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Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by cutt, Oct 11, 2009.

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  1. bohawg00

    bohawg00 Big Dog

    SW you can get popcornvegas style lol:D
  2. cutt

    cutt CH Dog

    So the all those hateful thoughts about the staff, and current active members, that were made a cple weeks agao still stand.
  3. Stick to the topic.....after all, it is YOUR topic unless it was only posted to entice drama.

    If you have any personal questions, feel to PMe. And the feelings for that ONE moderator (now ex) still stand. Yet, she is still a member that is free to post as she pleases.

    I am happy you test my integrity. It will only prove it and make it better.....no, make ME a better person.
  4. Mr.lee

    Mr.lee Big Dog

    i think this muzzlewrestling is the next best thing, boxers do put on groves...i say this muzzlewrestling will show more game then a dog pulling some weights...

    this muzzlewrestling is not like a real match, but i like to say its half full instead of half empty
  5. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Actually it would be the equivilent to dogs biting with mouth pieces. Muzzlewrestling is the same as standing in the boxing ring but not be able to throw a bunch or breath properly. It's the next best thing to euthanasia, dogs dying from exhaustion for having their mouths muzzled or taped in a hot basement. Muzzlewrestling is a joke! Your results from this experiment will show you nothing equal or close to the work of a true game dog.
  6. PIt4life

    PIt4life Banned

    If you can't own an APBT without "wrestling" with it then that is pretty sad.
  7. simms

    simms CH Dog

    I agree. And as stated in the previous thread about this topic, this equates to trunking. It's bad enough that there AR fucks get on these boards and read this shit. but there is some dumb fuck out there that may actualy attempt this and thinks it is ok. Cause in some way they are skirting the laws, but when the law catches wind of this, what do you think will happen to these dumb fucks when caught... it will be exposed as yet another cruel attempt to fight dogs.

    Dogfighting is illegal. This breed(the gamedog) is not meant for everyone.
  8. Mr.lee

    Mr.lee Big Dog

    "dying from exhaustion for having their mouths muzzled"

    i didnt think about that, you are right.
  9. Mr.lee

    Mr.lee Big Dog

    This breed(the gamedog) is not meant for everyone.

    my i ask who is meant to have game dogs? why do we need game dog?
  10. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    I do agree that gamedogs are not for everybody. Most people cant deal with the watered down street mutts, let alone a real active, hyper, mythodical, fearless gamedog. These are the traits that most people can't deal with. So if your the type of person that's wants a gentle, social with animals, couch potato, type of pet, then I wouldn't go with a game bred apbt as a first choice. And how many people do we all know that won't exercise a dog other then letting it run in the back yard for 10 minutes. Most of these dogs need exercise so they don't get annoying. My dogs become assholes when they don't get walked, they scream and bark at anything, they start tearing there houses apart, and just look all miserable. They are not like the average dog these days, and that's why we have so many issues with the breed, the wrong people buying them for the wrong reasons.
  11. preme

    preme CH Dog

    not ones that think muzzle wrestling is a way to show your dogs gameness there is one way and only oneway make no mastakes about it..
  12. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    why dont we change the name and stop letting them out
    it would just mean that what ever you produce you are responsible for
    the whole litter

    and we should change the name I have a few ideas but dont want to post them
    son second thought

    The FrankDublin YardDog

    hugh it has that ring to it:cool:
  13. therealjudge

    therealjudge CH Dog

    ...i say this muzzlewrestling will show more game then a dog pulling some weights...

    "show more game" is a retarded statement that shows me what I already knew. You dont know anything about these dogs, so your opinion on this topic, or any other topic are a waste of space. Dogs dont show how much game they have, it sounds like an uneducated person using words improperly. a dog is either game or it isnt. Letting a dog that is muzzled wrestle another dog does not show that he has gameness(not game-say it out loud and see if you can tell the difference).

    pure pit you are exactly right, and yeah preme, if they think thats how you test for gameness [do not incriminate yourself even if it is make believe.....not smart at all].
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2009
  14. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    in leiu of the old THANKS feature, thank you for this useful post
  15. Mr.lee

    Mr.lee Big Dog

    in 10years, will we all be in AST-dog.com? when all the gamedogs/game breed dies off... or are we going to call them gamebreed breeds
  16. FrankDublin

    FrankDublin CH Dog

    nagh its just a yarddog

    a FrankDublin YardDog

  17. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    This is truely Re-F'in-tarted. So is the fact that Rocky still stands behind this crual and dangerious practice. I have only even read of this one time ever. In the Sonney sikes artical He clames Muzzlewrestleing and muzzleing a dog and flirting him was a practice used by J.Corvino to get out inside fat lol.in this artical he also states that anything over a minite could kill a dog! Folks, This is akin to useing Kerosine as a cure for Mange. Oldtimers did not have the same info and science as we have provided for us today.
    Rocky, Please Please admit that this is a half ass retarted thing to do with a bulldog.As an administrater its youre responsability before some idiot goes and kills his dog with this nonscence.
  18. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    .....................................................tryed to post a link to the Sonny Sikes artical but it wont let me????
  19. PurePit19

    PurePit19 CH Dog

    Although laws are challenging our dedication to the breed. They will not parish anytime in the next 50 years. The breed will just continue to go underground, APBT's are like drugs. You put pressure on one dealer and another will take his place. As long as these dogs can be bred, someone will always breed them for their true purpose. I know I ain't giving up on the breed until the Feds make me!! You will never see a yard sale next to my screen name. Lmfao
  20. Nope, I have seen it done outside of this country with several dogs. These dogs went for over an hour and a half and under 85 degree sun. The dogs were relentless throughout.....so dear "big game", I am not basing myself on an article but from my own two eyes. Again, I saw this activity outside this countr and several years ago. Remember that a muzzle should fit properly. It should not be as if the dog's muzzle was duck taped.....the muzzle should allow them to breath normally.
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