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Tosa Inu

Discussion in 'Dog Discussion' started by Bull and Terrier, Dec 13, 2009.

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  1. Herodog1

    Herodog1 Top Dog

    They are either dead game or not, there's no inbtween.
    Can you post a pic of this dog
  2. ABD456

    ABD456 Big Dog

    Styles different,
    Rules different
    Aims of match different

    The type of dog is different and the two are not a match. In pit rules the Tosa would lose most of the time. In the Japanese rules Pitbulls would lose most of the time.

    Once again differences make all the difference!
  3. tosa's are nothing but fat stupid curs this thread should be gone.
  4. extra dead game = dies crossing does a Lazarus takes hold and dies again lol !
  5. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    This thread is crazy..I'll try and say everything that I'd seen from them while me and my unit where in Thailand, Singapore, phillapines, and Japan....when we first arrived in Okinawa Japan was in late winter and my unit ( about 300 Marines or so) heard about matches between dogs, bulls, oxs, and rooster that were still very active in Japan in spring and are a big part of there culture and especially a lot on the islands we would be hopping...we were all very excited to get drunk and watch animals duke it out (horrible Marines :rolleyes:)...there technically banned...but honestly no one cares if you go see them.. so on this Friday in early spring me and 4 others part of my team go out and watch a couple matches.... this is what I OBSERVED WITH MY EYES... We saw matches in 3 weights but actually a lot that day... there set up really well with ring side vets and big mma like cages it was like going to see a mma fight....well they bring the dogs out and its a spectacle like boxing they hype the whole way down with bright colored ornaments and big fancy collars and such.... I guess they were already weighed/washed because it was not in view of the crowd meh or may by we didn't see the weigh-ins but I doubt it because we were there about 10 min early in the stands....but anyways the dogs got in what ever... it was a grapple from the start the 2 light weights were first and they were fiery especially in there first few minutes of combat but tapered into a plateau I'd say around 10 min not gassed but they weren't slamming like they were out of the gate....it gradually got more boring as we were there (dog fight boring? Yes...it was...) they just weren't what we expected I suppose...its very ritualized and these people generally seemed to care for there dogs but in that the match lost fire IMO and the opinion of the 4 others....now I've never seen a dog fight in person in the states because that is illegal :sly:....but from what iv seen on YouTube lol these dogs don't compare in the gameness department screw weight, screw fighting style.... screw all that crap in discussion of fighting breed gameness is all that should matter....they are NOT game bred at least not in the terms of what an old salty dog man from states would describe...because they give up...period...done the end...these dogs give up and not just give up but fairly easily....there strong powerful beautiful dogs and rather they could beat a APBT is not out of the question... but if Tombstone was 100 pounds there would be NO contest because when it comes down to it level playing field gameness would prevail 9/10...

    Tapd on my skyrocket
  6. damon

    damon Banned

    Judging by your post I know you don't know anything about gameness, of course there's varying degrees of gameness in dog breeds including the apbt. I've never heard of these rumours that Chico was a pit x tosa, where have you heard this? Tano may have been a decent tosa but he was not world class unlike Tito who was a gr ch. I've seen the roll with Arnold and he was a pup then but didn't run away at all
  7. ben brockton

    ben brockton CH Dog

    "extra dead game" so you'd need to kill his ass twice. give me some of that shit homey.
  8. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    ...I do not for one believe there is varying degrees of gameness either the dog will put his shit on the line or won't there are some situations where a dog is going to quit it is a dog..but there are dog men who can watch a dog lose and tell if its worth its salt and just had one of those days and not kinda game...

    Tapd on my skyrocket
  9. damon

    damon Banned

    So in your eyes a patterdale is not as game as a Yorkshire terrier?
  10. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    Bro I hope that wasn't to me because if so your question makes no since I never even compared them....find me a game yorkie.....I always thought and accurate description of gameness is the willingness and ability to fight through pain or any discomfort to attempt to complete a goal... so how can you kinda do that or sorta do that you either you do or don't... you can't kinda give something your all that's silly ....

    Tapd on my skyrocket
  11. D.Dogg

    D.Dogg Big Dog

    I'd bet cash neither of them are game. Are they spunky or fiery maybe. I bet their gas tank is measured in oz's!
  12. D.Dogg

    D.Dogg Big Dog

    Like kinda being pregnant. LMAO

    This Damon dude keeps letting his ignorance show.
  13. damon

    damon Banned

    So when tosas fight they are not fighting through pain and discomfort for 30 mins plus? Of course theres different levels of gameness in breeds?
  14. damon

    damon Banned

    Patterdales aren't game? Yeh right ha
  15. Tiger12490

    Tiger12490 Big Dog

    Lol son you have a lot to learn...I think I'm talking to a wall there is no varying degrees of gameness you got IT or ya dont and your tosa don't..leave the safety of your comp...

    Tapd on my skyrocket
  16. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    LMAO, this is freakin hilarious, there are no degrees of gameness. You are either game or you are not. Tano was actually a highly touted Tosa.....until he got his ass handed to him by Tito. Btw, he died after the fight.....tano shoulda been picked up as soon as he made a turn. btw, at the time, Tito was not a Gr. Ch.

    Answer me this, what is gameness? Define it in your own words. I await your answer so I can laugh.
  17. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    LMAO, this post right here
  18. PitNoob

    PitNoob Big Dog

    Is this your definition of gameness LOL
  19. back2basics

    back2basics Big Dog

    Garner called it double dead game,lol.
  20. damon

    damon Banned

    You boy are clueless
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