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Purina foods

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by pit#5, Apr 11, 2009.

  1. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    Ah shit theres always one in a bunch huh?LOL....OK let me answer your reply accordingly......first off unless you a proffesional body builder which is rare.....no average joe lifts weights 5 days a week not even MMA fighters do that and Im sure most dogs dont lift weights 5 days a week either LMAO.....Did you even read my post carefully and let it sink in your head first before you open your mouth and jump to these conclusions? LOL....You must of really put alot of thought into your reply huh? LOL Well Ima do the same also E-NUFF SAID LMAO.

    Oh yeah one more thing you fit ya name perfectly New2Game LMAO
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2009
  2. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    settle down beavis
  3. crazycooter

    crazycooter Top Dog

    yes purina is crappy food but if it works for your dogs then stick with it. But if it was me i would try something better jmo
  4. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    I used to lift 5 days a week as long as your not using the same muscle within 48 hrs you are fine. MMA fighters cannot lift everyday they are not trying to become bodybuilders, they are doing it to build strength and explosiveness. Besides weight lifting they have all other aspects to train for which involve the muscles they use when they lift. I agree with New2Game with Purina being a bunch of corn and crapy ass by products. I do not know how people feel about their pets but I know I would not feed my dog that garbage even if it saves me money.
  5. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    OH my gooshness here we go again LOL......I didnt say you CANNOT lift weights 5 days a week right? Again you not taking the time to let it sink in before you reply you should pounder alittle about what I just said first....You even said what I just said about MMA fighters not being bodybuilders as that was exactly my point but you dont seem to get it LOL.......The Purina chow is cheaper but the Purina proplan performance cost just as much as those high quality ingredients feed.
  6. Christy_SYK

    Christy_SYK Big Dog

    If you can buy it at walmart. Don't feed it.
  7. davidfitness83

    davidfitness83 Top Dog

    My bad lol I am boored out of my mind like always at work and I just wanted to spark some controversy for the hell of it. I think this site was down for an hour or so and I was freaking out I could not log on....
  8. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    OK no problem Butt head LMAO
  9. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    No problem man its all good.
  10. New2Game

    New2Game Pup

    I read your post.
    yah, there's always a few in the bunch that aren't retarded. frustrating, i know.

    You said you have fed purina ( crap) to your dogs and had good luck. good luck as far as what? healthy coat and good solid stool? i'll bet your dogs would look great with real food. i could live off chocoloate pudding for a few months, but i shouldnt.

    whether you lift 5 days a week isnt the point, youre the one that obviously doesnt get it. most high schoolers lift 5 days a week bro, but thats beside the point.

    you need sufficient fuel to do sufficient work. you get what you give
  11. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    Did I say I had good luck? Good luck and Actual results is two different things lol So if my dogs looked good if I fed them real food is that because of Luck? LMAO....not too mention how absurd your chocolate pudding example is just ridiculous LOL.....even your high schoolers analogy is irrelevent LOL......Now that sufficient fuel thing is probably the best thing you said yet which I agree on.....and the Purina proplan performance feed is sufficent enough that alot of dogmen use it in there keeps because it works as results speak for themselves and not by what is just written in the ingredients. If you dont get it by now you never will LOL. But its all good man to each his own.
  12. Marty

    Marty Guest

    Ja-net, some had good results on Ole Roy too ;)

    I'm keeping an eye on you :confused:

    This is very disturbing to me...

    Bloodline of Choice
    Juan Gotti/Razors Edge

    Mentally disturbed,schizophrenia

    Fantasy internet bulldogging LOL

    Shit talker LMAO


    Why are you really here?
  13. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    ^That is rather disturbing :p
  14. BmoreGame

    BmoreGame Pup

    Well proplan is completely diff than the chow n there is all so proplan all natural...
  15. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    Very True Marty some have also had good results with Olroy as well.....not saying you CANT do better but if it works for you and you like it or thats all you can afford or whatever reason then use it. For example when ya go into a GNC store you will see all kinds of supplements but how will you know which ones work best for you? By just reading the ingredients? or by actually using it too see if you get results? Exactly

    Why are you keeping a eye on me Marty its not me you gotta worry about.

    Disturbed? If thats disturbing to you Marty you should see the way you act in the chat sometimes when ya drunk Im sure Nancy can back that up.

    Why am I here? Same reason everyone else is here. Do you ask everyone this same question?
  16. Flipside

    Flipside CH Dog

    For some reason I had the same good results with Pro Plan....but as my knowledge in canine nutrition grew...I switched for "peace of mind"!
    Switched to Canidae after that for about 3 years and with negative results...dry,dull coats! Jumped around from raw diets to kibble using brands like Kirklands, TOTW, Timberwolf Organics and Orijen (best kibble for me thus far). Raw diets were good...just too much hassle for me...only use in keeps!

    I guess the main thing too remeber is when feeding any feed a pup or young dog can look good on any scraps....but what about 10 years from now? Will the dog still be healthy and active...or will he suffer the many ailments and allergies dog endure when fed a poor diet? Guess I never stayed with a brand for that long but there are some dogmen who have...

  17. Ja-net

    Ja-net Banned

    Good post man.....main problem is the Cost and Time as if we had all the money and time in the world we would all be feeding raw and not just the raw scraps like chicken back and necks but the whole chicken or premium grade T-bone steaks or Salmon/JackMackeral/Tuna etc....
  18. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    this is a very good point- i know the majority of dogmen in the past/present arent really that worried about the quality about the feed, as much as they are w/ the protein/fat percentages. how you get it to those percentages doesnt matter to them, and its gotta be ~cheap~ when feeding 20,30,40+dogs.
    the long term effects of these lousy feeds can literally be the death of these dogs. cancers are a reality. but in all honesty- the majority of these dogmen's charges never make it past 3-4 years of age, so long term health is not an issue for most.
    feed the best you can afford, stay away from grains and chemicals.
  19. BostonBully

    BostonBully Top Dog

    I don't know what you are talking about but feeding raw is cheap and doesn't take much time at all. I buy 20 pounds of chicken and have it chopped up to correct portions, packaged up and in the freezer in 15-20 minutes. Not to mention 69 cents a pound for leg quarters from the supermarket isn't breaking the bank either. Add in some beef for 1.49 a pound and whatever else is on sale and you have the BEST diet you can feed for cheap money.
  20. Marty

    Marty Guest

    So who are you and what do you have to bring to the table, you know I run this site and I can disallow anyone I want to right?

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