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so....who on here actually wants it built?

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by peppapig, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    With all due respect, a more insulting disgrace would be to turn our backs on fairness, on equality, to bow to zealotry and to allow bigotry and fear-mongering to guide our conscience and actions. My country and my faith is greater than any damned mosque.
  2. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    not for 1 second do i think its not involved.i have friends that are of other persuasion than me.and i dont mean they are gay.lol....but......the end all be all of the war in n.ireland is about nationality.there are catholics and protestants that couldnt give 2 fucks who they pay thier taxes to or who they are ruled by.then there are the others who do care.
  3. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    fairness and equality??.....do you see the moderate muslims up in arms and blowing a gasket over the extremists and thier acts??.....no....you dont....with a whisper they disagree with those acts and yet some still can reason with the acts of terror.the west was built on christian faith and democrisy......islam does not believe in democricy. thier lives are governed by the laws of the mad mullah in the sand dunes or watever his fucking title is.it would be more pertenant to deny the building of said mosque.let them millitants know that the west cant be pushed.if you dont think its a psychological war then god bless you.cos you can bet mad mullah the child marrying rapist is certainly rubbing his hands in glee at the thought of a mosque being built at the greatest attack that islam has ever created against the democratic nations.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2010
  4. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    zuidwest: I don't think I am looking through "army style glasses." Firstly, I was never in the Army. Secondly, I know Islam & muslims for what they are. Sure there are some good muslims. But there are a heck of a lot of bad ones too.

    As for us "bombing them," WTF?? Last time I looked, we were at war & they attacked us first! Both Iraq & Afganistan support Al-Qaeda, who have attacked us several times - to include 9/11 - long before we deployed to the middle east. They struck first & we struck back. That's how war goes. IMO we should have done it a LONG time ago. As far as I am concerned it wouldn't hurt my feelings if we turned Iraq & Afganistan into huge glass parking lots. Might as well do Iran & Pakistan too just for good measure!

    But to get back to your bombing thing, the majority of the 9/11 attackers were Saudis, a country we haven't laid one finger on. Same with Iran, even though a lot of Iranians are going to Iraq to kill our troops. But we haven't touched Iran either. So as far as I'm concerned, as long as Iraq & Afganistan harbor Al-Qaeda operatives & training camps, they have nothing to complain about for being bombed. After all this IS a "war on terror." You harbor & train terrorist & I think they should bomb your country until it's either a glass parking lot or a smoking crater.

    As far as where the mosque is, it is 2 blocks away. I think the actual footage is like 600 yards away. Still close enough to be a slap in the face IMO. You wanna build it, build away. Just not there or anywhere near there.

    oldtymer: Couldn't have said it better myself!

    garth: From the 1200 on? Please. I think the west was only trying to take back something that was stolen from them by the muslims.

    I do agree though that a**holes committed 9/11 murders. But they were only doing it in the name of ISLAM. Islam is a strange religion. If anyone reads the Quran & it's mate book the Hadith you will find many passages urging it's followers to either convert "infidels" or kill them. However, while in Mecca surreounded by "infidels" Mohammed preached peace & tolerance. When he moved away to Medina, his preaching changed from peace & tolerance to conversion or death. Moderate muslims follow the former teachings, while fanatics follow the latter. But both are in the Quran & both are part of Islamic teaching. All one has to do is read it for themselves.

    Budboy: The funding is coming from muslim countries all over the world. Now that he has the OK to build his disgrace, Imam Rauf is currently on a tour of the Arab countries (funded by the state department!) like Kuwait, Bahrain, Quatar & the United Arab Emirates among others.

    HighCoastHiker: I was not aware of Jehovah's Witnesses who let their kids die, but if they do, does that make it OK? No. It's evil no matter who does it, Christian or muslim.

    And if I make you cringe, rest assured, you make me shudder. To not recognize what these people are doing is beyond me.

    As for fairness, equality, zealotry, bigotry & fear-mongering I have to ask - where are all your zeal for country & your faith when Christianity is under attack? Or even Judiaism? I never hear you speak up then.

    Furthermore I would like to again point out that most people are not objecting to a mosque being built, but rather WHERE it's being built. IMO this is nothing but a calculated slap in the face & a hard one that that.

    In case no one knows yet, Islam builds mosques at the sites of conquests & victories. They built a mosque over the Jewish temple at Jerusalem. They have built mosques over other Jewish temples & Christian churches in counties they have taken over. Now they want to build a mosque near Ground Zero. Does anyone not see the parallel??

    Oh well, just my .02

    Blessings ...
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 14, 2010
  5. zuidwest

    zuidwest Big Dog

    man u really think the muslims living in the usa agree with all happening in theyreoriginal country? dont you think they wouldve stayed over there if they liked the way things are going there.

    really man this hatred against other religions is so fecking dumb, ive read through some of the holy books and noticed how much all these religions look a like and then i keep scratching my head wondering how come everybody is so hung up on the name of theyre religion. its crazy really.
  6. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    im loving you ABK......:D:D
  7. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Bottom line is its their right as an AMERICAN to build it wherever they want. You are no more American than any muslim born in this country and you possess no more rights then they do. They can build a mosque there just like you could have built a church there if you wanted too. You don't think ANY muslims died during 9/11? You just guess that everybody and their mom in new york city of all places are christian? LOL! They can build it wherever they want, and they obviously will.
  8. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Good call by the president.
  9. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    im sure muslims had died in the bombing.the law of averages suggests it.but...i aint seen none of the muslim relatives of the murdered spitting and cursing and going ballistic at the mental cases in the robes for doing such a thing in the name of allah!!....
  10. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    then you get a mental muslim leader of iran saying he wants to see israel wiped off the map and hes trying to build a nuke!!.....where was all the moderate muslims going mental at him saying things like that.....but oh no.....if obama had said no to the building of a mosque at ground zero every muslim and his married 11 year old daughter would have been screaming human rights.....makes me fucking sick!!!!!!!
  11. venom

    venom Top Dog

    When have you ever seen muslims in america doing any of that? When have you ever seen muslims in america going crazy even when others were in other parts of the world? I've lived in the biggest muslim community in this country...Dearborn, michigan. More mosques than anywhere else, the biggest mosque, and the biggest muslim population resides there. The people are very reserved and I honestly would rather live amongst them then any other people of Detroit. Truth is, Muslims in America put up with more shit than anyone else and they hold their own and go about life. As for Israel... they have committed more terrorist acts than any other country. They are the real terrorist.

    For ABK asking to name a time when people were killed in jesus's name... how about now?? Look up Lieutenant-Colonel Hensley, who wrote jesus killed mohammed on the side of a tank and reportedly ran over and shot down people who protested it. Look up the videos of him saying He's HUNTING PEOPLE for jesus! Lol what the fuck! Look up how he had muslim graves decimated with crosses placed in them. This is one of your commanding officers... look him up and then re-post the question.
  12. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    then dont you see how your country is ridiculed by allowing said mosque to be built by the very site that said religion flattened!!....the high ground aint so high when beneath you are the dead you turned your back on!!!
  13. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Bingo!.....bypass all the bigoted bullshit and get down to brass tacks.
  14. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    show me a video or footage of you denouncing the mullahs of iran wanting the detruction of israel!.....show me you denouncing the acts of the 9/11 bombers.....what have you done to ensure the moderate muslim is not tied in with the mullahs??...maybe...a quiet word here and there .....but incase you are heard by your own religious community stops you i think!!...
  15. peppapig

    peppapig Banned

    the only people that can stop extremist muslim attacks are the moderate muslims.its only them who can sway the thoughts of the mental cases.but by fuck you dont see them taking the mad mullahs on....oh no.....they sit back and plead innocence....nothing to do with me...etc etc..fuck off with that shite....get your arse over to them mad nutters in the mosques and argue with them if you think so bad against them.im thinking you wont.
  16. HighCoastHiker

    HighCoastHiker Top Dog

    Frankly, the type of closed-minded quasi-christianity you fling around tends to make those who have actually read the Bible look silly as shite.
    You think that because folks don't let bigotry and reverend Rush guide their faith and beliefs that they don't get the big picture and all the messed up details besides? Stop preaching the half-truths as history, burying the bigotry behind "blessings," and read your Bible for a change.
  17. feastodg

    feastodg Big Dog

    im muslim and i will pray for you, some of you obviously need some guidance
  18. venom

    venom Top Dog

    Some people were taught what to think, not how to think.
  19. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

  20. feastodg

    feastodg Big Dog

    this is very true, which is why i will pray to god to open peoples hearts and minds. i really wish people would realize that they are being force-fed fear and hatred and being controled through media by a government with an agenda that doesnt care about them.

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