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What can you tell me about Kurupt line

Discussion in 'APBT Bloodlines' started by FranciscoA, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. Miss Conduct

    Miss Conduct CH Dog

    Agreed, just looked at their site, those dogs are bred for size and they threw in some GD names that are probably 10-15 generations back in their peds.... gamebred dogs my a$$. Like you stated, none of my males weights come even close to their females weights... granted their dogs are all overweight as well, but still...
  2. jr Pit Guy

    jr Pit Guy Big Dog

    I would have to agree, those ain't gamedogs. I believe they posted all of the info as a buffer for their kennel, which looks below par. On the produced page, I see 3 different females, with 3 different litters, in the same kiddy pool layered with carpet. That leads me to believe this is their whelping box:eek: . Sorry, but the info they have isn't theirs, but something they found elsewhere on the net.
  3. simms

    simms CH Dog

    Your best bet is to go to the pound and save a life. There are plenty of these types in the pound or shelter. That wont cost you the bank....these dogs are a dime a dozen nothin special about these types.
  4. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    well I think I'm gonna go out and buy a 100 lbs bag of sh$t for about 2000...why I don't know,..I think I like the color of the bag......
  5. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    That is b/c UKC has no reason for a cover-up, while ADBA does.

    The ADBA did not listen b/c they were IN on the Whopper mess from the beginning. If they pulled the papers on the Whopper dogs, their involvement in registering that bandogge would be exposed & they certainly don't want that. So it wouldn't matter if a million ppl wanted the papers pulled on the Whopper dogs, it won't happen b/c doing so will expose the ADBA's involvement.

    But that is not the case in UKC. The UKC didn't purposely & knowingly register mixed breeds as pure (as ADBA had), so it will not put the UKC in a bad light to pull the papers on the mixed bred RE dogs.
  6. misterdogman

    misterdogman CH Dog

    I think that is the best advice yet. Very good point, if your obviously looking more at the non game dogs over game ones then you must not really care too much about the purpose/ performance but more along the pet/ companion line. So why not go adopt a bully /blue dog or whatever you like that a local shelter has on hand. Then it will come fixed already and youll be doing the community a favor by saving a life and making one lucky mutt an happy dog with a good home instead of it being euthed or having it end up in the wrong hands and getting abused. That is a good idea and I think it is honestly your best choice and definitely the cheapest way, save the $ for the dog toys and a stockpile of food and adopt.... dont waste thousands with those peddlers save your $.
  7. coolhandjean

    coolhandjean CH Dog

    Some Available Pets in your area..Just click on picture for more info.
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]
    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Those are just a few available. If you want to see more, go to Petfinder.com and put in your zip code. Good luck. Let us know what you do.
  8. ABK

    ABK Rest In Peace

    Or try http://www.pbrc.net/ They have tons of APBT, ASTs & ABs who need homes. And don't let breeders fool you. Even those blue AmBullies are in there.
  9. Sid Finster

    Sid Finster Big Dog

    The lady is correct. While Stevie Wonder could tell that RE dogs are mixed, this such dogs are also highly popular with the masses. Not only that, but apparently one's penis gets longer if one "ownz" a "purebreed 120 pounder pibble wif da full paperz and sh!t."*

    The registries make a lot of money in registering these dogs, so they will continue to do so for as long as the checks clear.

    *Medical science has documented this. I got an email from "Frico Chowder" the other day saying so.
  10. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    Pit: armpit? hole in the ground? seed found in center of some fruits?

    And Camelot dogs have had quite a bit of outcrossing themselves. Maybe you ought to educate yourself before passing along your own ignorance. :)

    JRSPITS Top Dog


    All right, here is my Whopper bred bully. My daughter picked him out and he is her pet. I honestly didn't know anything about him being mixed until I came to this board. That doesn't change the fact that he is a great a dog with a ton of drive. He can't jump but he plays fetch better than any other dog I have ever owned. I prefer game dogs and will never get another bully, but I would never part with him.
  12. miakoda

    miakoda GRCH Dog

    The difference is you have learned from your mistake. As long as that dog never enters the canine gene pool and you love him and treat him right, then you've done well.

    It's those that know the truth yet continue to claim otherwise and continue to make their mortgage payments and fancy car payments by breeding mutts and peddling them to anyone with cash (or Visa or Mastercard) that irk us. :)
  13. renegadepit

    renegadepit Big Dog

    lol. That statement was pretty funny.
  14. ColbyDogs

    ColbyDogs Top Dog

    I wouldn't expect anything less. There is nothing wrong with owning a dog of a different breed, your right , its not the dogs fault it is what it is bloodline wise. Even though you now know the truth you still love the dog and thats what it is all about. you signed up for the journey and your doing right by the dog by continueing to love him all the same.

    If people like the Bully style thats fine, as long as they know the difference between the Bully and the APBT and do not try and pass them off as being purebred APBT I personally do not have a problem with that. My gripe with these dogs is more health related and the grossly over charging for them that is seen all over the country. I am not a fan of fad breeding of any kind but I would never blame the dog for being born just the breeder. The people doing these breedings need to be taken out back and flogged repeatedly til they understand what they are doing is wrong.
  15. Kurup is a real nice dog bro. I have seen many real nice offspring off of him. Yes he is an American Bully. And no he is not cross bred wiht bulldogs like all you claim about the american bullies. This has come about with time and dedication with linebreeding. And you know what all pitbulls came about from someking of crossbreed so the APBT is not so innocent, their are many breeds made that way, So i guess no dog is pure. The american bullies where made from APBT's and some staffies in the back ground read your peds. If you would like to get your hands on a american bully bro the one lookind for Kurupt blood hit me up I will point you in the right direction.
  16. chessfighter

    chessfighter Big Dog

    Time and dedication w/linebreeding gets you a APBT, not that. I have never seen a Staffy or a game APBT look like that (even if a staffy was crossed with it).
    What can the dog do? Why is it's front legs like it is in the pic? Why do all the "peds" for these dogs look like someone generated it on there CPU?
    I think you've come to the wrong board if you're trying to sell these 2k dollar curs. We like our dogs to put in work like a true bulldog.
  17. Laced Wit Game

    Laced Wit Game Yard Boy

    this should be good! lol

  18. AGK

    AGK Super duper pooper scooper Administrator

    Stack Up Piz Kurupt

    WTF is that, I think I threw up a little bit in my mouth when I seen that dog........lmao the infamous Gatamouff
  19. Bobby Rooster

    Bobby Rooster CH Dog

    Regardless if they are cross bred or not, (it could happen buy non cross breeding) the dogs aren't bred to standards of what a American Sport Bull Terrier is..... So thus they are not such... But the ppl that choose to own the dogs shouldn't be bashed, its their right to own wtf ever they want.... But they are not REAL American Sport Bull Terriers. "Purity" has nothing to do with anything, Standards by which we go by matters... There is ONLY ONE breed that has the tools to kill and that is willing to let it's self die trying to kill something that is trying to kill it... That is what the ApBT is about... Not how "nice" a pedigree o the dogs them selfs LOOK, but how they perform... If a coon hound that does not and can not hunt, is bred and his offspring can not hunt and they have offspring and those offspring can not hunt and you obtain that "pure bred" non coon hunting "coon hound" what you have is NOT a Coon hound.... Its just a shell of a dog that looks like he could hunt but can't, so therefore he IS NOT what he looks like.... Regardless of what his pedigree says he is....
  20. Sparkplug

    Sparkplug Pup

    I was reading this post and I remember Pinetime Kennels had a dog named Kurupt, maybe you should check him out.

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