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A shame?

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Esse818, Sep 10, 2006.

  1. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    Well i know that my dog can fight ive seeing her a couple of time but today my little sister said that my pit got out and started barking but as soon as the dog barked back she ran to my sister. I confused because my little sister said she called her so i dont know she a bitch or shes a good listener. But every time we pass a dog barking behind the fince she walks faster. I spoil her a lot so i think i messed her up, and have to tuffing her up again. What do you guys think?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  2. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I think you need to revamp your post......*shaking head*LOL

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    I would say just let the dog be a dog and do what dogs do. No need to "toughing her up". My female runs from dogs behind fences or dogs put up. I can even trust her not to run twoards other dogs or people, but if another dog invades her space it's a wrap, she's really a cannon waiting on someone to pull the string and I know it for a fact. You know what they say, the more love you give'em the more they do for you.

    There's not much advice to give because you are asking how to make your dog tougher which is kinda ummmm retoricle because these dogs are naturally tough and rugged especially compared to other breeds, so just continue to encourage good behavior and be the Alpha.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  4. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    lol im been doing it for a while.
  5. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    nah that wasn't the question on how but should i? i was happy that she didn't attack, don't need a another law suit.
  6. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Alrighty then....I got your question...LOL

    MR BIGGS Breed Advocate

    Clearly you shouldn't unless you want a dangerous dog and that's obviously not the case or you wouldn't be asking right?
  8. StraightGame

    StraightGame Big Dog

    i agree with them all.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  9. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Come on, I was beginning to think you are a logical fellow, that is absolute garbage right there!
    MR BIGGS likes this.
  10. my dog doest run she just stops and shows her scary hairs ... thats what i call the hairs that stand up on her back

    ill say she prolly a good listener...
  11. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    you got a point, It's that i'm a realy confused i think i spoiled her to much. true pits aren't scared im trying to keep it that way.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
  12. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    thats when ppl start to think, when they just grow.
  13. Suki

    Suki Guest

    however your dog chooses to act will be in a manner that's innate to her, and it will come naturally. No need, imo, to do anything. And with this breed especially, no need to "toughen " 'em up.

    ...there's already enuogh "grief" attached, unnecessarily to them...:(
    and no, you most definitly do NOT need a Law Suit!!!;)

    NONE of us does...
  14. LuvinBullies

    LuvinBullies CH Dog

    law suit? What's the problem here? Lawsuits and this breed are not exactly what we need more of. What happened??????

    Indulge me. Exactly how does one go about "tuffing..er...toughing" up one's dog? That statement I believe is the garbage Rock was speaking of. Not the fact of you "spoiling" her. How do you usually "toughen 'em up?"

    You came off at first as a okay dude, now this thread you started bothers me a bit, at least the way you've chosen to word things. You realize that kind of talk isn't wise don't you?

    Damn right you don't need another lawsuit. WE don't need you to have another one, and neither does your dog.
  15. Aceman

    Aceman Big Dog

    I,d say if she,s not HA and chasing and barking at people, you got yourself a good dog, be thankful!!
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2006
    MR BIGGS likes this.
  16. ......I read it again and again......what exactly is your problem?
  17. purplepig

    purplepig CH Dog

    Ah........ I....can't believe your mind would go there, from what you have posted before. You can mess the dog up by putting it through too much too early. I am assuming the dog is less than 2? Even if not, if the dog is grown and currs to another, there is only one way to test it, game test with a "hog"(for hunting purposes only) and see if it will not go with the hog. Then you will know if you have a pet dog, or a pit dog. Very well bred pups can, and do, turn out to be pet dogs at times. It is just a fact.

    But I have to ask, are you wanting a pet, or a pit. Dont get offended, think about it. There is nothing wrong with having pet dogs. This breeds makes the best pet IMHO. I myself have both. I have dogs on my yard, then I have pet dogs. The reason I ask is this, if it is a pit dog you want, then you must test it and be prepared to make an honest evaluation of the dog and take necessary steps, depending upon the outcome. If the dog is young, and for some reason I am thinking this, DO NOT TEST THE DOG TOO EARLY!!(read that part 4 times!!) Some folks help their dogs turn on, myself, I let them turn on on their own. During the time from birth till they do turn(unless the dog is cold) you should work on building confidence, not "tuffening her up", whatever that means.

    Hey tell me something, just what do you mean by that anyway? That "tuffening her up"? Also, many great pit dogs have slept in the bedroom with their owners, and sat on the couch also. So spoiling the dog in that sense wouldn't "mess" the dog up. So much of this is genetic.
    Please answer my question.
  18. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    no lawsuit with this dog but, i havetickets to pay for past
  19. Esse818

    Esse818 Big Dog

    by tuffing her up is, ed by not spoiling her to much and by building up her confendence. i suck with words and you are all getting it the wrong way. my dog sleeps on my bed, has 100,s of toys and i spend 12 hours plus with her we go every where together. I made ex girl friends, and friends jealous of this dog. me spending time with her is why you dont hear shooting all over the places, stores roped and toke me off the streets(well realy not really).
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 11, 2006
  20. Suki

    Suki Guest

    yeah maybe "tuffing" is not the correct word.
    I think I get what you're trying to say. Showing love and "spoiling" a dog will not "weaken" it and make it "softer". Just be sure that you're the one always in control=you are the alpha, and as mentioned let "nature take its course".
    It sounds like you do both a lot with her and for her. :cool:
    Just remember the rest of us owners who are also gunna "take the fall" should you slip, and PLEASE act as a responsible owner. That's all I can ask...

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