

    I'm not fully done with it yet but it's getting there. I'll be adding a 25'x10' Amish built building to attatch to the front of that set up with 5'x5' kennels inside the building. Probably not going to happen before the snow falls so I'm shooting for early spring to have it put up. Going to have a water line ran to it, electricity and some kind of heat source, to keep the mutts more comfortable in the winters as well as make my life a little easier.
    Smoke42084, XLR8, david63 and 2 others like this.
  3. Blackpoison

    Blackpoison CH Dog

    wow ..sounds better then my house !! lol
    AGK likes this.
  4. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    They got y’all wit that bullshit ass no tether law too huh??
    AGK likes this.
  5. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    About 2 years ago our tax increase loving Governor Wolf signed in Libras Law which tightened up on animal cruelty laws and added a tethering law to the bill. No dog is allowed to be tethered for more than a 9 hour period here. If it's above 80° or below 32° out, that 9 hours turns into no more than 20 minutes outside while being tethered. Also, no chains of any kind can be used to tether a dog.

    Pretty fucking retarded if you ask me. The idea behind it was it's easier to neglect a dog on a tether than in a kennel. Which is ludicrous. I can't even see my dogs from my house anymore now that they are in kennels. Either can all but one of my neigbors. Seems to me like it would be a lot easier to neglect them now since no one can see them. Not that I ever would just saying it would be a lot easier to do now that no one can see them. When they were on chains all of my neigbors could easily see the dogs. Makes no sense what so ever. The living space my dogs lost was significant. 4 out of those 5 fifteen by 5' kennels sit inside just one of the dogs old chainspots.

    All they did with that law was make it easier for me and harder on my dogs.

    As soon as the law went into affect I got a hand written letter in the mail with the new law stapled to it from Lisa Stiles who is the lead enforcement officer in Pa for prosecuting animal cruelty cases.

    I'd feel special except I hate that broad and hope she gets mauled by a dog someday. Lol
    Smoke42084, XLR8 and c_note like this.
  6. Hats off too you ,great yard ,great dogs,Atb Duffer just to add, those higher goals you say you maybe should have pursued,well,you don’t need me to pat you on the back for what you have achieved with your dogs but if I was some profound philosophy type I would be saying something like what an incredible achievement! You raised a family by sounds of it,paid your taxes,you have this faceless bitch breathing down your neck,feckin drives me insane , here’s to AGK and all similar people who are accountable for there actions not like these faceless feckin cnuts who report back to more faceless beuracratic spivs.Cant wait for the day some of these people start loosing something they love.More power to all who face up to there own shit and carry on against a tide of billow.Awesome dogs AGK,philosophers please nutshell!
    Atvb Duffer...in England...a so called democracy...lmfao...it’s not getting to me,really lol Atb
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2019
    Smoke42084, tomjones2 and AGK like this.
  7. SMD760

    SMD760 Big Dog

    A little bit of irony that the governor that signed in the laws last name is Wolf.
  8. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    He's a putz.

    Have no idea how the hell he got re-elected. Has raised taxes here exponentially pretty much every year he's been in office. We have the highest gas taxes in the country. The idea was to use the money to rebuild roads and bridges. I don't see shit getting done at all. Most likely he's just lining his pockets and the rest of his cronies too. He just gave a couple million of that tax revenue to the State Police. Not what that money was supposed to be used for.

    POS in my book.
  9. SMD760

    SMD760 Big Dog

    Politicians are the worst, they all play for the same team regardless if there is a R or a D next to their name, either way they only serve the wealthy.
  10. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Going to call this one the Massacre breeding being that I started it today on Friday the 13th which is also the first time in 20 years we've had a full moon on a Friday the 13th. Lol a little useless knowledge for yous.

    I repeated it simply because I only had 1 pup from the first time I did the breeding and I can't really guage a breeding off of a single offspring. Plus Bobby Hackmans (R.I.P) best friend and partner with dogs like Hackmans Jade who is a big influence in my dogs make up as well as the owner of Gr Ch Lil Son, Ch Wonder Woman, Ch Ivy and whelped geachiman , those dogs I named are all bellymates. An all game litter and thats being modest. He also had a son of Geachiman named lil joker 1xw that I actually was looking for to breed to a few years back, small world. Anyway, he came to me about 5 months ago and asked if I would repeat it because he wants some of his old blood back and if I would be interested in letting him get something from the breeding. I couldn't say no, I'm actually very humbled and honored he would seek me out to start all over. Going to pick back up after some issues and 4 years out the dogs. This is a man who with Hackman made the foundation of my very line of dogs that I have today, how could I say no.. Both have said very nice things about my mutts and how I've put them together over the years. We have had many great conversations over the last few months. He has gave me so much insight on the backround of my dogs I thoroughly enjoy and look forward to our weekly chats. So, I'm going to help a brother out to get back what he had, or at least a running start. My fingers are crossed for a successful breeding. Time will tell.


    Smoke42084, Elmo Vee, XLR8 and 10 others like this.
  11. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    I’ll give you 3 pieces of Juicy Fruit, a bag of Pop Rocks, half a bag of Big Chew, and 2 of my lucky paperclips for a couple of those pups!! You can’t lose:D
    Holocaust and AGK like this.
  12. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    Good luck Brother!!!
    AGK likes this.
  13. SMD760

    SMD760 Big Dog

    Good luck, hope you get a nice litter and Congratulations on the recognition!
    AGK likes this.
  14. SMD760

    SMD760 Big Dog

    And the moon was absolutely beautiful here in California yesterday I was driving home from the gym about 5 AM and it was low big and bright.
    c_note and AGK like this.
  15. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Never even got to see it. We had torrential downpours with a severe thunder and lightning storm that started around 8pm and went on all night into early morning. The lightning was awesome to watch. Was coming down everywhere constantly followed by percussion from the thunder.

    Been having a lot of storms the last 2 weeks here. The other day I went to my parents house to hang out and it was 87 and sunny so I left all my windows down in my car. When I left it had been pouring horizontal from the high winds. The entire interior of my 300 was drenched. The dash, seats, floors and even my crossover, high and midrange amp and my capacitor along with all their connection parts since I almost always have my back seat down to let the slump from the 15's come into the cab. I was pissed. Left everything off for 2 days and surprisingly no damage. Still bangs. Lol.
  16. SMD760

    SMD760 Big Dog

    I miss a good thunder and lightning storm, that’s one thing that we don’t really get here. I had a system in only one car I’ve had, it got stolen. Worst they took my cd’s, I had so much good rap and heavy music, obscure shit that I could never find or even remember.
    AGK likes this.
  17. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    When I was a teen and in my early 20's I had my stereo stolen on several occasions, CDs too among other things. You feel totally violated. I would have steal me stickers on my vehicles though like Pro-audio or USAmps logos etc. Now I don't advertise there's anything to look for in my car to bother busting my window out for. Plus the dogs are quick to bark and act up when anyone is near my property and I definitely have an alarm these days on my car. It also wouldn't be wise to give me the chance to shoot someone legally. :)).

    I've loved car audio since I was a kid.
    XLR8 and SMD760 like this.
  18. c_note

    c_note CH Dog

    The moon was so bright here you could see clearly without streetlights. The glow around the curtain was so strong, it made me look out to see what the light was
    SMD760 and AGK like this.
  19. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Chainyanker on the road this morning with Gretchen heading to her first ADBA show today.

  20. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator


    I'm grining ear to ear!

    Gretchen took 1st place in her age group (4-6 month old females) twice. So she earned 10 conformation points yesterday.

    Not too shabby for the first dog (pup) ever from this kennel to show in the conformation show ring.

    Lol just wait until she's an adult and can be conditioned. No doubt in my mind Chainyanker will Champ her out in ADBA.

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