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Guard dogs

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Jenn, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    After reading Marty's post about the animal control officer... I would like to know who all believes that the pit is a good guard dog? What are your feelings about using the pit bull as a protector? UNTRAINED - just by natural instinct...
  2. CRG

    CRG Top Dog

    no, i do not think pitbulls make good guard dogs off of natural insinct.they are too friendly and they were not bred to be people mean dogs.
  3. pit stop

    pit stop Pup

    I believe a pit bull will instinctively protect its master or other member of its pack if a threat is percieved.

    I do not think most will protect "property" against humans unless trained to do so.

    Pit Stop
  4. KnOck

    KnOck Big Dog

    I agree with CRG. A pitbull is not a wise choice as a guard dog.

  5. tzo45

    tzo45 Pup

    pitbulls can master just about anything they do, but they dont make great gaurd dogs. they were not bred for that at all. people need to understand that pitbulls were bred to be handled in the pit, so breeders didnt like the show of human aggression and would cull that trait. this is whats getting these dogs in trouble,people are tring to take them and make them mean towards people by abuse,wrong breeding and just plain stupidity. my dogs would probably protect me if i was attacked,but they make horrible gaurd dogs. so for people looking for gaurd dogs, you should look into dogs that were bred for that purpose.but if you want a lovable,people lovin ,high strung,great with kids type dog, then get ya a pit.
  6. Jenn

    Jenn Top Dog

    I AGREE with all of you! I think too many people BELIEVE that a pit bull is a "guard dog" --> just wanted to get other's opinions.
  7. BDK

    BDK oo7

    Ditto here
  8. GrChPitBitch

    GrChPitBitch Big Dog

    IMO, Pit Bulls make good "watch dogs", but I wouldnt call them a good "guard dog"...
  9. BDK

    BDK oo7

    pitbulls are not made to be guard dogs they just dont have it in them they love ppl way to much
  10. Xena

    Xena Pup

    I'm new to this but I gotta agree. Our new pups dad was one of the biggest babies I've ever seen. Only thing I would worry a pit bull doing is licking you to death.
  11. carson3535

    carson3535 Big Dog

    It all depends on how much they are around other people, I've had one pit who wouldn't get along with anybody. Would rather bite then lick, but never had him around people until he was a year old but that was my first pit and I've learned threw the years on how to raise pitbulls right and still learning thanks to this site.
  12. carson3535

    carson3535 Big Dog

    but I agree Pitbulls are not born to be guard dogs agaist humans only to love humans
  13. bprice

    bprice Pup

    I know this is a year late but I beg to differ. My dog is only 5 mos. and I have already seen him in action if strangers come anywhere near my yard. He changes from a nice little pup to a deep growling dog and he proceeds to go after the person. Of course I have training him extensively so he will always stop in his tracks when I call him. I love him.
  14. Judy

    Judy CH Dog

    My dog likes people so I would not say that he is a good guard dog however he is a great alert dog...he once woke me up in the middle of the night barking when he heard noises - the neighbors house was getting broken into.
  15. El Mexicano

    El Mexicano CH Dog

    my dogs will turn onthe car for ur ass,as long ass u pet them and take tem wit u.lol.good watch dogs but no guard dogs they will bark but not bite
  16. dogmanduke82

    dogmanduke82 Big Dog

    Funny story... My freind has a junk yard and has five pitbulls on chains which he got to be guard dogs right.. well he kept on missing little stuff here and there you know tools. um car parts just average junkyard stuff and he fired three workers because he knew that nobody was stealing because he had big bad pit bulls right. Well couple months went buy and i went up there again to check on his dogs. He said "damn you and your pits" I said uh. These damn dogs are the sorriest watch dogs i have ever seen these damn things would let a rouge pack out anything worst dogs i have ever seen you cant make them bark at ppl. He said that he seen his neighbor last night walk up and pet two of the dogs and took what he wanted an left he said i didnt even get mad i was so tickled... well it was a funny story when i heard it.. guess you wouldve had to been there ... sorry if i bored you guys
  17. dogmanduke82

    dogmanduke82 Big Dog

    Another true story my cousins and my best freinds dad stole a black pitbull outa
    Ohio they said it about ate them up before they got it in the car by the time they got it home it was sittn in the front sit with them licking them in the face I think its name was panther funny story..a year or so later my cousins house burnt, wrecked a brand knew corvette, and the dog died.. all in the same day..
  18. Verderben

    Verderben CH Dog

    why did they steal someones dog... and no i dont think pits make good guard dogs. Mine would help someone rob the place. now our mutt dog on the other hand is a different story she bites before she thinks. she is an idiot
  19. Rockstar

    Rockstar CH Dog

    I would say that the APBT in general makes for a very poor guard dog. I've had too many stolen to think otherwise. Most I've had were just as friendly to strangers as they were to people they know. However, as with any breed, there are those with stronger protective instincts than others. A shutzhund-trained APBT can be a fantastic guard/protection dog, but the personal and monetary investment in this type of training is very extensive...and expensive. And unless you plan on competing with your dog in the actual sport, then it isn't all that rewarding.
  20. 14rock

    14rock GRCH Dog

    Why in the hell would you admit your best cousin and best friends dad stole a dog. "If you hang out with the trash you get thrown out with the garbage!"......

    On another note, this is hilarious watching threads that are over a year old popping up every hour...lol. To answer this newly resurected one, no APBT's make lousy guard dogs and they should not be used or bred for such.

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