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Human agression question

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by AncientKulcha, May 2, 2008.

  1. AncientKulcha

    AncientKulcha Big Dog

    What's the deal with this? I know an older gentleman (75) that had 4 bulldogs use to have a lot more but when he got older he reduced his yard to the best in it and kept them. He was very proud of them and was willing to show them and talk about them to anyone he knew and/or trusted. I knew him to put a few dogs down that he bought or adopted for biting people and that makes perfect sense no people biters. But his pride and joy was a dog that he named chico. Chico was 8 yrs. he was a good working dog and pretty good stud. One day this mans grandson stepped on chicos b***s and chico got up started to walk away turned his head showed his teeth and growled then walked outside. He never bit the boy or anyone that i knew and to date that's the only situation i'd ever heard of. The old man went outside got the dog and put him down. He was upset he loved the dog but his explanation was can't let any pepole agression live????? Is that extreme or what. I been around dogs for a while but i am a young newbie. Can some of the seasoned guys explain for me please? to me that wasn't nessacary
  2. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    I dunno. Some pl might disagree, but to me I don't see the dog did anything wrong. Heck, the dog got his nuts stepped on! If all he got was a grumble out of the dog while the dog was walking out of the room, I think he did dang good!

    RIVES PITS Top Dog

    That sounds kinda crazy but I think it was overboard for sure.:eek:

    SPFDOGS Guest

    That sounds insane..

    Some dogs,like people grow less tolerant of certain things (like getting his junk stepped on!)as they get older..To give a "warning" while walking away is not showing human aggressivness(in this situation) in my books..
  5. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    If the guy had a dozen dogs on hand who were good working dogs, good studs, and didn't growl when getting their nuts stepped on, then I could see why he would choose to cull that one dog. But in the real world, I think we need to allow the breed at least some normal canine behavior. If the dog had immediately spun around and nailed the kid in the face, I would be saying otherwise, because I take a hard-line approach to human aggression. But to me, in that particular scenario, the posturing afterward is no different than saying "watch where you're going next time, you little turd." Dog didn't need to die because of it.
  6. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    IMO he did the right thing... It is ALWAYS Better to be safe than sorry... MY Family's safety means more to me than any bulldog ever will... IF he had let the dog live and then something did happen later.. Not only could He could never say... "Well he never acted like that before...." It would more than likely eat him alive to think back "well i could of stopped it when it first showed head...." IMO I don't care how good of a dog one can be.. if that line is even thought about being crossed then Action should be the response in order to keep my family safe.... THAT is the single most important thing on this earth to ME... Now I'm far from a seasoned dogman.... It's just common sense to me....
  7. masta of game

    masta of game Banned

    u said:

    "and chico got up started to walk away turned his head showed his teeth and growled then walked outside"

    did u mean he got up showed his teeth and growled THEN he started to walk away outside..

    wtf, how did he expect the dog to act.. thats a sensitive area, like the ears

    why did the dog turn to the kid and growl at him when he already left him " the kid" the first time he walked away.. u know what im saying

    something happened in between..

    the story sounds funny...

    was the old man there when the incident happen or did the kid tell him what happened " his version of the story"..
  8. Suki

    Suki Guest

    i would personally consider that decision to be extreme, yes...
  9. AncientKulcha

    AncientKulcha Big Dog

    I left some details out but the way i understood it chico got up with his back to the kid turned his head showed teeth growled then walked away. He his wife the grandson the grand daughter were all in the living room the kids were playing......the way he made it seem to me was he growled and was (talking under his breath) as he left...I don't know 100% i'm gonna have to go back and see if i missed something. He was upset talking about it and i didn't want to do an inquisition right then but i will ask him. Call me crazy but I trust seasoned men and women's wisdom.....but this :confused:
  10. HugoBoss

    HugoBoss Pup

    Extreme in my humble opinion.
  11. Claddagh_Reds

    Claddagh_Reds Big Dog

    very extreme. A true man biter is just that, a dog that bites without provoction at any given time regardless of who or what.

    Most dogs bite out of fear or because they feel they are threatened and do not have an escape. this dog showed he still had a clear "mind" and simply got up and walked away, not feeling threatend or in danger.

    While we cannot blame one for being cautious, a more proper response would have been to take the dog to the vet for a health check up IF this behavoir had never occured before, as changes in behaviour often signify changes in health. As stated, sometimes older dogs tolerate less for various reasons. But again, maybe parts of the story or the dogs history have been left out and it might not be the first time the dog has displayed this behavior? Who knows, only the owner.
  12. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    If a dog showed teeth to my Grandson, he would be dead where he stood. I dont give a f*** if he was an ace that I had seen out 15 times. Child+dog showing teeth=cull. Nuff said. FACT not jmho, jmo imo or any of that shit. DEAD DOG! Showing teeth is the 1st sign of you know what. Stop beating around the bush. My daughter could swing from my gyps ninnies and she would never EVER bat an eyelash. She knows better. People underestimate the power of "come to Jesus" meetings with these dogs. Bash all you want. That dogs electric bill would come up late. Lights out.
  13. Claddagh_Reds

    Claddagh_Reds Big Dog

    No, it is your opinion to put this dog down. I personally am not sugar coating anything here, I am speaking from research and understanding of CANINE BEHAVIOUR!! Not all dogs tolerate kids swinging from body parts and if you think all dogs should, well, I applaud your culling requirements. Seriously, I am not bashing you. I personally only trust any animal to always be an animal and react accordingly. IMHO kids and dogs shouldn't be left alone no matter how trustworthy the dog is and children should be taught to respect the dogs and treat them accordingly.

    just because this dog showed "teeth" doesn't mean it will become a biter. Dogs sometimes forget their place in the human pack and just like kids, need reminders. We don';t have the full story of how this dog is kept, changes in it's enviroment, health, etc. Dogs sometimes need reminders, and maybe this dog was being extra "spoiled" and forgetting it's place in the pack.

    Think of it this way. IF the owner felt the need to put it down so be it. I am not arguing one's opinion. BUT now we have a delemia. This dog was bred? So based on your opinion of simply putting the dog down because you feel it will only move to biting, there is now litters of pups or dogs that could all carry these "man biting" genes. No one wants that! But based on the gentleman's decision to put the dog down for showing teeth almost indicates that he would have never kept the dog around in the first place if it had shown these signs before. Therefore, in this case, I still think he should have ruled out health problems or changes in enviroment first before putting the dog down. Any seasoned dog person should have the ability and resourses to seperate and keep a dog confined. And wouldn't you as a breeder or kennel owner want to know IF there were any potential genetic health problems your dogs could be passing on down the line?
    Last edited by a moderator: May 3, 2008
  14. bahamutt99

    bahamutt99 CH Dog

    Just a thought. A dog shows teeth or growls as a warning so it wont have to bite. Not that I think it is appropriate behavior for a dog to display towards a human, but it is just that: a display. I don't condone manbiters, but at the same time, I can't imagine what kind of pain he was in after having his balls stepped on. He could've bitten the kid, but he restrained himself. I think we need to give him some credit for that.
  15. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    I wasn't there, so, I can't judge the man's decision. Maybe if I was there, I would have felt the same, maybe I wouldn't. It's hard to say for sure, you know?...But since you say that he is a pretty respectable Dogman, then chances are it was the right decision.
  16. Big Game

    Big Game CH Dog

    My opinion is it is none of our got damn bussness.Its his dog to do with as he sees fit. None of us have the right to judge him. He is not even here to fully explain his reasoning behind putting the dog down. I understand both arguments both for and agenst putting the dog down.I Just dont think it fair to sit around and speculate. I know I would rather get a dog from a breeder who leans twards the side of caution, Nomadder how extreme some may think these culling practices may be.
  17. chinasmom

    chinasmom CH Dog

    I'm afraid I have to agree with you on this one. Only he knows his dogs and how he should take care of them. Not a simple case of abuse.
  18. frenchie1936

    frenchie1936 Guest

    well, the dog's a better creature than me cause if you step on my balls i'm going to break yer damn face.
  19. Bullyson

    Bullyson CH Dog

    I agree. Getting the boys stepped on does suck. Its happened to me before but thats a TOTALLY different story. LOL! Anyhow, having a small child myself, its hard for me to be open minded about this case. She's my one and only daughter and I would definitly smash anything that growled or showed teeth to her. I agree with BigGame though. One shouldnt speculate but this was posted in a public forum and I just said what I would do. I didnt pass judgement on anyone for their practices. YIS, D.
  20. Claddagh_Reds

    Claddagh_Reds Big Dog

    First, our OPINIONS on the matter was asked. That being said, I certainly am not loosing sleep over the matter and I do not see ANYONE passing judgement on this person. All I see is a few intelligent discussions on the matter on what someone else may or may not do in a simialr situation.

    Why is it a few do not read posts very carefully? I think in many posts it was stated there was not enough known about the situation and it was his ulitmate choice to do what he saw fit. Come on folks, this is a bulldog forum right? If you keep with the it ain't my business attitude then you might as well get rid of all your dogs right now since with that train of thought it shouldn't matter what anyone does with these dogs regardless of responsiblity or not (ie bad breeding practices, poor ownership..) and those situations would cause many of us to lose our dogs!

    Again, I certainly did not see any judgement being passed, simply some honest, intelligent answers to the question asked. So then if its none of our business, the next time someone comes on asking what to breed this to to peddle some pups to we shouldn't care?

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