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Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by texas_dogger, Jul 1, 2008.

  1. texas_dogger

    texas_dogger Big Dog

    I know this is a bulldog forum game or otherwise but lets talk about the times we are living in with the high gas, and food prices. I know we cant do anything about the price of gas, but we can do something about the food costs. Many of you already know what im about to type but here it is for those of you that dont. We (the american public) need to wake up and start growing our own food be it chicken, eggs, pork, vegetables, goat or what have you before we cant afford to go grocery shopping because of the high gas prices and cost of living going up everywhere. No reason for people to not be prepared. I have already started buying ammo, and guns. I also have most of my vegetables coming from my garden, and all my eggs from my chickens along with their meat, and the meat of goats also. I believe this country is headed to a REVOLUTION and we need to be prepared for it. Some call me paranoid I just call myself prepared. Dont be caught off guard.
    On the flip side if I am wrong about all of this whats the worst thing that could happen? You put in some work and have a nice garden, and a chicken coop. Anyway sorry for the rambling guess ive drank abit much lol. Just something to think about.
  2. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    We have a garden. I would love to have a few cattle and a chicken coup.

    We have plenty of guns and ammo. :)
  3. texas_dogger

    texas_dogger Big Dog

  4. Claddagh_Reds

    Claddagh_Reds Big Dog

    It is of interesting note that we think gas is too high. Consider these facts
    The price of oil is up over tenfold in the last 10 years. But the price of gas is only up from $1 a gallon to $4. Oil is 75% the total cost of gas. 10% is refining, 5% distrabution and 10% (give or take) in TAXES. So gas very well could go up more becuase of oil.

    Everything else mentioned is also dependant on oil.

    . Nothing better than eating things you grew with your own hands, not to metion not full of chemicals, pestisides (well, depending on what you use) and preservatives! Healthier!

    Canning and freezing are simple, too. Just takes time away from the computer lol.

    I think the Amish and Mennonites have had it right all along.
  5. Dr_jitsu

    Dr_jitsu Big Dog

    My approach is going to be not not spend money. I know I dropped big $ on my dogs/cars/etc, but it is the little stuff that kills you. I am very careful w/ my food expensitures, always buy nice clothes, but they have to be at least 40% off, shop at Walmart as much as possible, don't buy water, expensive lattes or anything like that. I limit my driving, no more pleasure driving, I go to the gym, store, etc all in one trip.

    I always make sure I save money every month and invest wisely. The hardest part is keeping the Queen (otherwise known as my wife) on a budget. Christ my son is on the silver spoon. I grew up in a trailer park and had to work/hustle for every nickel but she knowns no limits when it comes to spending on the toddler.

    I still train in firearms/tacticle strategies etc regularly, lol. I dream of the day I get a break in, he he. I don't expect any type of revolution, but with the hurricanes we get around here I am not being paranoid.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2008
  6. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    100 head of cattle here, and 3 flavors of fowl ta boot
  7. ewwies

    ewwies Pup

    i dont have property anymore... so nothing more than cement and a pool in my backyard :(

    but if i did........... i cant raise a pig and then eat it :(

  8. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    I absolutely agree. I am expecting somewhat of a revolution too. I don't see things getting better at all. I am expecting them to get dramatically worse. Call me negative.

    Most people won't know what to do if it comes to the point where they may have to provide their own food rather than getting it from Wal-Mart. It is going to be a mess.

    I have been collecting quite a bit of information regarding gardening and raising livestock. I am trying to get firearms but the government is throwing obstacles in the way.

    I absolutely agree! Stock up and don't be surprised or unprepared!

    CNN actually did a program called "Out of Gas: You Were Warned". Check it out. I don't know how much propaganda and nonsense was actually put into the program but it definitely was interesting. Regardless of whether or not we run out of gas as the program said, I still see a lot of trouble ahead.
  9. rallyracer

    rallyracer CH Dog

    just got back from the store, milk was $6.14USD a gallon...might have to get a few milking cows at this rate:rolleyes:
  10. Pipbull

    Pipbull Top Dog

    Does anyone have suggestions for those of us without the land for livestock?
  11. tommy3

    tommy3 CH Dog

    Be ready to start hunting your own food or become a vegetarian! I guess...

    By the way, chickens don't need much land.
  12. texas_dogger

    texas_dogger Big Dog

    very true tommy3. If anyone has questions about hunting or raising animal feel free to put it up on this thread. A REVOLUTION IS COMING
  13. Pipbull

    Pipbull Top Dog

    As far as guns go, what do you think would be the most versatile? I was talking to a buddy of mine in the Army, so of course his recommendation is the .22 caliber M4. A shotgun too, but I've got an old double-barrelled.
  14. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    Being as self sufficient as you can is very wise. We started a garden this year. I've had chickens before but they "aren't allowed" in the township I live in now.
  15. Dr_jitsu

    Dr_jitsu Big Dog

    Like I said before, I don't think we are going to have a big revolution or any type of civil war, however the threat of a natural disaster is very real and that is what one, IMO should plan for. And in a natural disaster you can be sure that there will be predators and food/water shortages, so I prepare for that type of thing.

    A shotgun and assault rifle are excellent in such a condition but I am only really into handguns. My fave is a Glock 23....a 40 cal but its stopping power is as good as a 44. I have heard survivalists argue that you need a good long range rifle to pick people off, but my attitude is I would only shoot someone if they came into my house and threatened my family. Also, in case of a disaster they might actually be coming to help, so I think one needs to be sensible and not just start shooting everything that moves.

    My family has a designated part of the house to go in case of emergency and I keep my dogs in the house and, I know this idea is not popular here, but I like my dogs to be PP trained. So family and the dogs in designated area w/ lots of canned food and water (I have a 50 gallon container) and a hurricane package are what I have.

    A generator would also be a good idea although I have not forked out for one.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2008

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