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Can Lexus be a scared pup or something more serious

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by jojo, Oct 20, 2009.

  1. jojo

    jojo Pup

    Actually theres about 4 of you ppl that can all go fly a kite together not just the Frank guy but about 4 of you can
  2. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    you asked for our oppinon and we gave it

    I could careless truthfully but theres an innocent bulldog pup in the mix of some bs
    so accept the flak as a guidelines to makeing a better judgment call next time
    or atleast write a rough draft and edit before you post so we know exactly what you mean the first time
  3. k_pbs

    k_pbs Pup

    Perhaps I´ve got everything wrong but:

    I have´nt got the time to read everything but could anyway be of some significance to say I was more or less chocked when I read the opening post.
    No, twelve year olds should not walk a pit bull alone. No compromises here. It is irresponsible, especially if there are other dogs around.

    Someone are surprised their 5 month(!) old gets scared by a barking dog? Not surprising at all. Quite normal. Do you know when some pit bulls mature? Not at five month I can tell you. It does´nt necessarily say anything about the dog that it gets scared by a barking dog when it is a _pup. It is´nt a "pitbull" by far at that age.

    If it is a pitbull... if it is a rescue or some other dog you don´t know anything about you can expect just about anything. Even that is has´nt got a single drop of APBT blood.

    And I don´t understand why anyone should go back with another dog and nail the barker.

    that is not the way to handle a dog, pit bull or not, today out in the community.
  4. p1tbull

    p1tbull Big Dog

    Then he took our pug mixed with ?? Izzy the same route and she nailed tinks.. so any ideas why Lexus would have backed down so oddly and then run like hell if must say to me and when she got to she was panic stricken and didn't leave me side for about 45 min. It really upset Scott because of how she dropped her back end .. any suggestion area greatly appreciated..

    why would it matter if the dog was scared. Would it be better if the dog was barking back and charging forward?

    its pretty nice of you to get your 12yr son to come in here and tell dogmens to fly a kite when he should be the one flying a kite and not walking a pitbull down the street.:eek::eek::eek:

    I believe in Franks NEW DAY THREAD. Hope people read it and spread the words AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.:D:D:D

  5. All about Pits

    All about Pits Big Dog

    This is the 12 year old ( pitafull) First of all why int he h*ll were you wlaking the dog in the first place second you should've been more carful and resposible Dumb A**!!! Im about your age actully higher and I have more self education then you!!!! This is pitfull what a waste of my time!
  6. All about Pits

    All about Pits Big Dog

    FLY A KITE!!!!!!I fly dogs!! Not kites you have no right to come on here actin like a ignorant person your a ignornat young person (and I'm about your age) why is you on here anyway I mean like shouldn't you be on facebook or soemthing talking toy our friends?
  7. p1tbull

    p1tbull Big Dog

    this site is very informational. You can use your stay here and learn things. People may flame you on things and they may not. Just dont be an a$$ when people tell you stuff. You ask for peoples opinion and they will give you it. You can stay if you like or not.
  8. IMPACT631

    IMPACT631 Top Dog

    If i was walking dog a an a leash and went south down my road and got attacked by an animal... When i returned home to walk dog b i would of went north,, not the same direction that the yapper was in,, try to avoid conflicts with ur dogs and it will make it a safer place for our breed
  9. Dream Pits

    Dream Pits CH Dog

    ok, this is kind've off topic but i havent had a dog that hadnt turned on by that age. Is that common? I have had dogs that were very different as far as aggression. They mostly ignore dogs until they get a certain distance away. Some show no aggression what so ever, u would never expect them to bite. The thing that i automatically thoguth when i read this was are you sure you have a pitbull? People call everything an apbt in 2009
  10. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Mercy me. This is the same woman who's son just brought home a "reverse brindle gator mouth pit" (her words, not mine) into his parents' home unannounced & without permission. And we wonder why things are already falling apart? I saw this train wreck coming from a mile away when it was first posted. :rolleyes:

    jojo - let me give you some info

    1: No, it is not unusual for puppies to be scred of aggressive older dogs, even if the dog is smaller. Lexus needs to be socialized. Try getting a trainer as was advised to you before.

    2: Do NOT let your 12 year old walk this dog EVER!!!!! Either you, your husband or your 21 year old walk her. NEVER let a child walk her! I thought we went over this before. If anything happens while your 12 y/o is walking her, not only could your child be badly hurt (or even killed) YOU are legally liable for any damage Lexus causes! That means lawyer fees, medical bills, payment for mental or physical anguish & reimbursement if an animal is involved. Lexus is NOT your pug mix. She's a PIT BULL MIX (pit bull in the eyes of the public) & you will go down faster than a turd in a toilet bowl if she harms ANYTHING or ANYONE even by accident or in self defense!!

    Where were you when we talking to you about this 2 weeks ago? Did you have you head up your fanny?? I don't mean to be rude & I am not trying to be mean but my goodness!! Take the advice that was given to you then & take the advice that is given to you now.

    And as a side note, if you do not have any better rein over your dog than you do that wise acre kid you've got there, we're ALL in trouble. I will pray tonight that God will keep you, your family & your dogs, b/c from the sounds of it, we'll ALL need it!

    Best of luck to you & yours.
  11. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    now firstof all ,, i have had these dogs for more year than most on this site,,, now tell me WHY

    a 12 year old cant walk a pup? now if it was a adolecent it might be different but a freaking pup come on.. second is why in the world would you argue and chastize a 12 yr old kid like a adult? be a educator and TEACH him and his mom,, Jesus ive seen some silly stuff but this is kinda out there...

    its just a pup,, teach and help them,, sounds like they need it;)
  12. BringBackup

    BringBackup Top Dog

    I was walking my 60 lb pet bull at 11 years old, and at adult size I'll still only 5 foot tall and petite. He could have pulled me over, but I was responsible and knew exactly how to handle him despite his dog aggression. Never once did he get a hold of another dog (even though many dogs ran up on us), or even knock me off my feet. Should I have been walking him at that age and was it a good idea? Maybe not, but even now I am neither larger or stronger than I was at 11 years old and I can still handle the majority of dogs no matter the size. I bet his 12 year old son is taller and maybe even heavier than me, but if I can walk an adult dog, he can walk a 5 month old pup on a rural road if he is commited and responsible. It's a liability I understand, but I'm not entirely against letting a kid walk a dog.
  13. jojo

    jojo Pup

    Well actually its his older brother who's 21 and im the one who brought the dog home so if you think your a badass and wanna say shit about a 12 year old you need to grow up
  14. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    the reaction that you got on your first post by frank may seem harsh but the truth is the way that it read wasnt good. these kinds of stories are all to common and if you disect what you wrote it doesnt sound good. everyone has a different opinion but at the end of the day no matter how mature they are a twelve year old should walk one of these dogs unsupervised, but thats just my opinion.

    re ; what happened, its only a young pup and if its only seen positive things, it would be a fright for it to have an older more confident dog regardless of size take full charge at it. i woudnt be to worried about it. show no sighns of da at all until they were as old as three. just socialise your dog with others supervised at all times and train accordingly, if you have never owned one youl be suprised at how well and easy they train with the right approach. get you pack ladder sorted out at home because chances are your other dog may be in a bit of trouble when the pup gets older. thats what i would do.

    and son, relax mate, its hard to put a tone of voice onto a keyboard and things couldve been worded better in the first post the answers would have come alot nicer alot quicker.
    even your mum has said it doesnt read that good so chill. but nice work on backing her up.
  15. I read post #9 and now it just looks like you were trying to change your story just to avoid criticism?

    LOL and now your telling people to go fly a kite because you cant handle a bit of criticism. If you dont waste your time on these " stupid forums " why bother posting now then?
  16. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    where is the new day thread i must have missed it
  17. jojo

    jojo Pup

    To all of you that think your talkin to a 12 year old your not im 21 she asked you guys a simple question and you guys freaked like we were having a backyard pit fight or some shit so chill out. she didnt send my brother back down to take care of the yipper or whatever she called all he was doing was simply walking the dog. For god sakes chill out its not the end of the world. And whoever said go back to facebook, you guys argue on here like it is facebook. so next time my mom asks you guys a question about why the dog did this or did that try not to get your shit in bunch and freak out alright
  18. jojo

    jojo Pup

    because you all disrespected my mom thats why im saying something.
  19. jojo

    jojo Pup

    Thanks for that i think your the only one trying to help us on here
  20. junkyard

    junkyard CH Dog

    correction*a twelve year old shouldnt* my bad its my education coming through

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