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tab/frisco pup?

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by cool hand larry, Apr 11, 2012.

  1. People shy but animal aggressive! Is it the tab stuff or fiasco ...
  2. Cadibuck

    Cadibuck Big Dog

    How old is the puppy you speaking of?
  3. She is 9months love her to death she's just shy....
  4. Was wondering if that was a trait in frisco or tab dogs
  5. coach

    coach Big Dog

    neither....Its a trait that can show up in any line...shy doesnt mean she cant perform
  6. Thanks coach was just a thought buddy of mine had a frisco dog way back when same thing ... And boy was he a monster....
  7. APBTfan

    APBTfan Big Dog

    Its a frisco trait. Ive had a few shy ones but they still got it done.
  8. CCK

    CCK Pup

    I have heard plenty of times about frisco bred dogs known to be shy.
  9. Caos

    Caos CH Dog

    you're right syr and I speak for my own experience with Frisco dogs!
  10. F.G.D.

    F.G.D. Pup

    shy dogs usually a resultof being bred tight so it my be a good producer. i havent had one shy yet . and my dogs a double bred
  11. domino

    domino Pup

    its the frisco side
  12. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    Well I have a tightly bred rbj boy who is the same way........very people shy! But a monster towards other animals, what's the explanation on this???? No Frisco there.........
  13. swiftersweeper

    swiftersweeper Big Dog

    people are so quick to say that.

    IMO its the heavy inbreeding. with heavy inbred dogs your going to get this more often than not. the most important thing is to give that dog attention. you want that to come out of him/her. if you dont spend enough time with that pup it will end up acting like that as an adult.
  14. meno222

    meno222 Big Dog

    i seen this in a freinds dog, she was heavy tab with a 1/4 eli..
  15. tigerboy5

    tigerboy5 Big Dog

    A lot of times depending on the age you get the dog at, the shyness can be attributed to the yard or kennel that you got the dog from.
  16. nfahred

    nfahred Big Dog

    I have a cowboy bred dog and she was super shy since the age of 2mths. Over time she slowly came out of it but only with me does she act all hyper and energetic. If my son was to try to walk her...she would curl up into a ball or try to run away. But let another hound cross her path...that bitch go dumb really quick! She is a yearling now.
  17. preme

    preme CH Dog

    Don't mind the shy act my frisco dogs that act shy usually are outstanding hunters not all but enough of them !
  18. lil mayhem

    lil mayhem Top Dog

    I'm thinking the same thing as far as being tightly bred goes. Just wanted to answer some of the stupidity about Frisco. @ nfahred my boy is exact same way, bananas around other animals but shy to people.
  19. Jim R

    Jim R Banned

    [FONT=verdana, Arial, Helvetica] Characteristics of Temperament
    Temperament is primarily a function of the dog’s neurological makeup
    Temperament is 100% genetic; it is inherited, and fixed at the moment of the dog’s fertilization/conception/birth
    Temperament in the dog cannot be eliminated nor transformed from one type to another. It cannot change during the dog’s lifetime. It is the permanent mental/neurological characteristic of the individual dog. But there may be an overlap of different temperaments in the same dog. For example sharpness may be seen with over aggression or submissiveness with being temperamental.
    Environment, Socialization or Training can modify the expression of an individual dog’s temperament, but they cannot transform it nor eliminate it. The dog will die with the temperament with which it was born.
    In other words, the sum total of the dog’s neurological and physical matrix that finds expression as a result of environmental change (people, animal, physical context or situations), is its temperament. This view of temperament is objective in its definition, and clear in its physical expression, and for this reason will form the platform of our subsequent discussion.
    Temperament is divided into two broad categories: Sound Temperament and Unsound Temperament.
    Sound Temperament
    The dog with a Sound Temperament is confident and self assertive. He is sure of himself and investigates what he is unsure of. He handles his environment with confidence and without fear. His approach to life and his environment is curious, assertive and investigative. If startled or frightened, he recovers quickly from his fright.
    This wonderful ideal is not without its concerns. This dog makes an excellent pet and worker, when under control, trained or managed by a handler who is a secure pack leader. However if uncontrolled his self-assertiveness could lead to significant management problems. Nonetheless the mental balance of this kind of dog makes him a joy to own, and more persons need to learn to learn the skill to manage this exemplary canine. Having said this, it is clear that an older couple seeking a companion may be better served with a more submissive animal.
    Unsound Temperament
    The dog of Unsound Temperament does not display the above calm, confident, self assertive, non-fearful behaviour. There is a range of behaviours considered to be unsound, but the following list can be taken as a complete or almost complete list of the variations: Sharp, Shy, Sharp-Shy, Submissive, Temperamental, Hyperactive, and Overaggressive.
    Sharp Temperament
    A dog with a sharp temperament reacts (immediately) to individual environmental stimuli without thought. The dog does not consider consequences. It may jump sideways and run far away if startled by a slamming door, very reluctant to return, if at all. The sharp dog recovers, but slowly. The sharp dog may fearfully bark forever at the play of shadow across a doorway, or the light pattering of a small branch on the roof. If the stimulus is innocent and continuous, the sharp dog does not settle down and accept its innocence. It continues to react without thought. It will not investigate.
    This dog may seem at first to be an excellent alarm dog, but extreme sharpness, coupled often with a lack of confidence, could make it a perpetual nuisance to neighbours and household members.
    Shy Temperament
    The shy dog is afraid of unfamiliar people, places and things. He is sensitive to noise and movement, and does not take initiative. The shyer the dog is, the greater will be the amount of fear displayed. This genetic/temperamental shyness cannot be cured.
    Shyness may also be caused by improper environmental socialization or people experiences. This shyness may be reversed to some extent by proper handling and training, but avoiding such an outcome right from the start is preferred. Shyness must not be confused with submissiveness.
    Sharp-Shy Temperament
    The Sharp-Shy dog displays aggression based on fear; he is the classic “fear-biter.” Being sharp, he responds without thinking, and being shy, he is fearful. This combination produces a dog that bites at any unfamiliarity without thinking. Fear is a normal reaction in a normal dog to a perceived threat, but when the threat is over, the dog should recover quickly. The sharp-shy dog recovers slowly; its fear may even paralyse it, and it may bite if touched. It may be taught to adjust in a particular environment or situation, but when that situation changes, it will react again in fear and the behavioural cycle starts over again. The Sharp-shy dog can never be fixed.
    Submissive Temperament
    The submissive dog readily surrenders authority and control to it leader; in other words, he easily accepts human leadership. He tends to be meek and mild and non-threatening. He has no desire to be in charge, and readily does what is asked. This kind of dog makes an excellent pet and companion for most first time dog owners and the average family. The temperamentally submissive dog may be, but is not necessarily, a “wimp.”
    Submissiveness is also a trait that may be produced environmentally, by abuse. This should not be confused with the genetic submissive temperament.
    A dog with this temperament suffers from failure of its central nervous system. New environmental stimuli so overwhelm this dog that it may shake uncontrollably or roll over. The temperamental dog will empty its bladder and bowels seemingly unaware, in unfamiliar or stressful situations. This dog is not just afraid - it cannot cope - with the stress. Its nervous system is so overwhelmed that the dog loses control of its body and bodily functions.
    The temperamental dog is not usually aggressive, but it is important to remember that there is a lot of fear in this dog, and the fearful dog may respond by biting.
    This trait is one step down from submissive, and cannot be fixed.
    What type of companionship can this dog provide? He may not be suitable for most homes but may be looked after by someone who feels generally compelled to offer and provide perpetual psychological coddling to this kind of dog. This dog is not recommended.
    Hyperactive Temperament
    The hyperactive dog is constantly moving, and generally moving fast. He constantly wants to move by running and jumping. If confined, he will pace incessantly and leap at walls, walk in circles or wag the tail non-stop. This hyperactivity is not normal but is the result of a metabolic malfunction (of the brain) that controls the body’s activity.
    This dog could be thoroughly destructive if kept in a confined apartment or small space.
    In some cases it may be difficult to separate temperamental hyperactivity from normal high energy in some dogs.
    Overaggressive Temperament
    The overaggressive dog reacts with more aggression than the situation suggests. This extreme behaviour is often directed toward the handler and is usually in protest for having been asked to do something the dog does not want to do. This dog does not turn off easily; he will come after you and hurt you. It does not accept human leadership.
    An overaggressive dog should never be placed in a pet or companion situation. In fact if he is not in the hands of a professional handler, he should be put down.
    Before ending this topic two other temperamental traits require our attention. They originate in the self-assertiveness of the dog (Sound Temperament) but may actually be looked upon as temperamental classes in their own right. These are the traits of Dominance and Independence in dogs.
    The dominant dog strives to achieve pack leadership. The more dominant he is, the less likely he is to accept human leadership and training. He is confrontational. Such a dog requires a skilled handler who can maintain pack leadership at all times.
    This dog does not want guidance or affection from other dogs or humans. He does not encourage companionship; he cares nothing for praise or pleasing his handler. The independent dog keeps his own company, is self directed and self reliant; he is not affectionate.
    Clearly, the independent dog would not make a good companion, and may function best as an out door “yard” dog.
    A dog with significant dominance and independence traits together, is just a slide away from being over aggressive.
    Even though critical periods, socialization and training may affect the temperament of a dog, they will never eliminate any of its effects.
    [/FONT][FONT=verdana, Arial, Helvetica]by Dr. Radcliffe Robins

    From the time they were born on my yard I began to feed them a diet created to build a strong body, I started schoolen and training the pups for [] by leting them run lose hunting in the woods and fields around our house. At the age of near 6 months old I put the pups on long cable runs, at that time I would walk older dogs from pup to pup and schoolen them for []. When the pups reach near one year old I school them to work what I called a "CATMILL", at that age I begain to put thir bodys in the fitest health and powerfull and strong with lungs so they could run on the CATMILL for hours and hours and not tire, thir body had to be condition to be like the animals body that live in the wild of nature. - Don Mayfield
  20. preme

    preme CH Dog

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