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He Bit!! And I never thought he would

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by malachi, Jul 6, 2007.

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  1. JuckingFerk

    JuckingFerk Big Dog

    I seen that and I repect that. I dont care much for the insults you like to hurl around, but this aint my board to moderate. Also, I never questioned your status as a dogman. I dont know you and would not do that. I wish everyone thought that way.

    Ferk out
  2. Roadman Jr.

    Roadman Jr. Guest

    from mr.greenie,the person still needs help with what ever decision they make, and you guys, going at it like that is only confused them more.the funny thing was that everybody was right,.that is, in their own situation,and after all that, I still didn't see were they said I understand what you were saying I know what I should do now,.for people who don't know, isn't that what everyone's striving for,.for them to understand how to deal with their dogs in whatever way it is.HELP THEM, not try and prove your points, but i can undrestand were that comes from too.Oh yeah I'm green but does it have truth in it.Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2007
  3. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    I've seen Rockstar posting on here for a while now.I was making my comment more in sarcasm than anything.I believe he understood and didn't take it offensively.When I first wrote it, it read "is rockstar Tom Garner" because I've heard he will breed a man biter or just about anything he has to make more puppies to sell.But after thinking for a second I didn't post it because I don't know Mr.Garner and all I've heard is just hear say from other older dogmen.Although most people I've talked to know him as a puppy peddler who hits a lucky nic in breeding once in a while.I figure I would make a bunch of people mad with that comment.So I didn't say it.I figured Rockstar would find it more as a joke and I haven't seen him all pissy about it yet so i guess he kinda understood too.

    Rockstar likes this.
  4. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    Ferk, if someone wants to cull a dog they own for whatever reason, that's their business. My disdain isn't for those who choose to cull what they consider to be a manbiter. My issue lies with the proclamations to everyone else that it's the right thing to do in virtually every individual instance regarding canine teeth on human skin. Manbiters within this breed are so rare that I find it impossible to believe that every single bulldog fancier that screams "Kill!" has the qualifying experience to offer such an absolutist imposition. Logic dictates that some here have never been faced with having to decide the fate of a family pet -or otherwise- based on an incident involving someone being bitten. Those who have, to you I say, "fine," but it's unlikely that your circumstances are going to be the same as the next guy's.
    I think the members of Game-dog are too wise to judge any given situation based on information printed in a typical newspaper. Am I wrong? Why then is it so easy to judge a dog based on what is typed on an internet forum by a typical clueless dog owner?

    I've culled more dogs than I've ever kept around. It's really impossible to do otherwise if you're looking for success with your breeding program, and at this point I'm thoroughly enjoying the fruits of my labor with the dogs I'm currently working with. Each and every time I've had to make a cull, it was with utmost respect, and -I'm not too proud to admit- heartbreak. When it has to be done, I do it and don't think about it afterward because if I did, it would probably make me crazy. I've culled for various reasons but I've never had to cull a genuine manbiter. In fact, I've only encountered one such bulldog in all my life, that is, one that would attack without any apparent cause whatsoever. That dog's owner happened to have a serious "attack dog" fetish. I've been bitten numerous times though. Some of you know that I had to undergo plastic surgery on my face a few years ago, thanks to my own lack of caution when breaking up a fight between two fiery catchweight males. I've had both my hands pretty seriously damaged at different times; had my wrist severed about a quarter of the way through when dealing with a protective mother as she charged another female. Something I learned a long time ago: dogs will be dogs. Most will bite under certain circumstances, regardless of breed. Sometimes it's much easier just to assume that a dog has a mental disorder, and put a bullet in its head and be done with it than analyze the situation and try to understand why something happened the way it did. Almost always, we are the ones to blame on such occasions. I have a lifetime of experience with the APBT, and what this experience has shown me is that when one does bite, seldom is it the result of actual bonafide human aggression. The first mistake people make is when they forget that these dogs are animals and not furry little four-legged humans. They can't reason the way we do. Their entire sense of right and wrong is totally dependent on what we teach them. It's natural for any dog to be protective. What may seem completely normal for us might seem like a bad situation for them. They don't watch TV; never went to school; their world is a lot smaller than ours. It's up to the owner to instill in his/her dog confidence and a sense of security.

    If your dog bites you or someone else, it's probably not because it's scrambled in the head. It's much more likely due to the fact that you didn't fulfill your responsibilities as a dog owner. Chew on that a bit while you're pumping .22 caliber peas into your dog's skull.

    And once again, my apologies for letting my frustration get the better of me before.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2007
    2 people like this.
  5. clutch billups

    clutch billups Big Dog

    from my pov i think you hit it on the head when you said "typical clueless dog owner" why risk it if you let your dog get to that point well that in itself says your not qualified to be trying to train a possibly dangerous dog... could they do it probobly not but maybe....will they do it highly unlikely... so id say at least thats why I told her that culling the dog was the thing to do in this instance... am i a pro hahhaahha no way .... would i ever let my dog get to that point hahahaha no way do i have any room to be giving advice to someone i dont know to KILL there dog that im sure they love.... maybe not but i care enough for the breed that im willing to try an make them understand that they need to go get a bird or a fish or something..... i dont think its worth the risk involved to tell her that i think its ok that shes gunna try and "be more strict" and "stop humanizing the dog" cause i think we all know that in a month or so this little incident is gunna be long forgotten and that dog will MORE THAN LIKELY bite again .. as i stated in an earlyer post...

    i just hope its not a kid or someone thats gunna whine about it.... cause we will all see it on cnn if her dog rips someones face off....
    Rockstar likes this.
  6. ghost 1

    ghost 1 CH Dog

    yes but clutch it's her dog and her reponsbility and if she don't put it down at least keep it from being a threat,,,
    and as with rockstar we have very simular views on a biting dog,, most dogs that bite isn't from human aggression,,it's other reasons,, and most i'v seen,,, the only dog i'v seen just attack for unknown reasons was a LAB,, years ago i had a friend that had one and he told me she bit his best friend and laughed and said i couldn't touch the dog,,,after 30 minutes,,, the dog was laying on me.,,licking,,, but thats the difference between pet owner and dogman,,,lol,,he said i punked his dog,,, i didn't i just let them know i wasn't taken there sh!t,,i too have been bit but it was my fault totally,,,but if i wouldn't have gotten between them i'd lost one or both my two best,,,and the time invested,,,so i did what i had to,,

    alot of the time a dog can tell if your in fear and if they can get over on you,,
  7. pennsooner

    pennsooner CH Dog

    I had a little Terrier bitch before I got Stockey and I made every mistake regarding spoiling and letting her think she was like a human. But she would never have done anything like this dog did. Why? Her temperament was basically stable and people friendly.

    I know a lot better now about not spoiling dogs. You can be very kind to a pet dog while doing a lot of little things to remind them that you are the human and they are the dog.

    If you don't put the dog down then 1. Boot his ass from the bed, 2. Make him jump through hoops for ANY good thing in life. Pets, rides in the car, games of fetch, food ect. Make that dog do a lot of sitting, waiting and obeying. And make sure and get the dog enough exercise. Having too much energy just makes whatever temperament flaws are there worse.

    In your case if you won't put the dog to sleep (and yes, I would PROBABLY euth the dog) then your relationship MUST become much more formal with the correct relationship (human above, dog below) being reinforced at every turn. No getting on furniture, no sleeping on the bed. Sit to get fed. Lay to get any treats. Don't free feed and don't even pet the dog without making the dog do something for you, like sit, stay or lay. Don't praise the dog or call him "good dog" for no reason, make him earn it. And reinforce that with EVERY human he deals with. And WATCH that dog around kids, he bites a kid and they'll be trying to ban the breed where you live and the dog will for sure be euthed then.

    Please don't become another headline.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2007
  8. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    Oh Halleluiah and praise the Lord - can it be said any simpler that that??????
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 10, 2007
  9. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    well dang it,what i seen with my eyes was i thought you posted that smart remark about is he a dogman.so my apoligies to you.the post should have been directed at zack not you.sorry bout that.looks like i need me some new glasses.sorry bout that friend.
  10. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    You are given one free mistake on this site.So we'll have to charge you for the next one...lol ;) .

  11. I think my bitch knows better,,,, disciple is key... Be stronger and check that pup....
  12. zacdaddy77

    zacdaddy77 Big Dog

    IMO, they shouldn't have to be trained not to bite, it should be in there genetics.

  13. mydawgs

    mydawgs CH Dog

    This is a troublesome opinion - think about what you just said. Because the said ANIMAL is a pit bull, it's genetics should preclude it from a behaving like an animal and a CANINE.

    Even HUMAN animals will bite.....folks we are talking about a dog, and by it's being a pit bull, it does not make it this magical, super canine creature that is immune to the behavior of its speices and breed.

    This dog needs training and to be in the hands of a responsible person capable of being the dogs leader - if these two things cannot happen then the most humain thing to do is put it to sleep - for the sake of the breed and the safety of the humans this dog may encounter. But let us all acknowledge the dog had to die because of human error - not because it should never bite as it is a pit bull!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All novices understand that just because you procure a pit bull - well bred or not, you are not magically immune to the liability of a dog bite. YOU ARE NOT! The only thing that will make you 100% immune to the liability of your dog biting, is not to have one.
    Rockstar and (deleted member) like this.
  14. Phebes

    Phebes Guest

    Amen to that!!!!
  15. Old Timer

    Old Timer CH Dog

    lol,fair enough<LABEL for=rb_iconid_10>[​IMG]</LABEL>
  16. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    wow, after reading all this i start thinking too much...i spoil max like crazy, give him alot of attention, allow him to sleep with us (my husband & I), basically treat him like a son or a family member...i hope thats not a recepie for disaster.
  17. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Thank you so much for sharing this..I am sorry that this happened to you and once again I do truely appreciate your advice.

  18. BoiBoi

    BoiBoi CH Dog

    um yea i would stop that immediately. U don't want to run into a situation later on when he matures and he thinks he is the boss. I would stop treating him like a human and start treating him like what he is, a dog
  19. malachi

    malachi Big Dog

    Great Post!!! AMEN!!!
  20. MAXIM

    MAXIM Big Dog

    well he def is not the boss, he never disobeys us like he did when he was really young....one look and he's put in his place if he even thinks of doing something funny, he hasnt done anything to make us upset at all or make us yell or punish him, he's like the perfect dog...and when we tell him to do something he does it w/ out any hesitation. i def look at him as my child not an animal. cant help it
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