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Free health care in America

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by Hells Bells, Apr 11, 2009.

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  1. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    Wow 4 hours in the ER. That sounds pretty good to me. Considering... I went to the ER so sick that I couldn't stop vomiting and I was afraid that I had gone toxic on Lithium, I'd never taken it before. I was scared to death because vomiting like that is a sign of toxicity. I woke up at 8 in the morning and got to the ER around 9 am... I was there til 5 pm. People with chest pains were getting put in front of me. And I was running to the bathroom nearly every 5 to 10 mins. I was there for 8 hours. I didn't get my blood drawn til around 4 hours after I got there. I didn't get assigned a room for another 2 hours or so and sat in the waiting room. When they finally got me into a room it was around 6 to 7 hours that I had been there. They put a IV in my arm and it had to be there for the 2 hours I sat waiting. Not hooked up to anything.. just a needle sticking in my arm with a little tube. They shot me full of benydryl.. and some other BS med for the vomiting. Then I got a 600 dollar bill in the mail. For an IV, some bandages, blood and urine tests. I was "diagnosed" with a UTI, and muscle tension headache. 600 bucks and 8 hours later...
  2. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    half of my family is canadian, and still live there. its not the glossy catch all you might think it is- it really depends on your province-as that is how the rules are set( not the same thru out the country)

    6. Canada's care plan only covers the basics. You're still on your own for any extras, including prescription drugs. And you still have to pay for it.
  3. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    You didn't understand the story. It is impossible for you to wait 4 hours there but it is the law. So, to get around the law they have people sitting outside the hospital, in ambulances. These people often wait for DAYS before they get treated. AND THEY WAIT OUTSIDE. It is not uncommon for patients to die well before they are ever called.

    I am sure you would rather pay that 600 dollars than to sit in an ambulance instead of a waiting room for a day or so before getting treated. All the while being in extreme pain or even dying.
  4. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    I've dealt with this crap pretty much my whole life.. was left untreated for so long for lack of medical care because my parents were too poor to insure us. And no one took the time to figure out what was wrong. I was exhibiting symptoms of anxiety as a child. I felt short of breath all the time for no reason.. I had chronic worries at 10 years old. I had my first major depression episode at 13. Don't tell me it's a freaking crutch. My doc of two years always remembers me everytime I come in, she knows what we've tried. She knows what has failed. She knows I can't take anti depressants. She supports my decison for disability. My doc knows me and she's seen me come in every 2 weeks to a month, with a different mood lower or higher functioning.

    It's normal for a person to exhibit signs of depression over the loss of a family member. Thats the greiving process. Some people greive longer than others. I still miss my aunt who was like a mother to me that I lost to cancer.

    Come live my life, I'll be glad to show you how bad you'll be begging for meds after the amount of time that you've spent your life dealing with it.
  5. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Nationalized health care would help American bussiness compete on the world stage because they would then be relieved of the crippling cost of providing health care for their employees.

    The U.S. is the only major industrialized country in the world that has the bussiness community be the main source of health insurance.
  6. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    Please.. people in America that can't afford their medical bills are being taken out of the hospitals and put on the streets in LA Cali. My dad is a registered nurse who has worked pretty much all different floors. He was the charge nurse and decided what everyone was to do. His supervisors were pushing him to ask people for payment that were so sick they were almost incoherent. My dad said screw that and didn't oblige to this sort of BS. My dad does his job because he cares about people and he knew he'd always have a job in the medical field.

    I never paid the 600 dollars.. I don't have it.. I didn't have the thousands they wanted for a few days in hospitalization either. Thus screwing up my credit even more. Thousands here have to file for bankruptcy due to outrageous hospital bills.
  7. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog


    Where did you get this idea?

    Our businesses can't compete as well any more because of the excessive corporate taxes and the excessive fines they are given if they break any of the rules the government placed upon them in the name of "regulation".

    Your statement has no basis in fact. If so, I challenge you to find something from a reputable source that will back up that claim.

    The businesses CHOOSE to supply you with the health insurance they provide. They can currently CHOOSE to provide these health benefits as a BENEFIT to you as an employee for employee morale and other reasons. A healthy employee saves them money because it reduces lost productivity!

    A socialized health plan will eradicate this because no one will be able to get proper care when they need it!
  8. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    Well even in countries that have free health care, private insurance is available to those who can afford it. I know this because my moms best friend grew up in England. And they have it in France too because I've met someone from France and was told about it.
  9. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    The health system is not perfect by any means. But, if your roof is leaking, do you tear down the entire house? No, you fix the leak. It is less costly and makes sense. Why are we going to spend trillions on tearing down a house and building a new one when all we have is some loose shingles? Especially when this is going to lead to huge problems regarding supply and demand.

    You don't have to listen. Obviously, you won't. I have facts to back up everything I say. I can list references from economic analysts and from hundreds of other reputable sources.

    If we get this socialized medicine, you will have hell even getting treatment. Then you will see that the bad credit or high bills were MUCH better.

    As I said, wait and see.
  10. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    You are absolutely right. This is also what Obama proposed. However, our population is extremely larger than these countries.

    We have less hospitals and doctors per number of patients than they do.

    We will be struck much harder by shortage of hospital and doctors than these countries.

    This will cause our private insurance to sky rocket which will cause everyone to leave the private sector for the social insurance. Once again, supply and demand. Demand goes up, supply goes down. PRICES GO UP

    This will destroy a thriving industry and it will force everyone into a system that is already going to be suffering from a shortage of supply.
  11. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    It is great that your dad has the right goal in mind regarding his career.

    However, how will he feel when he has to turn away someone who is dying because the government says that patient isn't worth the time or money?
  12. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    I can't believe how selfish some of you people are. Good for you if you had the opportunity to pay for college. Good for you if you work every day. If you aren't receiving tax returns at the end of the year thats because you make enough money to not qualify. You can only claim 2 kids on your tax return.If it weren't for tax returns, my boyf wouldn't have the transportation to work because we had to buy a newer car with that money. "newer" being an 01 Ford ZX2. We had an 89 honda before that, we had a 94 toyota before that and my boyf was involved in a hit and run, the guy rearended him on the highway doing atleast 65 miles on the highway and ran him off into a guard rail and just kept on going. Thank god my boyf was not hurt in this accident. But the car was completely totaled. The honda had a main seal and we were putting 4 quarts of oil in it about twice a week when we sold it for 700 bucks, we paid 800 for it. That was about an entire months pay for my boyf.

    Every month we have to make choices about which bills are a priority, first rent and electric and water. The only other bills are phone and 10 bucks a mo for internet. Pay checks are usually spent in a couple of days due to the cost of living.
  13. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    But the US can spend trillions on a war that isn't going to be won. Thats what the hell I'm talking about when I say we should take care of our own. We bombed them all up and than we rebuilt what we destroyed. Now thats smart budgeting.
  14. Shameless

    Shameless Big Dog

    You are able to sleep because the drugs MAKE you go to sleep, so of course your body feels better from the
    sleep. But if you are not already dependent on sleep meds, I gaurantee you will lapse again and have to go back on them. You are dependent on all of these meds is what i'm saying. Without them you can not deal. THAT is a crutch.

    I never said they were the same. I said they were both "disorders" but since you brought it up lets have a looksy..

    Symptoms of PTSD

    • Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind you of the trauma
    • Loss of interest in activities and life in general
    • Feeling detached from others and emotionally numb
    • Sense of a limited future (you don’t expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career)
    • Difficulty falling or staying asleep
    • Irritability or outbursts of anger
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • Hypervigilance (on constant “red alert”)
    • Feeling jumpy and easily startled
    • Anger and irritability
    • Guilt, shame, or self-blame
    • Substance abuse
    • Depression and hopelessness
    • Suicidal thoughts and feelings
    • Feeling alienated and alone
    • Feelings of mistrust and betrayal
    • Headaches, stomach problems, chest pain

    Symptoms of Bi Polar disorder

    Feeling hopeless, sad, or empty.

    • Irritability
    • Inability to experience pleasure
    • Fatigue or loss of energy
    • Physical and mental sluggishness
    • Appetite or weight changes
    • Sleep problems
    • Concentration and memory problems
    • Feelings of worthlessness or guilt
    • Thoughts of death or suicide
    But I guess I didn't really have to say they were the same thing. They sure look pretty similar to me. When I said happy to sad in 5 minutes I was speaking relatively.

    So basically, let's see what can cause these panic disorders..let's just throw it all in there..

    Oh AND AND AND..
    Treatment for panic attacks and panic disorder

    Panic attacks and panic disorder are treatable conditions. generally treated with cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, or a combination of the two.

    Which is ALSO how they treat PTSD..sure are a lot of similarities here huh?
    Anyway as I was saying..

    • Mitral valve prolapse, a minor cardiac problem that occurs when one of the heart’s valves doesn't close correctly.
    • Hyperthyroidism
    • Hypoglycemia
    • Stimulant use (amphetamines, cocaine, caffeine)
    • Medication withdrawal
    As I said....you become dependent on your medication.
    The other 4 causes are a big duh so I won't even go there.

    Oh yes, because i'm sure everything I went through and everything veterans from war go through and everything rape victims go through is really just "grieving". I guess we should just all go to therapy and be ALL BETTER. Pshh...you use your "disorders" as a crutch. If you think you are stable now, it's ONLY because of the meds. Not because you're any better. The chemicals in the pills obviously aren't fixing anything if you still have to go to the docs every 2 weeks. Have fun with that great doctor of yours, seems to be working MIRACLES.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 12, 2009
  15. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    The war is being won. There have been many thwarted planned terrorist attacks due to the brave soldiers out there who risk their life every day for YOU.

    Tell the people's families who had someone die on 911 if it is worth it.

    It is funny, Obama was the biggest opponent of the war but is now increasing the budget for the war. Why?

    Because it is absolutely necessary that we stay there and prevent terrorist attacks against our country.

    Obama is going to spend several times more on his socialist programs than what has been spent on the war. Yet, that doesn't matter. We can ruin the country with these programs but your concern is the fact that there is money and American lives lost to protect you.
  16. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    I was raised in a trailer park. I rarely had a Christmas while growing up. My mom made my clothes. My dad NEVER took a hand out. EVER.

    My dad busted his ass in the free market and made himself who he is now.

    I went to college and am currently in 60,000 dollars in debt. I took that risk. I don't make shit and I am paying it back. NO HAND OUTS. I was never given anything but I won't feel sorry for myself. In this country, you have every opportunity to make it. You just have to do it.

    I went to school regardless if I was poor. Everyone else can do the same.

    I hate to say it but it sucks to be poor. I know it. I have been there.

    Everyone has a right to liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness. However, it is not a guarantee.
  17. Hells Bells

    Hells Bells Top Dog

    You only listed the depression symptoms of Bi polar. Without the mania you are NOT Bi polar. If you have severe enough depression it's major depression disorder.

    Yeah let me go ahead and go off my meds. So I can wait til 7 or 8 in the morning to fall asleep, only to wake up a few hours later, wide eyed, exhausted but full of energy. I tried to take naps, I couldn't fall asleep, even after nearly 24 hours of being awake I still couldnt sleep. I've stayed up hours as a teenager. I remember being awake for 27 hours and still not being tired.

    There are more symptoms of Bi Polar than what you will find on a regular internet website. I've got books on anxiety, panic, bi polar, borderline personality disorder.

    PTSD is not a mood disorder. It's not even in the same AXIS of mental disorders.

    Axis I includes mental disorders that you are born with, mostly mood disorders like bi polar.

    Mood Disorders

    Common Characteristics
    The disorders in this category include those where the primary symptom is a disturbance in mood. In other words, inappropriate, exaggerated, or limited range of feelings. Everybody gets down sometimes, and everybody experiences a sense of excitement and emotional pleasure. To be diagnosed with a mood disorder, your feelings must be to the extreme. In other words, crying, and/or feeling depressed, suicidal frequently. Or, the opposite extreme, having excessive energy where sleep is not needed for days at a time and during this time the decision making process in significantly hindered.

    Disorders in this Category
    Bipolar Disorder
    Cyclothymic Disorder
    Dysthymic Disorder
    Major Depressive Disorder

    Axis II

    • [*] Developmental disorders include autism and mental retardation, disorders which are typically first evident in childhood
      [*] Personality disorders are clinical syndromes which have a more long lasting symptoms and encompass the individual's way of interacting with the world. They include Paranoid, Antisocial, and Borderline Personality Disorders.
    Axis 3
    Axis III: Physical Conditions which play a role in the development, continuance, or exacerbation of Axis I and II Disorders

    • [*] Physical conditions such as brain injury or HIV/AIDS that can result in symptoms of mental illness are included here.

    Axis 4
    Axis IV: Severity of Psychosocial Stressors

    • [*] Events in a persons life, such as death of a loved one, starting a new job, college, unemployment, and even marriage can impact the disorders listed in Axis I and II. These events are both listed and rated for this axis.
    Axis 5

    • [*] On the final axis, the clinician rates the person's level of functioning both at the present time and the highest level within the previous year. This helps the clinician understand how the above four axes are affecting the person and what type of changes could be expected.
    And finally bi polar mania
    Bipolar I: For a diagnosis of Bipolar I disorder, a person must have at least one manic episode. Mania is sometimes referred to as the other extreme to depression. Mania is an intense high where the person feels euphoric, almost indestructible in areas such as personal finances, business dealings, or relationships. They may have an elevated self-esteem, be more talkative than usual, have flight of ideas, a reduced need for sleep, and be easily distracted. The high, although it may sound appealing, will often lead to severe difficulties in these areas, such as spending much more money than intended, making extremely rash business and personal decisions, involvement in dangerous sexual behavior, and/or the use of drugs or alcohol. Depression is often experienced as the high quickly fades and as the consequences of their activities becomes apparent, the depressive episode can be exacerbated.

    Here have fun...

    Thank god for my meds, I enjoy going to sleep at night, and not experiencing frequent mood swings. So I guess if that's what you call a "crutch" than so be it. Atleast I'm not a coke head or alcoholic from self medicating.

    I don't think you know about the severity of these disorders. Have you ever hallucinated or heard things.. these are some symptoms you won't normally find listed on most websites.. they just give general symptoms and info.

    Why would my doc be pushing meds and care when she's paid less salary for working at a sliding scale clinic. Because she cares about people with less means.
  18. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    I am selfish because I pay my own way and expect everyone else to do the same ? That is how life is suppose to be, the world is not given to you. I did not go to college and on top of that I am an ex-con but yet somehow I managed to buy and own two houses. They were not given to me I worked for them and being an ex-con made me work harder for all the things I possess. I did not sit around going ...Wo is me, I did something about it and am damn proud of what I have done for myself and family and it really pisses me off to know that others are too damn lazy to do the same. The reason I do not get tax returns is because according to the government I make too much money so instead of getting a fat check at the end of the year I have to write out a check instead. That is why I have no remorse for those who choose to do nothing for themselves, instead of living off of my broken back people should earn thier own living so people like me don't have to burden the load.
  19. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    So that would prevent you from going to work ? So what prevents you from going to work now ? Doesn't sound like there is much difference except your awake...sorry hard to find sympathy in that.
  20. spaceghost

    spaceghost Big Dog

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