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Ole timer back in the game

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by stratos9, Apr 16, 2010.

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  1. stratos9

    stratos9 Banned

    To OLD TIMER, if you think these 2 STAR MEMBERS are upset, don't take a chance on losing THEM. They seem to be the backbone of this Forum, they seem to be a lot of help when their opening line is "I DON'T LIKE YOU". Seems to me they would be able to give some input on DOGS, with having to worked until they dropped to learn about these dogs.I guess in your eyes they have earned the right to downgrade all the others if they disagree with other guys posts. From what I have read they seem to think they are the only ones that EARNED the right to be here. Seems to me all of us others had it given to us, by there replys. Do you think it's revenge from being treated badly or just wanting sympathy. Oh well, Anyway check with these 2 guys and see if it's okay for us others to posts something to discuss with others, or if we need to check with these 2 EXPERTS first. Oh yea, I noticed SHAKAZ has 261 posts in 6 months what could he need to talk about when he has already EARNED his knowledge the hard way. Let me know what they come up with. If they say CLOSE it, then Please close it, don't upset the most important members you have.
  2. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    Not sure what the number of posts have to do with anything??? BUT from working on a friend of mines yard for NO pay except learning through the summer heat winter snows spring rains and storms no matter what... then FINDING this forum AFTER working the yard, cleanin up shit, conditioning the dogs, feeding the dogs, dipping the dogs, medicating the dogs, LEARNING how to stitch dogs up, I'd say that I earned my knowledge, but somebody can come on the comp type in a retarded question (that they would know the answer to if they were an "oldtimer") and we are supposed to just let that slide huh? okay you keep thinkin that buddy. :dogstare:
  3. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    ONE of the problems with this breed are the new commers expecting to get a free pass and then getting pissy when it doesn't happen... As SOME of y'all know our "fraternity" has always been a close nit group... now that a lot of people like to talk and open their mouths about their "knowledge" there are a lot of people all of a sudden getting busted out of no where and this "old timer" is talking about we should help newbies in the game???? is he for real??? I would rather tell a newbie to STAY OUT. why?? because its not worth it... its hard work... day in day out. like someone said on a different thread. If your sick oh well dogs gotta be fed. want to go to the movies? right after you put in work or time with the dogs because if your campaigning then it gotta be worked. wanna go out on a date? better tell her come to the house because you can't leave because you got a pregnant bitch that could drop anytime and YOU have to be there just in case there is a breech birth or she needs you for anything. But newbies don't know or CARE about that part, all they care about is I GOT a dog or a few dogs NOW i need help with them. Now scratch back and tell me I'm wrong, buddy.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 27, 2010
  4. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    The problem is you dont have to do anything illegal anymore. If you have more than a dog or 2 on your yard then they will come to your house and kill all your dogs then take your house away from you. Even if you are found not guilty they already put ur dogs to sleep. This is why people are so quick to jump onto people. If you seem fishy then people will avoid you. So why i feel for people who sometimes couldnt get as much help as they want, myself included, I know how things are so if no1 knows you thats just how its gonna be
  5. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    I would say do your research yourself... library, Google, hit up a show in your area and talk face to face with some people... call a few kennels and talk to them.... and as long as you are sincere in your quest things will fall into place. It's the people who want instant gratification that finds no gratification at all and end up mad and frustrated. I mean would you go up to a girl you don't know and say "let's fuck" and then get mad when she turns you down? same principle applies here. Take it slow. Learn the basics, that way when you DO have a question its more of a generalized or a question that a lot of people may be wondering about. But when you jump on and say something like, "how do i get in touch with so and so" well first of all how do we know so and so wants to talk to you? second how would YOU like it if unknown people were calling you talking crazy on the phone. If so and so doesn't have a website with a phone number listed then obviously they don't want everybody and their brother's cousin's sister callin them. There are people I would LOVE to get in touch with and get a dog off of, but you know what, being that I don't have their number and didn't get it from them or someone in their circle who could let them know I would be calling, I'm not going to ask for it on the internet. Why? Because not having the number, or knowing who is in their circle is a sign that I am not on their level yet, and may not get their while they are still alive, SO I will get in touch with the person who is running as close to what I'm looking for as possible gain a good rep with them and go from there. How? HARD WORK, and PUTTING TIME IN. It certainly won't be over the internet. The internet is possibly one of the most dangerous contraptions that has been invented and yet a wonderful tool if used correctly.
  6. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    hell yeah i'd get mad lol
  7. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    Well I never like to see any member be singled out or the like, I don't play favorites and I try and state things how I see them. I am not saying you were not around a while ago, But when I read that post it just put my feelers on edge. I noticed some things that raised a red flag to me...And I am speaking for myself and myself only there. I don't tell people what they like to hear or agree to get a general consensus so that I am seen as the "cool" Moderator or one who will let things slide.

    Nobody earns their right in a forum, I am talking about what really needs to be done to learn how to handle things the right way. A person can give you some advice but words only go so far, If your serious about learning you need to get out there and prove yourself to everyone that your willing to learn and get on with a good mentor to show you what you need to know. And that does not come for free, You have to earn your spot to soak up the persons knowledge. There are more people wanting to learn than there are people who can actually teach and there is no sense in wasting your time with someone that is going to take up your time and get nothing out of it when you could have spent the same time with a person who would walk away with some actual knowledge from the time you spent teaching them.

    I tell you what I am going to take you at face value, Maybe you are who you say you are and are just wanting to see if anything has changed over the years. I was more than likely at some event you might have been at years and years ago, So that means we would have seen something right? Tell me something that only someone who was there would know about, Not something that can be found on the internet but something that stuck out in everyone's mind who was at a popular function a while back.

    If your able to do that I know it would put my mind at ease.
  8. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    And the gauntlet is thrown down.
  9. Bxpits

    Bxpits CH Dog

    can you guys imagine JC or FB coming back to the dogs another 10 years from now and go to a forum to ask about the breed??
    i think what old timer proposed is good, where is the proof since you put yourself out as an oldtimer.

    by the way the true meaning of an oldtimer to me is someone that has been in the breed for a long time and is someone that you can go to for advice and that is respected among the community of the apbt.
  10. RedGoodbye

    RedGoodbye CH Dog

    I helped pull youre card and put ya on frontstreet. So youre mad. I understand. Now youre covers blown. I have no problems helping folks that dont strike me as strange or funny funny ya know? You Are one of a few things a liar, A snitch or a donut eater...alll three are detramental to our breed. So, No sir i dont like you.This is a open public fourm. You posted publicly. Makeing youre post open to critisizm by the public. I critisized you. Get over it.
  11. ShakaZ

    ShakaZ CH Dog

    A lot of people pulled his card RGB, not sure why he only singled us out though. A lot of people have been here longer than me and have posted more than me.... some people have been here shorter than me and posted more than me so I'm not sure where he was going with that either. As a matter of fact (as everyone else has stated and I'm going to say again) I'm not sure of him. But he sure is mad ain't he. I wonder why, Hell if you can't take the heat, son, get out the damn kitchen. In another thread another member is all over my ass, but I shake it off laugh and keep it moving, why, CAUSE I GOT A FREAKIN SENSE OF HUMOR AND I AINT A RAT, SNITCH OR DONUT EATER. How you love that pimpin?
  12. B.E.M.

    B.E.M. Pup

    Jeeezzz...I hate to see a grown man cry!!!!
    Don't know why I'm even doing this and I know I'm going to catch shit for it but damn it I'm feeling compassionate (fucking Dr. Changed my meds)
    -stratos9-first start by having respect for yourself and capitalize your name it shows a sign and lack of confidence in yourself and your ability to respect others,second you asked for opinions well hell son you got em,you knew what was going to happen when you broke it down by saying "don't want to help the new guy", "you run them away"so don't get your feeling hurt !!!!except it for what it is,some guys will deter anyone away from these dogs especially now a days when people are losing everything they have worked so hard in life to get homes,land,dogs,and families because some jack ass took someone's conversation and turned it around on him. Let's face it man we lose a good dogman and his knowledge every day because of this bullshit and for you to come on a public forum and say Im getting back in is just unheard of, so people want prove no different then me telling a stripper I'm a millionaire and her expecting lots of money out of me!!!! Duh !!!
    Time for my generosity= If you must have a website on the fucking internet do yourself a favor REMOVE the accomplishments of the dogs, real men the ones I hope you would sell to already know what they have done and their status of achievement (hell even the damn donut eaters know! sorry Guys had to steal that one..LMFAO.)
    Alright enough of this good guy shit now I gotta go do something illegal like cut the tags off of my mattress
  13. kdue

    kdue Big Dog

    @bem it's not illegal to cut the tags off the mattress IF you are the customer and bought it. just read it. it will say the customer is allowed to remove tag! lol just thought i would say that. nothing added to this thread just crap talking!
  14. B.E.M.

    B.E.M. Pup

    Yeah I know ..lol...that was the point;)
  15. B.E.M.

    B.E.M. Pup

    Good researching kdue:D
  16. Jeez, proudly saying that you've been in the sport for quite some time is serious shit. This breed could be traced hundreds of years back and the only people that are rightful to state that they're old timers are those people that lay low big time nowadays, I mean stopped or maintained a handful of dogs just for the love of the breed.

    Lesson number one : Never Ever say in a public forum that YOU ARE an expert.
    Lesson number two : Never ever pretend that you know shit. Just the mere use of words could blow up your cover if you're a popo, snitch or what not.
    Lesson number three : Try to limit your posts.... THINK A MILLION TIMES BEFORE OPENING A THREAD, it could be more worse than opening a can of worms...... It'll be like shit hitting the fan but your in front of the draft:D
  17. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    true, but what is this? HOW TO BE A SNITCH...
  18. baconffa

    baconffa Pup

    hey everybody i am kinda new to this anybody got any pointers for me. i haven't done the whole game dog thing in a long time. me and my dad use to raise rednose then on day we just got rid of them.
  19. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    this dude stinks.

    "im back in the game" at the worst possible time.
    "show me some pics and your peds" why dont you post yours all weve seen is a site you may have stolen, another was exposed just yesterday on here.
    "these two star members" yeah these two star members are two more stars above you and have called you out.
    "what five grand you are talking about" you havent been out of the game youve been in the academy.

    "the game" is a very non legal activity that not one user on this site promotes, but it doesnt mean we are not trying to "preserve the breed" as it says on the top left hand side of this screen.
    we discuss history and help each other but we do not promote dog matching in any way.

    im sure your "old school" mates can hook you back up just like the "old days" and they will have plenty of pics and peds for you to look at......if they even exist.

    you have said a few things in your post that make me put the warning lights on straight away and thats enough for me to think your probly looking for trouble or dumb, its upto you to figure that part on your own.:D
  20. Yardboy

    Yardboy CH Dog

    Here's a pointer........next time you decide to get dogs, show them the same loyalty and respect that they give you and don't just up and decide one day to just get rid of them.....
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