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best way to treat??

Discussion in 'Health & Nutrition' started by spliff, Aug 2, 2010.

  1. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    had a little scrap here a couple days ago and one of my dogs was bit on the throat in such a way that he now has a baseball size lump on his throat.i have seen this type of injury before,my bitch got into it a few years back and had a similar bulge that developed on her throat.it took a bout a week for it to go down and has nothing but a small scar from it now.

  2. Kuntry

    Kuntry Big Dog

    looks like it needs to be drained and heavy antibiotics
  3. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    the pic really don't do it just believe me its roughly the size of a baseball.my question is what would be the best way to treat it with the fastest results?Ive been treating by flushing,antiseptic,and a&d.
    i know its one of those injuries that looks worse then it is and i have to assume its common because this is the second dog I've had that has had something like this.its so bad i cant put him in a collar and i hate having him on a chain in a harness..
  4. outrightmike

    outrightmike CH Dog

    take to a vet.if you cant cut it flush it with peroxide then flush with steril water and shot of penicillin.if its real hard hit him with penicillin first and it will break it down overnight then cut and flush and get some atibotics from the feed store.you will have to squese out every day intill healed.thats about what a vet will do.but best to take to the vet,when i did only ran about 100$.if you dont do anything it can get deadly a infeation
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2010
  5. Mextra

    Mextra Big Dog

    If its pus, Hot water epsom salt and green alcohol in a bucket and wash cloth and massage it 3x a day it will soften up and the pus will drain
  6. catchdog

    catchdog Top Dog

    nitrafurizone applied topical, thats not bad
  7. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Its a puss ball, which means your dog has an infection in the swollen area. He doesnt need the vet right now, but you will need to start antibiotics asap, something stronger than penicillin or amoxocillin. Clean the area with iodine,peroxide or antibacterial soap every other day or so. When you see puss on a dog, it means infection. Once a accident happens, you need to give a antibiotic asap to prevent infections. JMO
  8. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

  9. Kuntry

    Kuntry Big Dog

    I thought warm dish soapy water to flush, peroxide leaves worse scars is what the hog hunters told me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 3, 2010
  10. spliff

    spliff Big Dog

    have you ever tried using the penicillin that i got?

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